Penny Dreadful Magic


Penny Dreadful. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community.

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Deck Opponent Opponent's Deck Result Competition Date MTGO Log
Restored Balanced thijmen All Spells 0–2 League May 2022 248732372
Restored Balanced stewardulk Greenpost 1–2 League May 2022 248706670
Restored Balanced konne Temur Jokulhaups Control 2–1 League Apr 2022 248654723
Good Deck fatherofrunes Tempo Allegro 0–2 League Apr 2022 248629527
Good Deck guinhenhas Mad 2–0 League Apr 2022 248604922
Good Deck smokage Mba 0–2 League Apr 2022 248604651
Good Deck sirhhaos Baker's Haups 0–2 League Apr 2022 248603111
Good Deck clands Izzet Delver 1–2 League Apr 2022 248566111
Good Deck makinashout Bloops 2–0 League Apr 2022 248492707
Good Deck birdsandbees CRBNK 0–2 League Apr 2022 248471349
Good Deck golden11535 I Actually Know How to Play This Deck Now 2–1 League Apr 2022 248469463
Good Deck filo Lutri-Win 2–1 League Apr 2022 248423800
Good Deck guinhenhas Toolbox Haups 2–1 League Apr 2022 248422743
Oasfhbaf Control pandadon Issin 2–0 League Apr 2022 248418186
Oasfhbaf Control ewanmccartney Cycling 2–0 League Apr 2022 248403422
Oasfhbaf Control sch0smeister Artifact 2–1 League Apr 2022 248398282
Oasfhbaf Control pandadon Minotaurs 2–0 League Apr 2022 248394064
Oasfhbaf Control magma728 Mono Black Sagas 2–1 League Apr 2022 248393419
Orzhov Midrange earterms123 Unplayable Garbage Feat Agony 0–2 League Apr 2022 248344755
Orzhov Midrange joshinthemosh89 Soul Sisters v1.3 0–2 League Apr 2022 248342881
Orzhov Midrange birdsandbees Dragon Goes BRrrr 2–1 League Apr 2022 248340665
Orzhov Midrange birdsandbees CRBNK 1–2 League Apr 2022
Orzhov Midrange sirhhaos Ak Primal Turtles 2–0 League Apr 2022 248318998
Izzet Tempo dl23 Hokus Pokus Your Cards in Hand Are a 2 for 1 Trade 0–2 League Apr 2022 248270411
Izzet Tempo rae953 Cawgo 1–2 League Apr 2022 248269403
Izzet Tempo crazybaloth Summer Bloomin 2–1 League Apr 2022 248267063
Izzet Tempo blue_man7 Memory Lapse 0–2 League Apr 2022 248264813
Izzet Tempo spanky704 Bant Resurgent 1–2 League Apr 2022 248246270
Izzet Tempo thewanderingplaneswa Mono White Artifact Meanie Netdeck 0–2 League Apr 2022 248240492
Izzet Tempo wizzardofoz Los Angeles 2–1 League Apr 2022 248224560
Izzet Tempo sirhhaos Bloops 0–2 League Apr 2022 248224310
Izzet Tempo lian16 Rakdos Ten 2–0 League Apr 2022 248223388
Izzet Tempo enzomk Grixis Something 2–1 League Apr 2022 248223013