Penny Dreadful Magic


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Deck Opponent Opponent's Deck Result Competition Date MTGO Log
Ubpost syu_tei Mono Black Post3 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Ubpost apa19 Jeskai Control 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2018
Ubpost brian1234 Burn It Down 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2018
Ubpost nanaiper Jeskai Control 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Ubpost crusaders_of_memes Reanimator 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2018
Dimir Post attackpigeon Druid Combo 2–0 League Sep 2018 209058131
Dimir Post thegentgamer Selesnya Aggro 1–2 League Sep 2018 208984999
Dimir Post brian1234 Burn It Down Part v2 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Dimir Post mygazz Azorius Midrange 2–1 Gatherling Sep 2018
Dimir Post -diamonddust- Proliferate Red 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Dimir Post quake004 Proliferate Red 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Control masunob Caw-Go 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Control wappla Freejam Affinity 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Control nanaiper Temur Quiet Dynavolt 0–2 League Sep 2018 208837982
Control nanaiper Temur Quiet Dynavolt 1–2 League Sep 2018
Control jenkin5630 Sultai Elf v13 1–2 League Sep 2018
Control nanaiper Esper Control 0–2 League Sep 2018 208741587
Control nge Mono Black Aggro v1.1 0–2 League Sep 2018 208732483
Control masunob Gruul Predator 1–2 League Sep 2018 208731293
Dimir Control pseudodude Yosei Approach 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Dimir Control quake004 Temur Ascendancy 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2018
Dimir Control armymonster2 Graveyard Value Lands 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2018
Dimir Control 13enito Red Deck Wins v2 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Dimir Control -diamonddust- Heroic 2–1 Gatherling Sep 2018
Conrol brian1234 Burn It Down 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Conrol drumdevil Mardu Allies 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Conrol 3cbb Affinity 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Conrol -diamonddust- Mba 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2018
Control sheafcohomology Blue Burns Hottest 2–1 Gatherling Sep 2018
Control lukesvianna13 Bant Midrange 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Control 13enito Red Deck Wins v2 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Control drumdevil Dimir-Control 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2018
GWUB Control silasary Leyline Burn 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
GWUB Control silasary Leyline Burn 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
GWUB Control jatienza Azorius Approach 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2018
GWUB Control nanaiper Jeskai Control 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2018
GWUB Control phoreq Red Deck Wins 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Control thejacob Wave Blink 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Control cody_ We Don't Put Down Towels 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2018
Control maeyama BoladeFogo 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Control shadow438 Azorius Control 2–1 Gatherling Sep 2018
Control 3cbb Affinity 2–1 Gatherling Sep 2018
Control lukesvianna13 Red Deck Wins 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Control BYE 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2018
Control ttacocatt Red Deck Wins 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Control patalam Red Deck Wins 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2018
Control mrrphy Allies 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2018