Penny Dreadful Magic


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Archetype Tree

Archetype # Decks Record Win % 5–0s
Control 925 1488–1513 49.6 17 96 33
Esper Control 114 213–169 55.8 1 6 9
Demonic Rising 2 2–3 40.0
Mono Blue Control 10 6–18 25.0
Dimir Control 34 38–72 34.5 0 1 2
Azorius Control 333 650–485 57.3 14 62 14
Turbo Fog 58 56–66 45.9 0 2
Izzet Control 48 98–77 56.0 1 5 4
Mardu Control 2 1–6 14.3
Mill 22 14–48 22.6
Boros Control 28 37–41 47.4 0 1 2
Cloudpost Control 4 4–12 25.0 0 1
Selesnya Cloudpost Control 1 0–4 0.0
Mono White Cloudpost Control 3 4–8 33.3 0 1
Grixis Control 44 45–81 35.7 0 2
Cruel Control 26 30–52 36.6 0 1
Stax 31 46–59 43.8 0 1
Birthday Stax 2 0–2 0.0
Chandra Nalaar 1 1–3 25.0 0 1
Jeskai Control 16 23–26 46.9 1 1
Dragon Control 9 15–23 39.5 0 2
Runeflare 13 15–31 32.6 0 1
Mono White Control 54 90–97 48.1 0 3 1
Cycling Control 9 4–19 17.4
Astral Slide 4 2–10 16.7
Five Color Control 11 19–16 54.3 0 1
Last Stand Control 7 8–11 42.1 0 1
Bant Control 2 3–6 33.3
Enchantments Control 1 0–1 0.0
Seasons Past Control 26 49–50 49.5 0 1
Orzhov Control 15 16–30 34.8 0 1
Prison 23 24–46 34.3 0 3 1
Enchantress 6 3–8 27.3




Archetype Record Win %
Aggro 328–374 46.7
Heroic 9–15 37.5
Mono White Heroic 2–0 100.0
Boros Heroic 7–15 31.8
Red Deck Wins 34–89 27.6
Goblins 6–4 60.0
Tokens 4–4 50.0
Selesnya Tokens 1–0 100.0
Orzhov Tokens 1–3 25.0
Mono Green Stompy 12–8 60.0
White Weenie 31–46 40.3
Odric Keywords 1–0 100.0
Quest for the Holy Relic 3–0 100.0
Soldiers 9–28 24.3
Mono White Humans 17–16 51.5
Elves 4–1 80.0
Werewolves 1–0 100.0
Selesnya Little Kid 4–5 44.4
Selesnya Counters 1–0 100.0
Zombies 4–1 80.0
Gruul Aggro 3–4 42.9
Merfolk 4–3 57.1
Artifact Aggro 60–40 60.0
Affinity 46–34 57.5
Hardened Scales Affinity 43–32 57.3
Tempered Steel 6–0 100.0
Mono Blue Architect 7–5 58.3
Mono Blue Aggro 1–0 100.0
Illusions 1–0 100.0
Madness 4–0 100.0
Golgari Madness 1–0 100.0
Rakdos Madness 3–0 100.0
Voltron 19–10 65.5
Hexproof 2–0 100.0
Equipment Aggro 3–1 75.0
Hateful Auras 13–7 65.0
Slivers 2–2 50.0
Knights 3–3 50.0
AggroSlide 11–6 64.7
Cats 0–1 0.0
Selesnya Cats 0–1 0.0
Rakdos Aggro 3–5 37.5
Boros Aggro 3–2 60.0
Humans 50–60 45.5
Boros Humans 24–38 38.7
Orzhov Humans 24–22 52.2
Legends Aggro 17–24 41.5
Boros Legends Aggro 2–8 20.0
Selesnya Legends Aggro 2–0 100.0
Bard Class 11–15 42.3
Permanent Vacation 11–4 73.3
Pirates 16–30 34.8
Rats 10–7 58.8
Combo 273–261 51.1
Storm 15–9 62.5
Dragonstorm 1–0 100.0
Citadel Storm 8–9 47.1
Grixis Tendrils 1–0 100.0
Paradoxical Outcome Storm 5–0 100.0
Reanimator 1–0 100.0
Traditional Reanimator 1–0 100.0
Rakdos Reanimator 1–0 100.0
Necrotic Ooze Combo 6–19 24.0
Dubious Challenge 3–2 60.0
Warp World 62–90 40.8
Temur Glimpse 17–27 38.6
Boros Glimpse 43–62 41.0
Hypergenesis 5–2 71.4
Splendid Reclamation Combo 1–0 100.0
Jeskai Ascendancy 2–2 50.0
Four Color Jeskai Ascendancy 2–2 50.0
Fake-Twin 5–0 100.0
Metalwork Colossus 1–0 100.0
Eggs 1–1 50.0
Blazing Shoal Combo 4–2 66.7
Taking Turns 4–1 80.0
Izzet Ascension 1–0 100.0
Ominous Good 2–0 100.0
Breakfast 20–14 58.8
Oops All Spells 19–14 57.6
Oops All Lands 20–27 42.6
Dredge 33–40 45.2
Insidious Roots Dredge 24–33 42.1
Polymorph 5–1 83.3
Storm Herald 4–4 50.0
Enduring Ideal 2–0 100.0
Tibalt's Trickery 10–5 66.7
Intruder Alarm 3–0 100.0
Calibrated Blast 6–5 54.5
Restore Balance 16–16 50.0
Gyruda 1–0 100.0
Belcher 0–1 0.0
Possibility Storm 11–2 84.6
Midnight Mass 4–5 44.4
Control 200–200 50.0
Esper Control 19–26 42.2
Demonic Rising 1–0 100.0
Mono Blue Control 3–0 100.0
Dimir Control 4–1 80.0
Azorius Control 64–85 43.0
Turbo Fog 8–9 47.1
Izzet Control 12–12 50.0
Mardu Control 1–0 100.0
Mill 7–1 87.5
Boros Control 7–8 46.7
Cloudpost Control 4–1 80.0
Selesnya Cloudpost Control 1–0 100.0
Mono White Cloudpost Control 3–1 75.0
Grixis Control 9–6 60.0
Cruel Control 3–6 33.3
Stax 14–9 60.9
Birthday Stax 1–0 100.0
Chandra Nalaar 1–0 100.0
Jeskai Control 3–2 60.0
Dragon Control 2–1 66.7
Runeflare 4–2 66.7
Mono White Control 17–18 48.6
Cycling Control 3–0 100.0
Astral Slide 2–0 100.0
Five Color Control 1–2 33.3
Last Stand Control 0–1 0.0
Bant Control 1–0 100.0
Enchantments Control 1–0 100.0
Seasons Past Control 5–9 35.7
Orzhov Control 4–1 80.0
Prison 2–3 40.0
Enchantress 1–0 100.0
Aggro-Combo 83–120 40.9
Aristocrats 60–114 34.5
Orzhov Aristocrats 3–3 50.0
Rakdos Aristocrats 55–110 33.3
Boros Bombardment 1–0 100.0
Burn 14–5 73.7
Izzet Blitzkrieg 3–0 100.0
Dwarf Combo 4–0 100.0
Aggro-Control 72–93 43.6
Simic Flash 2–5 28.6
Izzet Tempo 12–12 50.0
Blue Madness 3–0 100.0
Mono Blue Tempo 36–39 48.0
Mono Blue Librarians 28–34 45.2
Izzet Spells 3–6 33.3
Dimir Tempo 6–3 66.7
Dimir Faeries 1–0 100.0
Dimir Librarians 2–0 100.0
Azorius Tempo 6–24 20.0
Combo-Control 55–66 45.5
Battle of Wits 11–5 68.8
Sunforger 3–5 37.5
Solar Flare 1–1 50.0
Mass Land Destruction 5–5 50.0
Wildfire 5–5 50.0
Borderpost Wildfire 1–1 50.0
Resurgent Belief 1–0 100.0
Greasefang 29–40 42.0
Esper Greasefang 5–8 38.5
Orzhov Greasefang 23–31 42.6
Coveted Falcon Combo 5–10 33.3
Midrange 400–297 57.4
The Rock 35–39 47.3
Grenzo 1–2 33.3
Abzan Midrange 17–10 63.0
Selesnya Midrange 22–12 64.7
Jund 1–3 25.0
Blink 72–78 48.0
Orzhov Blink 53–60 46.9
Graveyard Value 8–2 80.0
Enchantments Matter 5–3 62.5
Allies 3–0 100.0
-1/-1 Counters 1–0 100.0
Fake-Rack 8–1 88.9
Mardu Midrange 2–2 50.0
Vampires 1–1 50.0
Mono Black Vampires 0–1 0.0
Legends Midrange 6–4 60.0
Boros Legends Midrange 2–0 100.0
Orzhov Legends 1–3 25.0
Elementals 4–1 80.0
Rakdos Midrange 11–4 73.3
Naya Midrange 5–2 71.4
Big Red 2–2 50.0
Mono Black Midrange 2–0 100.0
Dimir Midrange 5–6 45.5
Angels 11–3 78.6
Mono White Angels 8–3 72.7
Orzhov Angels 3–0 100.0
Toughness Matters 6–1 85.7
Lifegain Midrange 0–4 0.0
Adventures 3–3 50.0
Sultai Midrange 9–7 56.3
Fight Rigging 4–3 57.1
Orzhov Midrange 11–9 55.0
Jeskai Midrange 1–0 100.0
Heartless Summoning Stompy 59–30 66.3
Ordealbreak 1–2 33.3
Enigmatic Incarnation 1–2 33.3
Fires of Invention 8–8 50.0
Hero of Precinct One 12–2 85.7
Five Color Hero 4–1 80.0
Naya Hero 1–0 100.0
Boros Hero 2–0 100.0
Clerics 2–0 100.0
Artifact Midrange 10–17 37.0
Death Cloud 15–17 46.9
Nissa Company 4–3 57.1
Illness in the Ranks 9–3 75.0
Game Objects 10–6 62.5
Ramp 77–102 43.0
Cloudpost Ramp 3–1 75.0
Greenpost 1–0 100.0
Simic Post 1–0 100.0
Temurpost 1–1 50.0
Carth Superfriends 10–12 45.5
Applejacks 0–2 0.0
Field Ramp 42–68 38.2
Superfriends 4–3 57.1