Penny Dreadful Magic


Penny Dreadful. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community.

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Deck Opponent Opponent's Deck Result Competition Date MTGO Log
Gobbos v2 sircharlesofkanto Wizards 1–2 League Apr 2022 248507162
Gobbos v2 thewanderingplaneswa Conjure Haups Deck by Riotpatrice911 2–1 League Apr 2022 248506305
Gobbos v2 honorbound84 CawBlade 2–0 League Apr 2022 248506122
Ape Storm pandadon 3Color Knights 2–0 League Apr 2022 248182382
Ape Storm datrobino Aaaaaaaaaaaa 0–2 League Apr 2022 248182137
Ape Storm onefatcow Gyruda 0–2 League Apr 2022
Gobbos hatguysupreme Mono Black Girlfriend 2–1 League Apr 2022 248051513
Gobbos doomguy77 Life Twin 0–2 League Apr 2022 248034231
Castcade 2for1for2 Bad Azorius 0–2 League Apr 2022 247907864
Storm 6969 rageheart7 Lich Control 0–2 League Mar 2022 247891344
Storm 6969 cryael Posts 0–2 League Mar 2022 247865630
Ape Storm bigal79 Gruul Surge v2 1–2 League Mar 2022 247844464
Ape Storm v2 bigal79 Gruul Surge v2 1–2 League Mar 2022
Ape Storm v2 zyxus Simic Cheeri0s Storm 0–2 League Mar 2022
Ape Storm zyxus Simic Cheeri0s Storm 1–2 League Mar 2022
Ape Storm flac0 Cloudpostpool 2–1 League Mar 2022 247811975
Ape Storm rae953 Azorius Control 2–0 League Mar 2022
Ape Storm andyxavier Knights 2–0 League Mar 2022 247809504
Ape Storm _counterspell Boomerang Turns 0–2 League Mar 2022 247803966
Brown Eggs and Grapes batmana Gruul Aggro 0–2 League Mar 2022 247789086
Pan Sexy screwball Wiz Reforged 0–2 League Mar 2022 247789060
Pan Sexy batmana Gruul Aggro 1–2 League Mar 2022
Pan Sexy 4423 Azorius Junk v2 1–2 League Mar 2022 247788664
A S S doomguy77 Dragonstorm 0–2 League Mar 2022 247723723
Grapes miniondevelopment Turbo Metalwork 0–2 League Mar 2022 247723380
Brown Grapes smokage Rakdos Squirrels 0–2 League Mar 2022 247720590
Big Mana Boys v2 2for1for2 Sprite Dragon 0–2 League Mar 2022 247682438
Big Mana Boys carmandor Abzan Reanimator 0–2 League Mar 2022 247682143