Penny Dreadful Magic


Penny Dreadful. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community.

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Deck Opponent Opponent's Deck Result Competition Date MTGO Log
Ally v4 tm_cz Azorius Control 0–2 League Jan 2021
Ally v4 btcaf Tendrils Go BRR 0–2 League Jan 2021
Ally v4 everydaystruggle Red Deck Wins 0–2 League Jan 2021
Ally v4 darthrancor Hypergenesis 2–0 League Jan 2021
Ally v4 badsandwichman Afab 0–2 League Jan 2021
The Rock darkpantsu Worldgorger Storm 0–2 League Jan 2021
The Rock blue_man7 Blitzkrieg 2–1 League Jan 2021
The Rock fenelon Jund Pile 1–2 League Jan 2021
The Rock firecircle12 1234 Cut and Paste 2–0 League Jan 2021
The Rock laherparepvec Zombies 0–2 League Jan 2021
Ally stefangoerke Grixis Control (Jujutsu Kaisen) 0–2 League Jan 2021
Ally ludwigfrito Weirding 1–2 League Jan 2021
Ally khazadhum Merfolk 0–2 League Jan 2021
Ally catmoozi Thryx Wildfire 2–1 League Jan 2021
Ally honeybear777 Elves 1–2 League Dec 2020
Ally swiftwarkite2 Dark Affinity 2–0 League Dec 2020
Ally duckoforegon Tooth and Nail 2–1 League Dec 2020
Ally eternalparadox38 MBM 0–2 League Dec 2020
Ally mothvision Rat Vat 0–2 League Dec 2020
Ally tvtyrant Manaless 2–1 League Dec 2020
Ally v3 wintargetgame Mono Black Cat 0–2 League Dec 2020
Ally v3 mtgdavis Rakdos Midrange 0–2 League Dec 2020
Ally v3 riotpatrice911 Mono White Heroic Go Wide 1–2 League Dec 2020
Selesnya Ally bucknasty_71 Curious Tempo 0–2 League Dec 2020
Selesnya Ally darkpantsu Mono Green Ponza v3 2–1 League Dec 2020
União Faz Açúcar v2 horizonline Tempered Tokens 0–2 League Dec 2020
União Faz Açúcar v2 supergirl-type0 Temporary Necrotic Phenomenon 0–2 League Dec 2020
União Faz Açúcar v2 glendaloc Pyro Storm 1–2 League Dec 2020
União Faz Açúcar v2 fulltiltmtg Seance 1–2 League Dec 2020
União Faz Açúcar v2 kenneh Death Cloud 2–1 League Dec 2020
União Faz Açúcar v2 smokepurpp420 Smokepurpp's White Control 2–0 League Dec 2020
União Faz Açúcar v2 burner_account52 Sliding 0–2 League Dec 2020
União Faz Açúcar herpaderp007 Dimir-Mid 0–2 League Dec 2020
União Faz Açúcar amazingmollusk Mono White Heroic 1–2 League Dec 2020
União Faz Açúcar thatk2 Selesnya Hatebears 2–1 League Dec 2020
União Faz Açúcar seismicsandwich My Turn :D 0–2 League Dec 2020
União Faz Açúcar x2wolf Orzhov Midrange -PD via -Spenny12 2–1 League Dec 2020
Orzhov Ally seismicsandwich My Turn :D 0–2 League Dec 2020
Sereios spookyisland Dimir Cantrips 0–2 League Dec 2020
Sereios tm_cz Azorius Post 2–1 League Dec 2020
Sereios tombrad Pyromancer Ascension 2–1 League Dec 2020
Sereios fenelon Grixis Foundry 2–0 League Dec 2020
Sereios nezcheese Underworld Box 2–0 League Dec 2020
Merfolk stefangoerke Izzet Tempo 0–2 Gatherling Dec 2020
Merfolk ludwigfrito Weirding 0–2 Gatherling Dec 2020
Merfolk plrt Forbidian 2–1 Gatherling Dec 2020
Merfolk emerald000 Mardu Midrange 2–1 Gatherling Dec 2020
Sereios drinkwater Seance 1–2 League Dec 2020