Penny Dreadful Magic


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Deck Opponent Opponent's Deck Result Competition Date MTGO Log
Collected Balance v2 izzimodo Cruel Control 0–2 League Oct 2022 253505281
Wellerman Doom youraverageidiot The Clowns Gambit 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
Wellerman Doom swiftwarkite2 Grand Plans 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
Wellerman Doom birdsandbees I at Midrange 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2022
Wellerman Doom snallular Gyruda ClonePile 2–0 League Sep 2022 252765177
Wellerman Doom youraverageidiot 1 Land Spy AKA the Clowns Gambit 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
Wellerman Doom thewatchwander Kaya Bad 1–2 League Sep 2022 252757874
Wellerman Doom abcslime Combo Control 2–1 League Sep 2022 252736449
Wellerman Doom ng4 Xerox Infect 1–2 League Sep 2022 252728984
Wellerman Doom garcia_edu Tempered Steel 1–2 League Sep 2022 252714241
Wellerman Doom kittysneezes Infect 0–2 League Sep 2022
Wellerman Doom piruvato Infect v0.4 0–2 League Sep 2022 252701366
Collected Balance bender_ Dragonstorm 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
Collected Balance numbreon Rofellos Rules 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
Collected Balance akmarang Boros Visions v1.01 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
Collected Balance mtgfan1996 Count Till 10 v2 0–2 League Sep 2022 252680125
Collected Balance mongoboingo Bolas 1–2 League Sep 2022 252679607
Collected Balance res-42 Rakdos Midrange 2–0 League Sep 2022 252679391
Restore Balance mrform Orzhov Mid 1–2 League Sep 2022 252676973
Grixis Dredge memyselfi1231 Mardu Midrange 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
Grixis Dredge downtovaluetown Obscura Control 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
Grixis Dredge birdsandbees Impulsive Reg 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2022
Grixis Dredge cryael Yosei Rock 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2022