Penny Dreadful Magic


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Deck Opponent Opponent's Deck Result Competition Date MTGO Log
Terror of the Waste enad the unhinged Prowess MkII 1–2 League Apr 2018 200373048
Reanimator karnonthebcob Control 0–2 Gatherling Apr 2018
Terror of the Waste ritzyjet Azor-Yo 0–2 League Apr 2018 200346692
Terror of the Waste karnonthebcob Jeskai Control 0–2 League Apr 2018 200342877
Terror of the Waste baggle1 Mono White Heroic 0–2 League Apr 2018 200294160
Terror of the Waste gleiciano Zubumafu 1–2 League Apr 2018 200196163
Terror of the Wastes smellycow Azorius Control 0–2 League Apr 2018 200190044
Terror of the Wastes mamp Reptile Party 0–2 League Apr 2018 200165214
Terror of the Wastes stjerna Zombies 0–2 League Apr 2018 199839963
Terror of the Wastes nanaiper No Anticipate Trenches v1 v2 0–2 League Apr 2018 199839034
Terror of the Wastes electrictuba Grenzo 2–1 League Apr 2018 199835431
Terror of the Waste dfm Simic Dudes 1–2 League Apr 2018 199831565
Terror of the Waste mtgxman Sphinx Fog 1 v1 0–2 League Apr 2018
Terror of the Waste scotty1701 Red Deck Wins 0–2 League Apr 2018 199728435
Terror of the Waste madman_quail Bad Breath 1–2 League Apr 2018 199721402
Reanimator nangurus Rojo 0–2 Gatherling Apr 2018
Terror of the Wastes pseudodude Wild Pair 0–2 League Apr 2018 199583995
Terror of the Wastes nanaiper No Anticipate Trenches v1.2 1–2 League Apr 2018 199469682
Reanimator ribbonsofnight Esper Blink 0–2 Gatherling Apr 2018
Reanimator BYE 2–0 Gatherling Apr 2018
Terror of the Wastes hnakai Lifegain Stompy 0–2 League Apr 2018 199401670
Terror of the Wastes papa_fresco Mono Red Jpeg 2–1 League Apr 2018 199393819
Terror of the Wastes baggle1 Temur Ascendancy 0–2 League Apr 2018 199350167
Terror of the Wastes gunsnbacon Temur Ascendancy 0–2 League Apr 2018 199348797
Terror of the Wastes kaitoukid111 Elfdrazi 0–2 League Apr 2018 199347704
Terror of the Wastes madazalll Temur Ascendancy 0–2 League Apr 2018 199327921
Terror of the Wastes firewolf250 Mono White Combat 2–1 League Apr 2018
Jund Mid j_meka Azorius Yosei 0–2 League Apr 2018 199035692
Jund Mid madazalll Esper Blink 0–2 League Apr 2018
Jund Mid notverygood Dem Bones 1–2 League Apr 2018 198981350
Reanimator dfm Heeeeroic v3 1–2 League Apr 2018 198926761
Reanimator chaosgtr Token Rites 1–2 League Apr 2018 198924830
Reanimator madazalll Temur Ascendancy 1–2 League Apr 2018 198923130
Reanimator merawder Worldgorger Mill 0–2 League Apr 2018 198921713
Reanimator yourlordbacon Token 2–0 League Apr 2018 198896466
Reanimator greazy710 Impromptu Beats 0–2 League Mar 2018 198605523
Reanimator yskbc39 Orzhov Control 2–0 League Mar 2018 198592471
Reanimator starcandy Warping and Wailing 0–2 League Mar 2018 198588922
Reanimator felispuma Dimir Discard 0–2 League Mar 2018 198587780
Reanimator restokiki All in Dynavolt v2 2–1 League Mar 2018 198581443
Reanimation cjvoyles319 Mardu Tokens 0–2 League Mar 2018 198506702
Reanimation warcroth Domain 2–0 League Mar 2018
Reanimation neelfelpsreborn Temur Ascendancy 1–2 League Mar 2018 198227064
Reanimation jtrod Sligh 1–2 League Mar 2018 198222837
Reanimation sogaming Ponza 0–2 League Mar 2018 198221128
Jund Mid littanana Ankh Deck Wins 1–2 League Mar 2018 198166419
Jund Mid mptn Izzet Aggro v10 v2 0–2 League Mar 2018 198163765
Jund Mid crimsonmage Emerging 0–2 League Mar 2018 198162462
Jund Mid cjvoyles319 Mardu Tokens 0–2 League Mar 2018 198096983
Jund Mid scotty1701 Red Deck Wins 1–2 League Mar 2018 198095474
Jund Mid mptn Izzet Aggro v10 v2 0–2 League Mar 2018 198093624
Jund Mid cody_ Bury Me in Straight Laced Shoes 0–2 League Mar 2018 198069626
Jund Mid chumpblocckami Simic Storm 2–1 League Mar 2018 198049110
Reanimation ragarci2 Selesnya Aggression 1–2 League Mar 2018 198044899
Reanimation astraedm Sultai Baron 0–2 League Mar 2018 198043439
Reanimation gangstapasta Token Rites 2–0 League Mar 2018 197967377
Reanimation wargowitto Esper Landfall 2–1 League Mar 2018 197896322
Reanimation drumdevil Golgari Value City USA 1–2 League Mar 2018 197888506
Reanimation tsjester Jund 2–1 League Mar 2018 197829484
Reanimation guesswhom Zombies 1–2 League Mar 2018 197822596
Reanimation bangu Temur Ascendancy 2–1 League Mar 2018 197772984
Reanimation doctor_horrible Worldgorger Dragon 0–2 League Mar 2018 197768921
Reanimation carlos3400 Mardu Tokens 2–0 League Mar 2018 197768096
Reanimation anubis647 Wolf Sligh 0–2 League Mar 2018 197700171
Reanimation nidoking_87 Azorius Cheons 0–2 League Mar 2018 197677484
Reanimation topper97 All the Keywords 0–2 League Mar 2018 197672825
Reanimation vazhar Elves 2–0 League Mar 2018 197658092
Reanimation wutgei I Got Soul 0–2 League Mar 2018 197657138
Reanimation mamp Golgari Madness 1–2 League Mar 2018 197655796
Reanimation perfecthorizon Esper Blink 2–1 League Mar 2018 197611651
Reanimation miserableken Zombies 2–0 League Mar 2018 197609758
Reanimation ragarci2 Selesnya Aggression 2–1 League Mar 2018 197582803
Reanimation bhelyer Golgari Madness 1–2 League Mar 2018 197581163
Reanimation hewhospeakstohimself Grixi Jailbird 0–2 League Mar 2018 197507802
Reanimation enad the unhinged In a Silent Way 1–2 League Mar 2018
Reanimation jenkin5630 Azorius Wizard 0–2 League Mar 2018 197499553
Reanimation thelastfish Dragonstorm 2–1 League Mar 2018 197496819
Reanimation bowynarrow Stolen Tokens 2–1 League Mar 2018 197494527
Reanimation cjvoyles319 Mono Black Zoms 2–0 League Mar 2018 197492836
Reanimation bhelyer Golgari Madness 2–0 League Mar 2018 197490420
Reanimation carlos3400 Mono Red Artifact Aggro 2–0 League Mar 2018 197487037
Reanimation hewhospeakstohimself Grixis Jailbird 0–2 League Mar 2018 197426785
Reanimation tsjester Temur Ascendancy 0–2 League Mar 2018 197375104
Reanimation cody_ Kalonia Social Club 0–2 League Mar 2018 197359683
Reanimation nucleosynth Jeskai Dynavolt Tower 1–2 League Mar 2018 197343603
Reanimation wivren Vampire 1–2 League Mar 2018 197331553
Reanimation isacneto57 Esper Blink 0–2 League Mar 2018 197311518
Reanimation nanaiper Trenches 1–2 League Mar 2018 197299843
Reanimation crimsonmage Izzet Counterburn 2–1 League Mar 2018 197277298
Reanimation senpaiblank Simic Tide 1–2 League Mar 2018 197240226
Reanimation og_grizzly Birthday Stax 0–2 League Mar 2018 197237122
Reanimation xigotdeadx TurboFog 1–2 League Mar 2018 197232433
Reanimation bhelyer Selesnya Tokens 0–2 League Mar 2018 197209675
Reanimation bowynarrow Zombies 2–1 League Mar 2018 197205401
Reanimation isacneto57 Mono Green Brutal 2–1 League Mar 2018 197196880
Reanimation osiris159 Esper Blink 0–2 League Mar 2018
Reanimation ksk0601 Mono Black Mirari 0–2 League Mar 2018 196959871
Reanimation phi-t Rakdos Madness Aggro 2–1 League Mar 2018 196936773
Reanimation hewhospeakstohimself Rude Slide 0–2 League Feb 2018
Reanimation hyposoc Llanowar Tokens 0–2 League Feb 2018
Reanimation aureliarose Pocket Sand 1–2 League Feb 2018
Reanimation goose1 Midrange 1–2 League Feb 2018
Reanimation pptaaa Big Red 2–0 League Feb 2018
Reanimation thrivingturtle Mono Black Control 2–1 League Feb 2018
Reanimation mach Bant Count to 60 0–2 League Feb 2018
Dimir Creature Control jenkin5630 Wizard 0–2 League Feb 2018
Dimir Creature Control littanana Temur Ascendancy 0–2 League Feb 2018
Dimir Creature Control eternalparadox38 Simic LD v2 1–2 League Feb 2018
Dimir Creature Control treeek22 Cleansing-Control 0–2 League Feb 2018
Dimir Creature Control sheafcohomology Jeskai Unremarkable 0–2 League Feb 2018
Dimir Creature Control phlict Allies 0–2 League Feb 2018 196541678
Dimir Creature Control bhelyer Selesnya Tokens 0–2 League Feb 2018 196539399
Dimir Creature Control nanaiper Psychatog v3 v1 0–2 League Feb 2018 196535154
Dimir Creature Control prestontiger3 Pia4 1–2 League Feb 2018 196530392
Dragon Vampires Warewolves nandemo Jeskai Token v1 0–2 League Feb 2018 196484945
Dragon Vampires Warewolves nanaiper Psychatog v3 v1 0–2 League Feb 2018 196483826
Dragon Vampires Warewolves the_wolf Wolf Sligh v2.1 0–2 League Feb 2018 196411320
Dragon Vampires Warewolves kaios26 Temur Ascendancy 0–2 League Feb 2018 196410411
Dragon Vampires Warewolves parkslope Animate Worldgorger Combo 0–2 League Feb 2018 196404431
Dragon Vampires Warewolves lus1234 Azurious Control 0–2 League Feb 2018 196402825
Dragon Vampires Warewolves _onecurlyboy Artifact Combob 0–2 League Feb 2018 196398489
Dragon Vampires Warewolves jitterbeans Hapatra 0–2 League Feb 2018 196396469
Dragon Vampires Warewolves kph1904 White Servos 0–2 League Feb 2018 196393847