Penny Dreadful Magic


Penny Dreadful. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community.

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Deck Opponent Opponent's Deck Result Competition Date MTGO Log
Mb theshadowmaker Necroshoal 0–2 League Feb 14th 266289150
Mb jiipel Glissa 0–2 League Feb 12th
Mb wolverine789 Boros Legends Aggro 1–2 League Feb 10th
Mb cippdogg Dorans Back 2–1 League Feb 10th
Mb bahamito Azorius Control 0–2 League Feb 9th
Mb 8bitavenger Oops All Lakes 2–1 League Feb 8th
Mb gearhulkazul Boros Legends 0–2 League Feb 8th
Mb raverrat Ninjas 2–0 League Feb 8th
Mb carmandor Azoryorion 0–2 League Feb 7th 266126535
Mb bparis15 Necrostorm (Netdecked) 1–2 League Feb 3rd 266028438
Mb thijmen Big Green Stuff 2–1 League Feb 3rd 266027703
Mb bparis15 Necroburn (Netdecked) 1–2 League Feb 3rd 266019072
Mb gearhulkazul Orzhov Piles 1–2 League Feb 3rd 266018332
Mb thijmen Everlasting Defenses 2–0 League Feb 3rd 266018103
Wrong Search Bar c001357 Izzet Spells 0–2 League Dec 30th
Wrong Search Bar youraverageidiot Newdeck7 2–0 League Dec 29th
Grid ebonrat How to Train Your Rat 1–2 League Dec 28th
Grid ennis0 Dimir Control 0–2 League Dec 28th 264819712
Grid frygid Golgari Doubling Friends 1–2 League Dec 27th 264790047
Grid tomsoniq Big Red 1–2 League Dec 27th 264768156
96 sadd3x Midnight Mass 0–2 League Dec 26th
96 packet_eater Vitu-Ghazi Climb v3 0–2 League Dec 26th
96 mrform Midnight Mass 0–2 League Dec 26th
96 rickymadison Around and Desert You 2–1 League Dec 26th
Grid placebo Orzhov Angel-Snake 0–2 League Dec 26th
Grid l00tzombie More Controlling Yorion Abzan 1–2 League Dec 26th
Grid violetteavi Trash Citadel 0–2 League Dec 25th
Grid chandogg Shoal Burn 1–2 League Dec 25th
Grid erikadrien Orzhorion 1–2 League Dec 24th
Grid swamp_thing Necronecro 1–2 League Dec 24th
Grid placebo Orzhov Not Mine 0–2 League Dec 24th
Grid chickeninthebrain It Just Works? 2–0 League Dec 24th
Grid sadd3x Ponza 2–0 League Dec 24th
Grid tappedkitty2 Grixis Seismic Swans 2–1 League Dec 24th