Penny Dreadful Magic


Penny Dreadful. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community.

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Deck Opponent Opponent's Deck Result Competition Date MTGO Log
Mono Blue Control j_meka Human Reanimator 0–2 League Mar 2018
Mono Blue Control rustbeltwolf Air Moorland 0–2 League Mar 2018
Mono Blue Control cadenzar Zoombie 2–1 League Mar 2018 197982841
Tutelage neelfelpsreborn Temur Ascendancy 0–2 League Mar 2018
Tutelage enad the unhinged In a Silent Way 1–2 League Mar 2018 197628265
Tutelage thenami Hapatra Counters 2–0 League Mar 2018 197626839
Tutelage branthemuffinman Izzet Wizards 2–1 League Mar 2018 197621364
Tutelage guesswhom Zombies 0–2 League Mar 2018 197619995
Wild Pair neoraptor Token-Rites 2–0 League Mar 2018 197548230
Wild Pair nucleosynth Jeskai Galloone 2–0 League Mar 2018
Wild Pair nerdofdoom Temur-Ascendancy 2–0 League Mar 2018 197540554
Wild Pair kvothedota Temur Ascendancy 0–2 League Mar 2018 197537210
Wild Pair miserableken Zombies 0–2 League Mar 2018 197526167
Sphinx's Tutelage pixywing Pile v1.4 1–2 League Mar 2018 197492572
Sphinx's Tutelage miserableken Zombies 1–2 League Mar 2018 197488546
Sphinx's Tutelage mptn Izette tempoX v2 0–2 League Mar 2018 197487100
Sphinx's Tutelage guesswhom Zombies 2–1 League Mar 2018 197483593
Prophet trestles Dimir Tides 0–2 Gatherling Mar 2018
Prophet cycro Tutelage Mill 0–2 Gatherling Mar 2018
Sphinx's Tutelage cody_ ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ 0–2 League Mar 2018 197208431
Sphinx's Tutelage pedroschoen2 Dimir Control 2–0 League Mar 2018 197154960
Sphinx's Tutelage starbuck_backspace Humans 2–0 League Mar 2018 197151600
Sphinx's Tutelage mickio1 Lage's Sister 2–0 League Mar 2018 197148708
Sphinx's Tutelage isacneto57 Esper Blink 2–1 League Mar 2018 197143244