Penny Dreadful Magic


Penny Dreadful. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community.

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Deck Opponent Opponent's Deck Result Competition Date MTGO Log
Eruth Storm sirhhaos Orzhov Mid 1–2 League Mar 2022 247890984
Eruth Storm rageheart7 Lich Control 0–2 League Mar 2022 247890370
Eruth Storm pak1989 Izzet Delver 1–2 League Mar 2022 247886938
Eruth Storm aeskulap Ideal 2–1 League Mar 2022 247886468
Mono White Gaming rydyell Shamans 0–2 Gatherling Mar 2022
Mono White Gaming marcotsubaki Orzhov Midrange 2–0 Gatherling Mar 2022
Mono White Gaming viljam Selesnya Unclassified 2–1 Gatherling Mar 2022
Mono White Gaming bakert99 Izzet Aggro-Control 1–2 League Mar 2022 247552134
Mono White Gaming chandogg Zit 2–0 League Mar 2022
Mono White Gaming thewanderingplaneswa Blue-Steel Blue Architect Deck by Scherben 1–2 League Mar 2022 247550994
Bad Nauseum miniondevelopment Fading Cope 0–2 League Mar 2022 247550513
Bad Nauseum chandogg Zit 0–2 League Mar 2022 247550193
Mono White Gaming spanky704 Mono Black Enchant 0–2 League Mar 2022 247535398
Mono White Gaming fedemondo Hype 1–2 League Mar 2022 247534878
Trust Your Instincts joer4102 The Equalizer v2 2–0 League Mar 2022 247521990
Trust Your Instincts wizzardofoz Upheaval 1–2 League Mar 2022 247521489
Trust Your Instincts polac Dragonstorm 2–0 League Mar 2022 247520663
Trust Your Instincts screwball Mb 2–0 League Mar 2022 247510932
Trust Your Instincts bot_chris Ascension 2–0 League Mar 2022 247501936
Temur Control Haups andrezaum Selesnya Soul Sisters 1–2 League Mar 2022 247500984
Temur Control Haups pak1989 Blue Post 2–1 League Mar 2022 247491235
Mono White Gaming -lohii- Izzet Teferilock 1–2 Gatherling Mar 2022
Mono White Gaming blacklamb Vampires v1.5 1–2 Gatherling Mar 2022
Mono White Gaming stefangoerke PyroAscen 2–1 Gatherling Mar 2022
Mono White Gaming -lohii- Izzet Teferilock 2–0 Gatherling Mar 2022
Trust Your Instincts retilout Mono Blue Mill 1–2 League Mar 2022 247261912
Trust Your Instincts lord_hamster Where's Thassa's Oracle 2–1 League Mar 2022 247261580
Trust Your Instincts sadisaum Izzet Tempo 0–2 League Mar 2022 247238125
Polka Knights smokage 4c Wizards 0–2 League Mar 2022 247237103
Polka Knights 2for1for2 Bad Azorius 2–1 League Mar 2022 247207696
Polka Knights blacklamb Dimir Flash v1.2 1–2 League Mar 2022 247203183
Polka Knights bob49 Enduring Ideal 2–0 League Mar 2022 247145759
Polka Knights mkenter Netdeck Crank 2–0 League Mar 2022 247134200
Polka Knights algama Bant-Control 0–2 League Mar 2022 247132143
Polka Knights auhosj877 Golgari Madness Blitz 2–0 League Mar 2022 247131569
Mono White Gaming gamerl 8post 1–2 League Mar 2022 247121864
Mono White Gaming 4423 Gruul Modified 2–1 League Mar 2022 247121363
Mono White Gaming swiftwarkite2 Existence Is Bleak and Meaningless 2–0 League Mar 2022 247107098
Mono White Knight pigmax Restore Balance 0–2 League Mar 2022 247106544
Mono White Knight yzarc Selesnya Soul Sisters 0–2 League Mar 2022 247105959
Mono White Knight cruetusnex Spoiled Control 2–1 League Mar 2022 247103763
Mono White Knight crusaders_of_memes Jeskai Jokulhaups Control 2–1 League Mar 2022 247103363
Mono White Knight drumrrr Mono Blue Tempo 2–1 League Mar 2022 247102578
Mono White Knight nobodi64 Wizard Ponza 1–2 League Mar 2022 247101178
Mono White Knight scherben Restore Balance 2–0 League Mar 2022 247100379
Mono White Knight vianlie Zombies 2–1 League Mar 2022 247099769
Mono White Knight dendem Restore Balance 1–2 League Mar 2022 247099530
Mono White Knight 4423 Miracle 2–0 League Mar 2022 247095402
Boros Knights garcia_edu Red Deck Wins 0–2 League Mar 2022 247095161
Boros Knights batmana Dimir Flash 2–0 League Mar 2022 247094180
Mono White Knights tygrak Mono Red Lutri 1–2 Gatherling Mar 2022
Mono White Knights duckoforegon Red Deck Wins 2–1 Gatherling Mar 2022
Mono White Knights j_meka Affinity 2–1 Gatherling Mar 2022
Mono White Knights dgjiban01 Aff Teste1 2–0 Gatherling Mar 2022
Mono White Knights githian McTitan Control 2–1 Gatherling Mar 2022
Boros Knights pigmax Grixis Haups 2–1 League Mar 2022 247071206
Boros Knights fazill Balanced Gameplay 0–2 League Mar 2022 247070701
Boros Knights wizzerinus Gaea Bring to Light 2–1 League Mar 2022 247070511
Boros Knights mtgdavis Selesnya Value MkI 2–0 League Mar 2022 247070397
Ensoul wizzardofoz Bant Miracles 2–1 League Mar 2022 247069006
Ensoul muxen Azorious Party 0–2 League Mar 2022 247068986
Haupser muxen Azorious Party 0–2 League Mar 2022 247068842
Rakdax s-ponza Ponza Deluxe 0–2 League Mar 2022 247050975
Rakdax daveosaurr Swan 1–2 League Mar 2022 247050678
Rakdax edwindrood Glacial Outburst Flood 2–1 League Mar 2022 247049300
Badnauseum ludwigfrito Crunk 1–2 League Mar 2022 247048654
Badnauseum pirula42 Izzet Grapeshot 2–1 League Mar 2022 247046141
Badnauseum crusaders_of_memes Grixis Control 2–0 League Mar 2022 247045843
Badnauseum muxen Izzet Worldfire 0–2 League Mar 2022 247045459
Badnauseum esfolafeto Pew Pew 2–0 League Mar 2022
Badnauseum byvci Lutri Deck Wins 0–2 League Mar 2022 247045239
Badnauseum scherben Goblins 1–2 League Mar 2022
Badnauseum jakometz Enigmatic Incarnation 2–1 League Mar 2022 247043270
Blush somniatis How Do You Make a Good Deck 1–2 League Feb 2022 246998965
Blush wikex004 RofellosG 2–1 League Feb 2022
Blush -lohii- Obosh Ponza 0–2 League Feb 2022 246997477
Blush avatarofwrath_31 Sprites and Fiends 2–1 League Feb 2022 246996874
Adnas reginaldnaenae Artiramp Control 0–2 League Feb 2022 246989206
Adnas chic0 4c Delirium 0–2 League Feb 2022 246988572
Jeskai Haups birdsandbees Bant Control 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2022
Jeskai Haups stefangoerke Esper Control 2–0 Gatherling Feb 2022
Jeskai Haups -diamonddust- Steel 2–1 Gatherling Feb 2022
Jeskai Haups mdog Coco Covoco 2–1 Gatherling Feb 2022
Jeskai Haups swiftwarkite2 Rofl- -Umbrella 2–0 Gatherling Feb 2022
Jeskai Haups chandogg Is It 2–1 Gatherling Feb 2022
Ensoul Haups chandogg Is It 2–0 League Feb 2022 246965044
Ensoul Haups roytoy2323 Azorius Control v2 2–0 League Feb 2022 246964340
Ensoul Haups jakometz Red Wildfire 2–0 League Feb 2022 246964005
Ensoul Haups ludwigfrito Fix the Gargadon Bug Me Angy 2–0 League Feb 2022
Ensoul Haups enriath Seismic Swans 2–0 League Feb 2022 246963450
Ensoul Haups sacritor Canned Angels 1–2 League Feb 2022 246962715
Ensoul Haups desavlos Izzet Madness 2–1 League Feb 2022 246962325
Ensoul Haups nduck Umbrella 0–2 League Feb 2022 246962231
Jeskai Ensoul wizzerinus Slow Gyruda 1–2 League Feb 2022
Jeskai Ensoul kirasath Staxxx 2–1 League Feb 2022
Jeskai Ensoul lian16 Auras 0–2 League Feb 2022
Jeskai Ensoul apa19 Michiko Is the Truth 2–0 League Feb 2022
Jeskai Ensoul krampus1 Dimir Ninjas 2–0 League Feb 2022
Jeskai Ensoul tomyang1117 Izzet Tempo 2–0 League Feb 2022
Ensoul Haups wizzerinus Four Color Turtle 1–2 League Feb 2022
Ensoul Haups datrobino Unplayable Garbage Featuring Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru 2–1 League Feb 2022
Ensoul Haups cdnewlon Unplayable Garbage Featuring Waterfowl 1–2 League Feb 2022