Penny Dreadful Magic


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Deck Opponent Opponent's Deck Result Competition Date MTGO Log
Hermit's Psychotic Journey leilapari Quicksilver 2–0 Gatherling Apr 2018
Hermit's Psychotic Journey sswakizashi Rakdos Gobos 1–2 Gatherling Apr 2018
Hermit's Psychotic Journey BYE 2–0 Gatherling Apr 2018
Hermit's Psychotic Journey gotthisforsoi Dimir Control 0–2 Gatherling Apr 2018
Hermit's Psychotic Journey drumdevil Maid Rite Tokens 0–2 Gatherling Apr 2018
Hermit's Psychotic Journey hewhospeakstohimself Simic Madness 0–2 Gatherling Apr 2018
Hermit's Psychotic Journey prattlesnake Turkeys 2–1 Gatherling Apr 2018
Hermit's Psychotic Journey exiledparagon Mardu-Tokens 2–0 Gatherling Apr 2018
Monumental Ignus red_demon3 Mindcrank Combo 0–2 Gatherling Mar 2018
Monumental Ignus g_wiz Zombies 0–2 Gatherling Mar 2018
Monumental Ignus tobon Rojo Duro * Pe 2–0 Gatherling Mar 2018
Monumental Ignus neelfelpsreborn Temur Ascendancy 2–1 Gatherling Mar 2018
Monumental Ignus back_alley_g Cleansing Control v1-1 0–2 Gatherling Mar 2018
Monumental Ignus ribbonsofnight Esper Blink 0–2 Gatherling Mar 2018
Monumental Ignus sogaming Zambies 2–1 Gatherling Mar 2018
Monumental Ignus guesswhom Zombies 0–2 Gatherling Mar 2018
Monumental Ignus briar_moss Mardu Life 2–1 Gatherling Mar 2018
Monumental Ignus briar_moss Mardu Life 2–0 Gatherling Mar 2018
Monumental Ignus drumdevil Cleansing-Control 0–2 Gatherling Mar 2018
Monumental Ignus ribbonsofnight Esper Blink 0–2 Gatherling Mar 2018
Monumental Ignus treeek22 Cleansing-Control 2–1 Gatherling Mar 2018
Temur Clues isacneto57 Mono Green Brutal 0–2 Gatherling Mar 2018
Temur Clues hetfield881 Jund 2–1 Gatherling Mar 2018
Temur Clues briar_moss Mardu Life 0–2 Gatherling Mar 2018
Temur Clues adambueller2 Temur Ascendancy 2–1 Gatherling Mar 2018
Temur Clues fuzakeru Mono Green Pollute the Planet 0–2 Gatherling Mar 2018
Temur Clues BYE 2–0 Gatherling Mar 2018
Temur Clues crimsonmage Fake-Rack 0–2 Gatherling Mar 2018
Monumental Ignus shomoccasin Kithkin 2–1 Gatherling Mar 2018
Monumental Ignus crimsonmage Fake-Rack 2–1 Gatherling Mar 2018
Monumental Ignus yellowvanblake Cleansing Control 0–2 Gatherling Mar 2018
Monumental Ignus jatienza Red Deck Wins 1–2 Gatherling Mar 2018
Hermit's Psychotic Journey hetfield881 Fire It Up Again! 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Hermit's Psychotic Journey spitkikker Dimir Mill 2–0 Gatherling Feb 2018
Hermit's Psychotic Journey nml Mono Black Control 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Hermit's Psychotic Journey ar13mis Bloody Hell Fire 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus vintague Battle of Wits 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus treeek22 Cleansing-Control 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus hewhospeakstohimself Mindsucker 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus setsunai Thopterizer 2–0 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus mamp Bishop Stax 2–0 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus hetfield881 Fire It Up! 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus crazybaloth Sultai Value 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus crimsonmage Fake-Rack 2–0 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus nanaiper Psychatog v2.1 0–2 League Feb 2018 196160087
Hermit's Psychotic Journey madorjan Mono Green Stax 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Hermit's Psychotic Journey bigm Azorius Birthday Skies 2–1 Gatherling Feb 2018
Hermit's Psychotic Journey treeek22 Azorious 2–0 Gatherling Feb 2018
Hermit's Psychotic Journey thrivingturtle Mardu Key 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus crazybaloth Jeskai Control 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus thelonesun Is This Thing On 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus pixywing Pollute the Planet v1.4 2–0 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus littanana Rakdos Goblins 0–2 League Feb 2018 196007051
Monumental Ignus ritzyjet Azorius - Control 1–2 League Feb 2018 196005737
Monumental Ignus juygh Izzet Spells 2–1 League Feb 2018 196002831
Monumental Ignus adambueller2 Temur Ascendancy 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus hetfield881 Fire It Up! 2–1 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus golden_lin P Red Win v6 2–0 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus merawder Birthday Stax 2–0 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus thundershot899 Simic 0/0 Tribal 2–0 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus silasary Mono White Aggro 2–0 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus parkslope Izzet Control 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
PsycoHermit _onecurlyboy Infinite Combos 1–2 League Feb 2018 195867038
PsycoHermit padafvka Dimir Control 2–1 League Feb 2018
PsycoHermit jgabrielygalan PandaBurst 0–2 League Feb 2018
PsycoHermit tenllado Aristogatos 2–0 League Feb 2018 195820573
PsycoHermit lukesvianna13 Red Deck Wins 1–2 League Feb 2018
PsycoHermit ashamael Zendikar Block Constructed 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
PsycoHermit crimsonmage Izzet Counterburn 2–1 Gatherling Feb 2018
PsycoHermit nml Mono Black Control 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
PsycoHermit ribbonsofnight Orzhov Persist 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Temur Clues yellowvanblake Jeska 0–2 League Feb 2018 195706602
Temur Clues elporro Mono Black Control 0–2 League Feb 2018 195701765
PsycoHermit 13eakers Boring Smokestack 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
PsycoHermit neelfelps MBCartouche 2–1 Gatherling Feb 2018
PsycoHermit thundershot899 Elves Midrange 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
PsycoHermit safetydad Zomboids 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Temur Clues tazerdadog Dimir Control 1–2 League Feb 2018
Turbo Ghoul tazerdadog Mono Black Control 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Turbo Ghoul briar_moss Infinite Infinite Combos 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Turbo Ghoul hewhospeakstohimself Naya Slide 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Turbo Ghoul thundershot899 Shared Fate 2–0 Gatherling Feb 2018
Turbo Ghoul _waterworks Temur Ascendancy 1–2 League Feb 2018 195611411
Turbo Ghoul mptn Izzet Beat v0.5 0–2 League Feb 2018 195609140
Turbo Ghoul nandemo Bant Flash v3 0–2 League Feb 2018 195584785
Turbo Ghoul vanillove Aces High 2–1 League Feb 2018 195581486
Turbo Ghoul nandemo Bant Flash 2–0 League Feb 2018 195579161
Turbo Ghoul soevilprofchaos Golgari Aggro 2–0 League Feb 2018 195577609
Turbo Ghoul ksk0601 Linessa Turbin 2–0 League Feb 2018 195562667
Turbo Ghoul lukesvianna13 Mardu Twin 0–2 League Feb 2018
Turbo Ghoul arjuna1618 Hermit Angel 2–0 League Feb 2018 195560689
Turbo Ghoul ksk0601 Linessa Turbin 2–1 League Feb 2018 195555652
Turbo Ghoul xinlisupreme Azorius Control 2–0 League Feb 2018 195551607
Turbo Ghoul mptn Izzet Beat Ver0.03 2–0 League Feb 2018 195523630
Druid Life littanana Pollute the Planet 2–1 Gatherling Feb 2018
Druid Life adambueller2 Temur Ascendancy 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Druid Life stiltskin88 Wild Pair 2–0 Gatherling Feb 2018
Druid Life nml Mono Black Control 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Turbo Ghoul bailite Abzan Counters 2–1 League Feb 2018 195508906
Turbo Ghoul shorts Zombies 1–2 League Feb 2018 195507459
Monumental Ignus silasary Mono White Durdle 2–0 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus sbm_77 Mono Black Control 2–1 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus yellowvanblake Golgari-Aristocrats 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus j_meka Wild Pair 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus briar_moss Azorius Control 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus spitkikker Grixis Control 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus nighthawk521 Mgr2 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus adambueller2 Temur Ascendancy 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus hetfield881 Sac 2–0 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus pseudodude Zombies 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus shomoccasin Mono White Kithkin 1–2 Gatherling Feb 2018
Monumental Ignus theskelton Red Deck Wins 0–2 League Jan 2018 195059015
Monumental Ignus pumpkinwavy Blue Is Bad 1–2 League Jan 2018 195057381
Monumental Ignus xigotdeadx Izzlixir 0–2 League Jan 2018 195053392
Monumental Ignus branthemuffinman Izzet Dynavolt 0–2 League Jan 2018 195050310
Monumental Ignus treeek22 Humans 2–1 League Jan 2018 195048879
Monumental Ignus lukesvianna13 Zombies 2–1 League Jan 2018 195048009
Monumental Ignus nanaiper Abzan Monger v2 0–2 League Jan 2018 195046743
Monumental Ignus xigotdeadx Jeskai Control 0–2 League Jan 2018 195045724
Monumental Ignus screent Proliferate v2 0–2 League Jan 2018 195044623
Monumental Ignus nanaiper Abzan Monger v2 2–1 League Jan 2018 195040549
Monumental Ignus chewbacha Mono Green Incline 0–2 League Jan 2018 195039485
Monumental Ignus jenkin5630 Azorius Pike v5 2–1 League Jan 2018 195037283
Monumental Ignus johnniebegoode Gldstax v2 2–1 League Jan 2018 195035404
Monumental Ignus padafvka 1-9-0 Stax :(( 1–2 League Jan 2018 194999658
Monumental Ignus treeek22 Selesnya Midrange 2–1 League Jan 2018 194997108
Monumental Ignus mptn Gruul PONZA v2 2–0 League Jan 2018 194993606
Monumental Ignus littanana Spike 2–0 League Jan 2018 194991334
Monumental Ignus xinlisupreme Goblins 1–2 League Jan 2018
Monumental Ignus jgabrielygalan Tesla 0–2 League Jan 2018 194987153
Monumental Ignus spitkikker Fauxgles 2–0 League Jan 2018 194984192
Monumental Ignus mptn RGtB PONZA 2–1 League Jan 2018 194983439
Monumental Ignus lukesvianna13 Red Deck Wins 1–2 League Jan 2018 194981797
Monumental Ignus bobthebalder Rakdos Combo 0–2 League Jan 2018 194981324
Monumental Ignus pseudodude Mardu Value 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2018
Monumental Ignus gangstapasta Azorius-Control 2–0 Gatherling Jan 2018
Monumental Ignus briar_moss Azorius Control 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2018
Monumental Ignus hetfield881 Dimir Aggro-Control 2–1 Gatherling Jan 2018
Monumental Ignus daedaluslost Azorius Control 1–2 League Jan 2018
Monumental Ignus cody_ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 1–2 League Jan 2018 194939275
Monumental Ignus tenllado Zoooombies 0–2 League Jan 2018 194937380
Monumental Ignus 13eakers Boros Stax 2–0 League Jan 2018 194935177
Monumental Ignus treeek22 Simic Bounty 2–1 League Jan 2018 194931799
Monumental Ignus xinlisupreme Red Deck Wins 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2018
Monumental Ignus jgabrielygalan Phage Gatherling 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2018
Monumental Ignus corporat Goblin Lackey 1–2 League Jan 2018 194765195
Monumental Ignus ribbonsofnight Golgari Aristocrats 0–2 League Jan 2018 194762323
Monumental Ignus budgeter Temur Burst 1–2 League Jan 2018 194760795
Monumental Ignus xinlisupreme Zombies 0–2 League Jan 2018 194759398
Monumental Ignus insertnoobhere Reanimator 2–1 League Jan 2018 194757007
Naya Unclassified outcastpython Dimir Bounce Combo 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2018
Naya Unclassified crimsonmage Fake-Rack 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2018
Naya Unclassified nml Mono Black Control 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2018
Naya Unclassified stash86 Rakdos Unclassified 2–1 Gatherling Jan 2018
Monumental Ignus mcstevo1 Roar 0–2 League Jan 2018 194704245
Monumental Ignus lukesvianna13 Jund Midrange 1–2 League Jan 2018 194702979
Monumental Ignus meeeeech Golgari - Ramp Infect 0–2 League Jan 2018 194702011
Monumental Ignus jgabrielygalan Mono Black Control 1–2 League Jan 2018 194700191
Monumental Ignus einstein9998 Through the Fire and Flames 2–0 League Jan 2018 194696505
Monumental Ignus bobthebalder Big Red 0–2 League Jan 2018 194691012
Monumental Ignus lukesvianna13 Red Deck Wins v4 1–2 League Jan 2018 194689730
Monumental Ignus pseudodude Zombies 0–2 League Jan 2018 194688964
Monumental Ignus spitkikker Dimir Millcrank 2–0 League Jan 2018 194687363
Monumental Ignus littanana Mardu Tower 0–2 League Jan 2018 194666400
Monumental Ignus agfo Moonlight 2–1 League Jan 2018 194652719
Monumental Ignus nanaiper Izzet Dynavolt v2 0–2 League Jan 2018 194643601
Monumental Ignus lvg87 Simic Tide 0–2 League Jan 2018 194642137
Monumental Ignus johnniebegoode Burn v2 0–2 League Jan 2018 194641273
Monumental Ignus jgabrielygalan Mono Black Control 2–1 League Jan 2018 194634994
Monumental Ignus yimo Bio 0–2 League Jan 2018 194631113
Monumental Ignus lvg87 Simic Tide 0–2 League Jan 2018 194629767
Monumental Ignus crazybaloth Ghirapur 1–2 League Jan 2018
Monumental Ignus llamaslayer0 Another Sloppy Goblins Deck 1–2 League Jan 2018 194591349
Monumental Ignus yimo ???? 1–2 League Jan 2018 194584929
Monumental Ignus nanaiper Izzet Dynavolt 2–1 League Jan 2018 194581959
Monumental Ignus lukesvianna13 Temureru v2 0–2 League Jan 2018 194580849
Monumental Ignus fskura Sligh 0–2 League Jan 2018 194579575
Monumental Ignus yellowvanblake Mana Moonfolk 0–2 League Jan 2018 194578494
Ignus Monument bobthebalder Mono Green Rofellos Ramp 0–2 League Jan 2018 194570538
Ignus Monument henrietta Goblins 2–1 League Jan 2018 194568847
Ignus Monument mathguy31415 $T4ks v1 0–2 League Jan 2018 194545433
Ignus Monument ribbonsofnight Golgari Aristocrats 1–2 League Jan 2018 194544803
Ignus Monument zchinque Sphinx' Recycling Station 2–0 League Jan 2018 194543509
Temur Thing ribbonsofnight Rakdos Goblins 1–2 Gatherling Jan 2018
Temur Thing vanillove Rakdos Goobers 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2018