Penny Dreadful Magic


Penny Dreadful. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community.

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Archetype Tree

Archetype # Decks Record Win % 5–0s
Midrange 6718 13043–13561–34 49.0 359 3130
Prophet Glare 13 32–27 54.2 0 7



Meta Share By Season


Archetype Record Win %
Aggro 11–9 55.0
Mono Black Aggro 1–1 50.0
Heroic 0–1 0.0
Mono White Heroic 0–1 0.0
Red Deck Wins 4–4 50.0
Mono Red Devotion 2–1 66.7
Goblins 1–0 100.0
Tokens 1–0 100.0
Selesnya Tokens 1–0 100.0
Mono Green Stompy 0–1 0.0
White Weenie 1–0 100.0
Zombies 1–0 100.0
Artifact Aggro 1–0 100.0
Affinity 1–0 100.0
Voltron 0–1 0.0
AggroSlide 1–1 50.0
Combo 11–5 68.8
Storm 2–0 100.0
Dimir Tendrils 2–0 100.0
Reanimator 5–4 55.6
Worldgorger Dragon 0–1 0.0
Traditional Reanimator 5–3 62.5
Mono Black Reanimator 1–2 33.3
Izzet Ascension 0–1 0.0
Breakfast 1–0 100.0
Oops All Spells 1–0 100.0
Dredge 2–0 100.0
Control 0–5 0.0
Esper Control 0–4 0.0
Cloudpost Control 0–1 0.0
Mono Blue Cloudpost Control 0–1 0.0
Aggro-Combo 5–2 71.4
Aristocrats 4–1 80.0
Mono Black Aristocrats 1–1 50.0
Golgari Aristocrats 1–0 100.0
Abzan Aristocrats 1–0 100.0
Rakdos Aristocrats 1–0 100.0
Pummeler 1–0 100.0
Aggro-Control 0–1 0.0
Izzet Spells 0–1 0.0
Combo-Control 0–1 0.0
Cruel Combo-Control 0–1 0.0
Midrange 5–2 71.4
Jund 1–0 100.0
Graveyard Value 1–1 50.0
Rakdos Midrange 0–1 0.0
Big Red 1–0 100.0
Mono Black Midrange 1–0 100.0
Sultai Midrange 1–0 100.0
Ramp 0–2 0.0
Devoid Cruelty 0–1 0.0