Penny Dreadful Magic


Penny Dreadful. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community.

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Deck Opponent Opponent's Deck Result Competition Date MTGO Log
Azorius Skies raisaraosu Golgari Food 0–2 League Jul 2020 231108086
Azorius Skies jane30 Quest 2–0 League Jul 2020 231107702
Azorius Skies haddenbauer Dragons Nightmare 2–1 League Jul 2020 231076660
Azorius Skies hamels Red Deck Wins 2–1 League Jul 2020 231075160
Hive Pact v2 piruvato Rakdos Reanimator 1–2 League Jul 2020 231051197
Hive Pact v2 raisaraosu Golgari Food 1–2 League Jul 2020 231048107
Hive Pact v2 firespitinkitten Turbo Fog 2–0 League Jul 2020 231046946
Azorius Skies jenkin5630 Copy 1–2 League Jul 2020 231046214
Azorius Skies firespitinkitten Turbo Fog 2–1 League Jul 2020 231044791
Azorius Skies murpady Hypergenesis 2–0 League Jul 2020
Azorius Skies raisaraosu HighAlert 2–1 League Jul 2020 231044221
Azorius Skies mtjaredh Myr Incubator 2–1 League Jul 2020 231032913
Azorius Skies cca Red Deck Wins 1–2 League Jul 2020 231032650
Azorius Skies bailite Mono Green Ramp 2–1 League Jul 2020 231029678
Pestilent Spirit _iimthedmm_ Worldfire v2 0–2 League Jul 2020 231028428
Pestilent Spirit bailite Izzet Spells 2–0 League Jul 2020 231015984
Pestilent Spirit garraca Ascencion 2–0 League Jul 2020 231001019
Rakdos Menace lamer6 Elves 299 1–2 League Jul 2020 230999862
Foggy Approach fzad Big Red LD 1–2 League Jul 2020 230984902
Foggy Approach mymusicstudio Cycling 0–2 League Jul 2020 230984416
Foggy Approach jane30 Varolz Nought 2–0 League Jul 2020 230983982
Foggy Approach garraca Big Chungus 2–0 League Jul 2020 230967960
Foggy Approach honorbound84 Zur's Nightmare 0–2 League Jul 2020 230967185
Foggy Approach balduvianbears Antiques v00 2–1 League Jul 2020 230956037
Foggy Approach burner_account52 Storm a Brewn 2–1 League Jul 2020
Foggy Approach ninstitute Simic Aggro-Control 0–2 League Jul 2020 230951117
Foggy Approach strahan92 Mb Pox v2 2–0 League Jul 2020 230926308
Foggy Approach lorddawan Wave 2–0 League Jul 2020 230919172
Astral Azorius emobrian Does a Bear in the Woods 1–2 League Jul 2020 230907053
Astral Azorius firespitinkitten No Lands 2–0 League Jul 2020 230906346
Astral Azorius elesh_piper Rakdos Midrange 2–0 League Jun 2020 230882480
Hive Pact skagra42 Frog-Killing Aurochs v2 2–0 League Jun 2020 230881255
Hive Pact qbeczkowo Red Deck Wins 2–1 League Jun 2020 230880906
Hive Pact cca Birds² 2–0 League Jun 2020 230880239
Hive Pact marcelo137 Red Deck Wins 2–0 League Jun 2020 230857150
Hive Pact piruvato Rackdos 2–1 League Jun 2020 230856249
Five Color Legends empanadillahumana Reanimator 0–2 League Jun 2020 230855758
Hive Pact trestles Cycling 1–2 League Jun 2020 230829730
Hive Pact bailite Rakdos Sacrifice 2–0 League Jun 2020 230829100
Hive Pact stefangoerke Reanimator 2–1 League Jun 2020 230800244
Hive Pact 49547681 Artifact Combo 2–0 League Jun 2020 230799974
Hive Pact taylors Aristogoblins 1–2 League Jun 2020 230799702
My (BAD) Ninjas Version trestles Cycling 1–2 League Jun 2020 230799016
Hive Pact mrchocolate The Dreads Have Nought 1–2 League Jun 2020
Hive Pact mrchocolate The Dreads Have Nought 1–2 League Jun 2020 230798249
Hive Pact fueitei Dimri Tendril 2–1 League Jun 2020 230784518
Hive Pact aculalhazred Braids 2–1 League Jun 2020 230782803
Hive Pact mchnsm Dimcon 2–1 League Jun 2020 230782252
Hive Pact sai0410 Demonic Rising 2–0 League Jun 2020 230781643
Hive Pact fueitei Dimri Tendril 2–0 League Jun 2020 230780108
Hive Pact hacobplayz Might Be More Viable? 2–0 League Jun 2020 230758173
Hive Pact bloemenplukkert Burning Thryx 2–0 League Jun 2020 230756903
Hive Pact sai0410 Demonic Rising 2–0 League Jun 2020 230756345
Hive Pact hacobplayz Might Be Viable? 2–0 League Jun 2020 230755978
Hive Pact fueitei Dimri Tendril 2–0 League Jun 2020 230754924
Hive Pact murpady Storm 2–1 League Jun 2020 230754525
Hive Pact azaghal1 Arcum's Not Astrolabe 0–2 League Jun 2020 230754185
Hive Pact mildmanneredjanitor Life Gain v2 2–0 League Jun 2020 230753955
Hive Pact branc93 WoE 2–0 League Jun 2020 230753062
Hive Pact madman_quail Deadguy v10 1–2 League Jun 2020 230752951
Nevermakerless Wave v4 fueitei Dimri Tendril 0–2 League Jun 2020 230752201
Nevermakerless Wave v4 branc93 Ifnir's Cycle 2–0 League Jun 2020
Azorius Skies cyclonwarrior Ramp 0–2 League Jun 2020 230751550
Azorius Skies haddenbauer MHN Idea 2–0 League Jun 2020 230750932
Azorius Skies azaghal1 Arcum's Not Astrolabe 1–2 League Jun 2020 230725911
Azorius Skies branc93 Selesnya Rampidoo 2–0 League Jun 2020 230723631
Azorius Skies _iimthedmm_ Black Eldrazipost v2 2–0 League Jun 2020 230714993
Azorius Skies vista Izzet Spells 2–1 League Jun 2020 230714003
Azorius Skies branc93 Thassa's Flashbind 2–1 League Jun 2020 230713008
Azorius Skies j_meka Trick-Naught 2–1 League Jun 2020 230706163
Azorius Skies tvtyrant Air 2–0 League Jun 2020 230706095
Azorius Skies oldmanukko Black Reanimate 2–0 League Jun 2020 230705884
Azorius Skies madman_quail Ninjas v6 1–2 League Jun 2020 230705456
Azorius Skies haddenbauer Black Reanimation 2–0 League Jun 2020 230702394
Nevermakerless Wave v4 mrform Reanimator 2–1 League Jun 2020 230700606
Nevermakerless Wave v4 lpsmith D&g 2–0 League Jun 2020 230689639
Nevermakerless Wave v4 haddenbauer Knights 2–1 League Jun 2020 230684171
Nevermakerless Wave v4 hacobplayz Mono Black Burn 2–0 League Jun 2020 230671055
Nevermakerless Wave v4 madman_quail Ninjas v3 2–0 League Jun 2020 230670670
Mono Black Rising keisari Yosei Nightmare 0–2 League Jun 2020 230670101
Mono Black Rising duckoforegon Red Deck Wins 1–2 League Jun 2020 230669884
Mono Black Rising madman_quail Ninjas v3 2–0 League Jun 2020 230669094
Mono Black Rising bloemenplukkert Gond Twin 2–0 League Jun 2020
Mono Black Rising mariusz_cz Zombies 2–1 League Jun 2020 230661523
Dimir Something richardwagner Izzet Tempo 0–2 League Jun 2020 230661112
Dimir Something keisari Yosei Nightmare 1–2 League Jun 2020 230660246
Dimir Something jenkin5630 Ninja Mutant 2–0 League Jun 2020 230659578
Hypergenesis murpady Storm 1–2 League Jun 2020 230659063
Hypergenesis kasei_san Ascension v3 2–0 League Jun 2020 230656661
Hypergenesis ninstitute Dimir Control 0–2 League Jun 2020 230656592
Hypergenesis keisari Yosei Nightmare 2–1 League Jun 2020 230647393
Hypergenesis arcoverde Cycling 2–0 League Jun 2020 230637035
Dimir Something akromaangel66 Black Eldrazi 1–2 League Jun 2020 230636322
Dimir Something yaeli Cloudpost Turns 2–1 League Jun 2020 230635418
Dimir Something jane30 Tight Black Aggro 2–1 League Jun 2020 230635030
Dimir Something takeoutree Test 2–1 League Jun 2020 230610384
Dimir Something madman_quail Del v4 2–1 League Jun 2020 230609047
Rakdos Ponza akromaangel66 Black Eldrazi 2–0 League Jun 2020 230605361
Rakdos Ponza mrchocolate d'Ya Like Dags? 2–0 League Jun 2020 230605177
Rakdos Ponza madman_quail Del v3 1–2 League Jun 2020 230585256
Rakdos Ponza tvtyrant Worship 2–1 League Jun 2020 230584628
Rakdos Ponza ninstitute Dimir Control 2–0 League Jun 2020 230584102
Vamps shumpitostick Arcum's Not Astrolabe 0–2 League Jun 2020 230583402
Vamps shredmorten Simic Storm 1–2 League Jun 2020 230583374
Hive Pact 4423 Stompy 2–0 League Jun 2020 230582874
Hive Pact mildmanneredjanitor Varolz Dreadnought 2–1 League Jun 2020 230582543
Hive Pact _tom Control! 2–0 League Jun 2020 230582141
Hive Pact igros Storm 2–0 League Jun 2020 230581481
Hive Pact 49547681 Vat-Goblins 2–1 League Jun 2020 230581236
Red Deck Wins 49547681 Vat-Goblins 1–2 League Jun 2020 230580964
Red Deck Wins ninstitute Psycha 2–0 League Jun 2020 230580879
Red Deck Wins kasei_san Ascension v2 2–0 League Jun 2020 230580606
Red Deck Wins ninstitute Psycha 2–0 League Jun 2020 230580363
Red Deck Wins skagra42 Mono Black Enchantments 2–0 League Jun 2020 230571379
Red Deck Wins jhandy01 Storm 2–1 League Jun 2020 230571019
Red Deck Wins lordzzx Rakdos Ponza 1–2 League Jun 2020 230570658
Azorius Eternembalm lordzzx Rakdos Ponza 1–2 League Jun 2020 230570145
Goblin Aristocrats Mdog shredmorten Clouds and Tell 1–2 League Jun 2020 230569589
Goblin Aristocrats Mdog mildmanneredjanitor Varolz Dreadnought 2–0 League Jun 2020 230569072
Goblin Aristocrats Mdog ng4 Citadel Storm 0–2 League Jun 2020 230568763
Goblin Aristocrats Mdog duckoforegon Wild Pair 2–0 League Jun 2020 230568028
Goblin Aristocrats Mdog elesh_piper Rakdos Midrange 2–0 League Jun 2020 230560574
Wizzerinus Dimir Mid _tom Control! 0–2 League Jun 2020 230560096
Wizzerinus Dimir Mid kronosoma87 Mono Black Control 2–0 League Jun 2020 230559720
Wizzerinus Dimir Mid igros AggroSlide 1–2 League Jun 2020 230556015
Wizzerinus Dimir Mid mildmanneredjanitor Varolz Dreadnought 2–0 League Jun 2020 230545869
Goblin Aristocrats Mdog lorcec Dimir Mill 2–0 League Jun 2020 230545177
Goblin Aristocrats Mdog mattmobius Enchantment Prison 2–0 League Jun 2020 230544971
Goblin Aristocrats Mdog tvtyrant Worship 0–2 League Jun 2020 230544545
Goblin Aristocrats Mdog haddenbauer Knights 2–1 League Jun 2020 230538392
Goblin Aristocrats Mdog _tom Control! 2–0 League Jun 2020 230538119
Mono Black Control v2 jenkin5630 Aggroslide (Copy) 0–2 League Jun 2020 230532587
Mono Black Control v2 mrchocolate Hive Pact 0–2 League Jun 2020 230532366
Mono Black Control v2 thebrownbear Jund 2–1 League Jun 2020 230522322
Mono Black Control v2 elesh_piper Ponza 2–0 League Jun 2020 230521814
Mono Black Control v2 madman_quail Mimic Mockery 0–2 League Jun 2020 230521079
Jund drvervloet Phyrexian Golgari 1–2 League Jun 2020 230520056
Jund lorcec Casual Black 2–0 League Jun 2020
Jund tac0 Sultai Citadel 0–2 League Jun 2020 230512489
Jund madman_quail Machinehead v2 2–0 League Jun 2020 230511827
Mono Black Control gladiusintelis Silence Séance 2–0 League Jun 2020 230511295
Mono Black Control 49547681 Zomblins 2–1 League Jun 2020 230509366
Mono Black Control calpine Azorius Go BRRRR 2–1 League Jun 2020 230507642
Mono Black Control waffleslopper Knights 2–1 League Jun 2020 230497542
Mono Black Control gladiusintelis Rakdos Midrange 2–1 League Jun 2020 230496655
Zumba Stockpile madman_quail Machinehead v2 0–2 League Jun 2020 230495639
Zumba Stockpile madman_quail Machinehead v2 2–0 League Jun 2020 230494536
Red Deck Wins drvervloet Phyrexian Golgari 1–2 League Jun 2020 230488968
Red Deck Wins elesh_piper Elves 2–1 League Jun 2020 230488581
Red Deck Wins xqby Jeskai Control 2–0 League Jun 2020 230482994
Red Deck Wins jeremy812 Red Deck Wins 0–2 League Jun 2020 230482780
Red Deck Wins waffleslopper My Boy Blue 2–0 League Jun 2020 230473484
Dimir Conjecture jkruse24 AggroSlide 0–2 League Jun 2020 230472736
Dimir Conjecture murpady Mopey Esper 2–0 League Jun 2020
Goblin Aristocrats Mdog grdivrag Mono Black Devotion 1–2 League Jun 2020 230470614
Hostile Elementals s0me0ne GWWake 1–2 League Jun 2020 230460497
Hostile Elementals guizuim Goblins Rakdos 0–2 League Jun 2020 230460114
Hostile Elementals akromaangel66 Big Red 2–0 League Jun 2020 230459360
Hostile Elementals 49547681 Azorius Control 2–0 League Jun 2020 230455452
Hostile Elementals esandrad Sem Mão 2–1 League Jun 2020 230444980
Hostile Elementals fadetoblack1183 Boss Sligh 1–2 League Jun 2020 230444409
Hostile Elementals mildmanneredjanitor Flash Heroic 2–0 League Jun 2020 230443503
Hostile Elementals murpady Black Ooze 2–1 League Jun 2020 230442463
Hostile Elementals amathis001 Temur Neoform 2–0 League Jun 2020 230442111
Goblin Aristocrats Mdog fzad Weenie Hammer v4 2–0 League Jun 2020 230441257
Goblin Aristocrats Mdog takeoutree Agro É Pop, Agro É Tech, Agro É Tudo 2–1 League Jun 2020 230438916
Goblin Aristocrats Mdog jkruse24 AggroSlide 2–0 League Jun 2020 230437897
Goblin Aristocrats Mdog gringop Selesnya Tokens 2–0 League Jun 2020 230436837
Goblin Aristocrats Mdog islandman Zombie Treasures 2–0 League Jun 2020 230436357
Dreadnaught gladiusintelis Temur Neoform 0–2 League Jun 2020 230433160
Dreadnaught jane30 Ponza 1–2 League Jun 2020 230432331
Dreadnaught madman_quail Reap Jund v10 2–0 League Jun 2020 230432009
Rakdos Ponza jane30 Trickbind Dreadnought 1–2 League Jun 2020 230431415
Rakdos Ponza kasei_san Ascension v1 2–1 League Jun 2020 230430399
Jenkin Pestilent Spirit jane30 Trickbind Dreadnought 0–2 League Jun 2020 230430403
Jenkin Pestilent Spirit bobthebalder Rakdos Ponza 0–2 League Jun 2020 230430108
Nevermakerless Wave v4 waffleslopper My Boy Blue 1–2 League Jun 2020
Nevermakerless Wave v4 hairyfroglegs Bring the End 2–0 League Jun 2020 230417425
Azorius Eternembalm madman_quail Reap Jund v10 0–2 League Jun 2020 230416630
Azorius Eternembalm haddenbauer Ponza 2–1 League Jun 2020 230415868
Dimir Mid purplesandpaper MBR 1–2 League Jun 2020 230415148
Dimir Mid lorcec Mono White Tokens 2–0 League Jun 2020 230414839
Dimir Mid murpady Baker Reanimator 1–2 League Jun 2020 230414061
Dimir Mid vinavil Approccio 2–1 League Jun 2020 230412153
Dimir Mid gringop Selesnya Tokens 2–1 League Jun 2020 230410984
Golgari Elves mchnsm Thryx Wildfire 0–2 League Jun 2020 230410150
Golgari Elves gladiusintelis Anthem of the Squirrels 2–1 League Jun 2020 230409858
Golgari Elves islandman Zombie Hunter 2–0 League Jun 2020 230408548
Red Deck Wins bobthebalder Soulflayer 1–2 League Jun 2020 230408132
Red Deck Wins gladiusintelis Squirrel Séance 0–2 League Jun 2020 230407718
Red Deck Wins mildmanneredjanitor Proliferate 2–0 League Jun 2020 230407187
Red Deck Wins hacobplayz Rakdos Reanimator 0–2 League Jun 2020 230406508
Red Deck Wins jane30 Red Deck Wins 2–1 League Jun 2020 230404408
Gladiusintelis Temur Neoform shumpitostick Arcum's Not Astrolabe 0–2 League Jun 2020 230390864
Red Deck Wins amathis001 Dimir Storm 2–0 League Jun 2020 230390358
Red Deck Wins prowens Upheaval Post 2–1 League Jun 2020 230389640
Red Deck Wins madman_quail Sinful Desire Storm v10 2–1 League Jun 2020 230389261
Red Deck Wins haddenbauer Ramp 2–0 League Jun 2020 230388847
Red Deck Wins mildmanneredjanitor Heroic 2–0 League Jun 2020 230388018
Izzet Control notgood Swans 0–2 League Jun 2020 230387394
Izzet Control v1ndhl3r Azorius Tempo v1 1–2 League Jun 2020 230386480
Izzet Control acarecan Zombies 2–0 League Jun 2020 230386103
Izzet Control fox-zillion Cats 2–1 League Jun 2020 230382941
Suicide Aristocrats bobthebalder Devotion Titans? 1–2 League Jun 2020 230382404
Suicide Aristocrats nydethess Eldrazipost 0–2 League Jun 2020 230381916
Suicide Aristocrats fzad Hammeramp 2–0 League Jun 2020 230381210
Suicide Aristocrats fzad Hammer Control 2–1 League Jun 2020 230378038
Suicide Aristocrats gringop Selesnya Tokens 2–0 League Jun 2020 230375916
Izzet Control murpady Orzhov Wave 1–2 League Jun 2020 230366140
Azorius Eternembalm gladiusintelis Rakdos Midrange 0–2 League Jun 2020 230365251
Hypergenesis kalibak Red Deck Wins 1–2 League Jun 2020 230364693
Ritual Davriel Braids gafanhoto Grumgoblins 0–2 League Jun 2020 230364141
Ritual Davriel Braids acarecan Hive Pact 0–2 League Jun 2020 230363838
Ritual Davriel Braids fzad Izzet Swans v2 2–0 League Jun 2020 230363216
Big Red tvtyrant Yugioh 1–2 League Jun 2020 230362527
Big Red forceofmontey Night Night 2–0 League Jun 2020 230356774
Big Red tuliogt Dimir Cuzão 2–0 League Jun 2020 230356340
Big Red hacobplayz Rakdos Reanimator 2–0 League Jun 2020 230355680
Big Red shumpitostick Goblins 0–2 League Jun 2020 230353750
Azorius Eternembalm akromaangel66 Myr Incubator 0–2 League Jun 2020 230353162
Azorius Eternembalm bobofraggles Mono Green Stomp 2–1 League Jun 2020 230352722
Azorius Eternembalm madman_quail Rakdos Midrange v4 2–1 League Jun 2020 230352390
Azorius Eternembalm jenkin5630 Drake Siege v2 1–2 League Jun 2020 230351520
Azorius Embalmalize placebo Storm 1–2 League Jun 2020 230350993
Azorius Embalmalize lordzzx Azorius Wits 2–1 League Jun 2020 230341903
Azorius Embalmalize notgood Unexpected Results 2–0 League Jun 2020 230341410
Azorius Embalmalize blasteddd White Weenie v2 2–1 League Jun 2020 230340708
Azorius Embalmalize trestles Azorious Control 2–0 League Jun 2020
Azorius Embalmalize madman_quail Rakdos Midrange v3 2–0 League Jun 2020 230339296
Mayhem Goblins v2 amgb2 Citadel Storm 1–2 League Jun 2020 230338679
Zumba gringop Selesnya Tokens 2–0 League Jun 2020 230334089
Zumba forceofmontey Night Night 0–2 League Jun 2020 230333858
Zumba gladiusintelis Shape Anew Test 0–2 League Jun 2020 230333511
Zumba jane30 Zombies 2–0 League Jun 2020 230333008
Zumba j_meka Ominous Good 2–0 League Jun 2020 230332827
Hypergenesis amathis001 Dimir Storm 1–2 League Jun 2020 230332383
Hypergenesis nydethess Tokens 2–1 League Jun 2020 230332001
Hypergenesis uhen Hyper June v9 0–2 League Jun 2020 230331761
Hypergenesis forceofmontey Night Night 0–2 League Jun 2020 230331503
Azorius Embalmalize kasei_san Counter Burn v2 2–1 League Jun 2020 230327401
Azorius Embalmalize kash1 Dimir Storm 1–2 League Jun 2020 230327194
Azorius Embalmalize jane30 Enchantment Prison 2–0 League Jun 2020 230326990
Azorius Embalmalize judgeginger22 Esper Mid 2–1 League Jun 2020 230317389
Azorius Embalmalize _iimthedmm_ Beatdown Library 2–1 League Jun 2020 230316779
Hypergenesis lorcec Mono Green Token2 2–0 League Jun 2020 230316084
Hypergenesis jamada Battle of Wits v3 2–0 League Jun 2020 230315447
Hypergenesis jamada Mono Black Deathcloud 2–0 League Jun 2020 230315123
Hypergenesis tvtyrant Swan 2–0 League Jun 2020 230314656
Hypergenesis lorcec Vampires 2–0 League Jun 2020 230314268
Hive Pact uhen Orzhov Mid June v7 1–2 League Jun 2020 230309326
Zumba xqby Token Jokulhaups 2–0 League Jun 2020 230303425
Zumba fadetoblack1183 Hidetsugu 2–1 League Jun 2020 230294645
Zumba notgood Stiflenought 2–0 League Jun 2020 230294060
Zumba balduvianbears Ponza v03 1–2 League Jun 2020 230293948
Zumba gladiusintelis Hive Pact 1–2 League Jun 2020 230293576
Thryx Wildfire v4 tvtyrant Swan 1–2 League Jun 2020 230292996
Thryx Wildfire v4 notgood Marionette Gift 1–2 League Jun 2020 230292212
Thryx Wildfire v4 lorcec Vampires 2–0 League Jun 2020 230291692
Orzhov Midrange mchnsm Quest 0–2 League Jun 2020 230289561
Orzhov Midrange balduvianbears Ponza v03 0–2 League Jun 2020 230289151
Rakdos Midrange takeoutree Goblins 0–2 League Jun 2020 230288021
Rakdos Midrange hairyfroglegs Murpady Orzhov but Worse 0–2 League Jun 2020 230287369
Rakdos Midrange incursorsaprazzano Zombies 0–2 League Jun 2020 230287017
Rakdos Midrange jenkin5630 Gain Bolas v2 2–1 League Jun 2020 230285106
Mayhem Goblins bmestevess Goblins 0–2 League Jun 2020 230284485
Mayhem Goblins uhen Wild Fire June v6 1–2 League Jun 2020 230283161
Mayhem Goblins mchnsm Mbaggro 2–0 League Jun 2020 230282558
Mayhem Goblins jamn11 Deadeye Reclamation 2–0 League Jun 2020
Mayhem Goblins kronosoma87 Overrun Elves 0–2 League Jun 2020 230280462
Mayhem Goblins nfcunha Post 2–0 League Jun 2020 230280084
Mayhem Goblins fzad Sparky v2 2–0 League Jun 2020 230279612
Mayhem Goblins bobofraggles Cycling 2–0 League Jun 2020 230279343
Hypergenesis jenkin5630 Gain Bolas 0–2 League Jun 2020 230279030
Hypergenesis incursorsaprazzano Zombies 1–2 League Jun 2020 230278625
Izzet 8 Clones incursorsaprazzano Zombies 0–2 League Jun 2020 230278485
Izzet 8 Clones bobofraggles Cycling 0–2 League Jun 2020 230277746
Izzet 8 Clones haddenbauer Mono Red Deck 2–0 League Jun 2020 230277165
Izzet 8 Clones ozizi Glass 2–1 League Jun 2020 230264811
Hypergenesis uhen Wild Fire June v6 2–1 League Jun 2020 230263934
Hypergenesis xqby Transcendence Vault 2–0 League Jun 2020 230263555
Hypergenesis judgeginger22 Dimir Midrange 2–0 League Jun 2020 230263305
Hypergenesis jamn11 4Post 2–0 League Jun 2020 230262810
Hypergenesis xqby Transcendence Vault 2–0 League Jun 2020 230262263
Mayhem Goblins jane30 Trickbind Dreadnought 2–1 League Jun 2020 230252800
Mayhem Goblins magma728 Simic Mutate 2–0 League Jun 2020
Mayhem Goblins magrellos Lands 2–0 League Jun 2020 230252410
Mayhem Goblins airborne17th Red Deck Wins 2–0 League Jun 2020 230251959
Mayhem Goblins cca Red Deck Wins 2–0 League Jun 2020 230250952
Hypergenesis kasei_san Izzet Draw 1–2 League Jun 2020 230250163
Hypergenesis erjsaitama スーパークレイジーミューテイト 2–0 League Jun 2020 230249865
Hypergenesis jamn11 Spider Spawning 2–1 League Jun 2020 230249403
Hypergenesis gladiusintelis Hive Pact 1–2 League Jun 2020 230249024
Hypergenesis jenkin5630 Half Copy Reap Jund v3 2–0 League Jun 2020 230248845
Hypergenesis incursorsaprazzano Azorius Control 2–1 League Jun 2020 230248293
Hypergenesis mchnsm Ominous Good 1–2 League Jun 2020 230247734
Hypergenesis akromaangel66 Cloudpost Turbo Jokul 2–1 League Jun 2020 230235112
Hypergenesis ethananderson Simic Mutate 2–0 League Jun 2020 230234587
Hypergenesis spr1ngles Mono Black Cards 2–0 League Jun 2020 230234188
Hypergenesis haddenbauer Boros Cycling 2–0 League Jun 2020 230233446
Hypergenesis judgeginger22 Dimir Midrange 2–0 League Jun 2020 230233117
Hypergenesis ethananderson Ascension Red 2–0 League Jun 2020 230232675
Hypergenesis guizuim Mono Black Casual 2–1 League Jun 2020 230232070
Hypergenesis xinlisupreme Mono Red Ponza 0–2 League Jun 2020 230231780
Big Red haddenbauer Boros Cycling 2–0 League Jun 2020 230231130
Big Red forceofmontey Night Night 0–2 League Jun 2020 230227242
Big Red auhosj877 Necromancer's Stockpile 1–2 League Jun 2020 230226129
Big Red auhosj877 Bolas's Citadel Shape Anew v5 2–1 League Jun 2020 230224501
Big Red qualia327 Stormrack2 2–0 League Jun 2020 230223105
Big Red jaapjrc Storm 2–0 League Jun 2020 230222867
Big Red haddenbauer Red Deck Wins 2–1 League Jun 2020 230221746
Big Red jane30 Ascention 2–0 League Jun 2020 230220239
Big Red _iimthedmm_ Commune With Grenzo v8 2–0 League Jun 2020 230217848
Big Red un1c0rns Rock 2–0 League Jun 2020 230217776
Thryx Wildfire v4 ethananderson Pyromancer Izzet 1–2 League Jun 2020 230207263
Zumba fadetoblack1183 1-800-Got-Junk 2–0 League Jun 2020 230206902
Zumba juvenenses Br-Test 1–2 League Jun 2020 230206427
Zumba r1ncewind HyperHyper 0–2 League Jun 2020 230205918
Zumba shredmorten Battle v2 2–1 League Jun 2020 230204767
Zumba kalibak Red Deck Wins 2–0 League Jun 2020 230204449
mURPADY rEANIMATOR kalibak Red Deck Wins 0–2 League Jun 2020 230204279
mURPADY rEANIMATOR kalibak Red Deck Wins 0–2 League Jun 2020 230204081
mURPADY rEANIMATOR jaapjrc Storm 2–1 League Jun 2020 230198998
Zumba r1ncewind Guillotine 2–1 League Jun 2020 230198170
Zumba kasei_san Draw2.1 2–0 League Jun 2020 230194509
Zumba r1ncewind Ascension 0–2 League Jun 2020 230194267
Zumba jane30 Rishkar Stompy 2–0 League Jun 2020 230192281
Zumba kasei_san Draw2 2–1 League Jun 2020 230192061
Zumba notgood Mono Red Shoal 2–0 League Jun 2020 230191950
Zumba zubekanov Trickbind Dreadnought 2–1 League Jun 2020 230191724
Zumba murpady - -8 Reanimator 2–1 League Jun 2020 230181120
Zumba lyleswann Dimir Midrange 2–0 League Jun 2020 230180839
Zumba juvenenses Br-Test 1–2 League Jun 2020 230180365
Thryx Wildfire v4 madman_quail Reap Jund v7 0–2 League Jun 2020 230179274
Thryx Wildfire v4 calculatorofjustice Abzan Toughness Matters 2–0 League Jun 2020 230176406
Thryx Wildfire v4 jaapjrc Bant Reclamation v3 2–1 League Jun 2020 230175835
Thryx Wildfire v4 redyeard Aristocrats 2–0 League Jun 2020
Thryx Wildfire v4 mchnsm Ominous Good 2–0 League Jun 2020 230174961
Thryx Wildfire v4 toasterofgod Rishkar Stompy 2–1 League Jun 2020 230171997
Rakdos Midrange xqby Rishkar Stompy 1–2 League Jun 2020 230171626
Rakdos Midrange toasterofgod Rishkar Stompy 2–0 League Jun 2020 230171103
Rakdos Midrange daredevil10 Mono Black Midrange 2–1 League Jun 2020 230170709
Rakdos Midrange krillzoo Rakdos Rack 2–0 League Jun 2020 230170526
Rakdos Midrange mildmanneredjanitor Heroic 2–0 League Jun 2020 230170173
Suicide Aristocrats madman_quail Hypergenesis v6 0–2 League Jun 2020 230170063
Suicide Aristocrats toasterofgod Elves 1–2 League Jun 2020 230169793
Zumba toasterofgod Elves 2–1 League Jun 2020 230169552
Zumba gafanhoto GrumGoblins 2–1 League Jun 2020 230169176
Zumba azaghal1 Arcum's Not Astrolabe 2–1 League Jun 2020 230168804
Zumba daredevil10 Mono Black Midrange 0–2 League Jun 2020 230168487
Zumba toasterofgod Elves 2–1 League Jun 2020 230168205
Zumba gladiusintelis Dimir Control 2–1 League Jun 2020 230159932
Zumba madman_quail Hypergenesis v6 0–2 League Jun 2020 230159807
Zumba daveosaurr Dimir Control 2–0 League Jun 2020 230159605
Zumba kalibak Red Deck Wins 2–1 League Jun 2020 230159080
Zumba magrellos Psychatog 2–0 League Jun 2020 230158376
Ponza redyeard Aristocrats 1–2 League Jun 2020 230157729
Ponza dr_jimathy Quest for Steel 0–2 League Jun 2020 230157064
Ponza hairyfroglegs Tamanoa Enchantress 2–0 League Jun 2020 230156384
Davriel Ritual Braids xqby Rishkar Stompy 0–2 League Jun 2020 230156108
Rakdos Midrange madman_quail Hypergenesis v5 1–2 League Jun 2020 230153787
Rakdos Midrange shredmorten Battle v2 2–0 League Jun 2020 230152590
Rakdos Midrange icytaichou Eggs 2–1 League Jun 2020 230152006
Rakdos Midrange toasterofgod Dimir Flash 2–0 League Jun 2020 230151254
Rakdos Midrange lauki Dragon Nightmare 2–0 League Jun 2020 230150696
Rakdos Midrange calpine Shape Anew Storm 2–0 League Jun 2020 230150306
Rakdos Midrange toasterofgod Reanimator 2–0 League Jun 2020 230147834
Rakdos Midrange jenkin5630 Welcome 2–0 League Jun 2020 230147046
Rakdos Midrange candwich231 Rakdos Reanimator 1–2 League Jun 2020 230138348
Rakdos Midrange gladiusintelis Selesnya Seance 2–0 League Jun 2020 230138010
Merfolks gladiusintelis Selesnya Seance 0–2 League Jun 2020 230137763
Ponza nef_x Rakdos Reanimator 0–2 League Jun 2020 230137664
Ponza lorcec Vampires 2–0 League Jun 2020 230136258
Ponza madman_quail Hypergenesis v4 2–1 League Jun 2020 230135875
Ponza xinlisupreme Aggroslide 2–0 League Jun 2020 230135358
Ponza algama Elves 2–0 League Jun 2020
Ponza pilgrim Zur Pile v3 2–0 League Jun 2020
Ponza mysterio_pl Mono White Tempered Steel v16.02 1–2 League Jun 2020 230130609
Ponza 4423 Modules 2–0 League Jun 2020 230130225
Ponza gafanhoto GrumGoblins 2–0 League Jun 2020 230129955
Ponza forceofmontey Night Night 1–2 League Jun 2020 230129803
Rakdos Aristocrats Goblins gladiusintelis Dimir Control 0–2 League Jun 2020 230129293
Rakdos Aristocrats Goblins a_a_rawn Citadel Storm 2–1 League Jun 2020 230127926
Rakdos Aristocrats Goblins jenkin5630 Mono Green Devotion v3 2–1 League Jun 2020 230127267
Rakdos Aristocrats Goblins toasterofgod The Rock 2–0 League Jun 2020 230127250
Rakdos Aristocrats Goblins deadly_spider Izzet Tempo 2–0 League Jun 2020 230126741
Ponza mchnsm Ominous Good 1–2 League Jun 2020 230126464
Ponza jenkin5630 Mono Green Devotion v3 2–0 League Jun 2020 230125461
Ponza akamatsu Mishra Colossus 2–0 League Jun 2020 230124646
Ponza toasterofgod The Rock 2–1 League Jun 2020 230124383
Ponza lorddawan Squirrels v2 2–1 League Jun 2020 230124097
Rakdos Aristocrats Goblins somedudemarc Orzho Deemo's 2–0 League May 2020 230050998
Rakdos Aristocrats Goblins jenkin5630 Simic Changeling 2–0 League May 2020 230050385
Rakdos Aristocrats Goblins jenkin5630 Boros Token 2–0 League May 2020 230045014
Rakdos Aristocrats Goblins acarecan Zur the Enchanter 2–1 League May 2020 230035009
Rakdos Aristocrats Goblins xqby Mono Black Devotion 2–0 League May 2020 230034462
Ponza lorcec Mono White Soldier 2–1 League May 2020 230033615
Ponza fox-zillion Orzhov Cats 2–1 League May 2020 230026471
Ponza jaceerasure Soldiers v1.1 2–1 League May 2020 230020334
Ponza madman_quail Reap Rock v2 2–1 League May 2020 230000766
Ponza xqby Ink Blink 2–0 League May 2020 229998855
Grixis Combo Control onefatcow Nicol Nicol 1–2 League May 2020 229988324
Grixis Combo Control vainfire Izzet Draw 2 v2 Tutu 2–0 League May 2020 229987450
Grixis Combo Control madman_quail Hypergenesis v2 1–2 League May 2020 229986654
Grixis Combo Control jeremy812 Mono Black Tempo 2–0 League May 2020 229985937
Nevermakerless Wave v4 kalibak Duck Red 1–2 League May 2020 229979204
Nevermakerless Wave v4 yatoyatoya Cat 0–2 League May 2020 229972496
Nevermakerless Wave v4 xqby Jok & FoF 2–1 League May 2020 229972078
Nevermakerless Wave v4 lyleswann Alive 2–1 League May 2020
Nevermakerless Wave v4 bot_chris Arbzon - :D 2–0 League May 2020 229960826
Thryx Wildfire v4 bctlfralp123 Gruul Trample 1–2 League May 2020 229960123
Mono Blue dJIN magma728 Simic Mutate 1–2 League May 2020 229959623
Mono Blue dJIN lorcec Aristocrat 1–2 League May 2020 229958846
Mono Blue dJIN haveagreatday Hypergenesis 2–1 League May 2020 229950441
Mono Blue dJIN yatoyatoya Unexpected Result 2–0 League May 2020 229943481
Thryx Wildfire v4 siamylphe Dimir Control 1–2 League May 2020 229942598
Thryx Wildfire v4 mudkipsocks Rakdos v5 2–0 League May 2020 229932246
Thryx Wildfire v4 jolraels_centaur Zomboni? The Ice Rink Guy? 2–1 League May 2020 229931632
Thryx Wildfire v4 lorcec Mono White Soldier 2–0 League May 2020 229930973
Thryx Wildfire v4 fadetoblack1183 Bant Draw Go 2–1 League May 2020 229930015
Rogue Aggro Black lorcec Mono White Soldier 1–2 League May 2020 229929231
Rogue Aggro Black masterzior Nephelim Jank 2–0 League May 2020 229915832
Thryx Wildfire v4 masterzior Nephelim Jank 2–0 League May 2020 229914985
Thryx Wildfire v4 boostersdraught Hightide 2–0 League May 2020 229914345
Thryx Wildfire v4 yuu200180128 Simic Counter 2–0 League May 2020 229913983
Thryx Wildfire v4 berikande Mutate 2–1 League May 2020 229913402
Thryx Wildfire v4 lyleswann Too Many Cards 2–0 League May 2020 229899021
Rakdos Midrange magma728 Persist Combo 0–2 League May 2020 229898381
Rakdos Midrange nekochess Upheaval Post 2–0 League May 2020 229896602
Rakdos Midrange fox-zillion Cats 2–0 League May 2020 229895864
Rakdos Midrange xqby Egg Flare 2–0 League May 2020 229895211
Rakdos Midrange lyleswann Alive 2–1 League May 2020 229893413
Rakdos Midrange jenkin5630 Polymorph Control v2 1–2 League May 2020 229890286
Wizzerinus Dimir Mid depressedduck Cycling 2–1 League May 2020 229888082
Wizzerinus Dimir Mid nanaiper Mono Black Devotion 1–2 League May 2020 229887232
Wizzerinus Dimir Mid jane30 Tokens 2–0 League May 2020 229887069
Wizzerinus Dimir Mid yuu200180128 Simic Counter 2–0 League May 2020 229882054
Wizzerinus Dimir Mid shredmorten Simic Storm 0–2 League May 2020 229881865
Suicide Aristocrats incursorsaprazzano Zombies 0–2 League May 2020 229881499
Suicide Aristocrats byvci Zombies 1–2 League May 2020 229880021
Suicide Aristocrats mysterio_pl Boros Token v16.02 2–0 League May 2020 229879729
Thryx Wildfire v4 landonpeanut Azorius Control 1–2 League May 2020 229878826
Thryx Wildfire v3 jaredf Hexproof Auras 2–0 League May 2020 229878258
Thryx Wildfire v3 trestles Phyrexian Dreadnought 1–2 League May 2020
Thryx Wildfire v3 fadetoblack1183 Dragon Reanimator 2–1 League May 2020 229865590
Thryx Wildfire v3 shredmorten Sultai Storm 2–1 League May 2020 229863795
Thryx Wildfire v3 a_a_rawn Discard 2–0 League May 2020 229862502
Swarm Intelligence gladiusintelis Rakdos Midrange 1–2 League May 2020 229854306
Swarm Intelligence madman_quail Sinful Desire Storm v9 1–2 League May 2020 229848011
Izzet SPELLS lorcec Mono Black Sacrifice 1–2 League May 2020 229845243
Izzet SPELLS lorcec Mono Black Soul 2–1 League May 2020 229830580
Izzet SPELLS lorcec Mono White Knights E 4 Birds 2–1 League May 2020 229829782
Izzet SPELLS kwww Life 1–2 League May 2020 229816855
Izzet SPELLS xqby Shape Storm 2–0 League May 2020 229816124
Suicide Aristocrats berikande Mutate 0–2 League May 2020 229815370
Suicide Aristocrats gladiusintelis Rakdos Midrange 2–1 League May 2020 229790226
Suicide Aristocrats lorcec Mono White Knights 2–0 League May 2020 229789657
Suicide Aristocrats _iimthedmm_ Worldfire 2–0 League May 2020 229774504
Suicide Aristocrats masterofphysics CruelPost v3 2–0 League May 2020 229774023
Ritual Davriel Braids mildmanneredjanitor Ghostbusters 0–2 League May 2020 229773372
Ritual Davriel Braids blasteddd Discard 2–1 League May 2020 229772877
Mono Black Aggro jane30 Rakdos Midrange 1–2 League May 2020 229757705
Mono Black Aggro nzw173 Izzet Vision 2–1 League May 2020 229756761
Suicide Aristocrats spr1ngles Mono Black Devotion 2–1 League May 2020 229742460
Suicide Aristocrats vinland_ Tempered Steel 2–0 League May 2020 229741108
Suicide Aristocrats mongoboingo Mono Green Rofellos Ramp 1–2 League May 2020 229740592
Suicide Aristocrats mtgxman Dorks and Muteys 2–0 League May 2020 229739700
Suicide Aristocrats arcoverde Rakdos Reanimator 2–0 League May 2020 229730641
Suicide Aristocrats jenkin5630 Mono Black Heartless 2–1 League May 2020 229729122
Suicide Aristocrats jane30 Seance-W-Lambholt 2–1 League May 2020 229726527
Suicide Aristocrats utatsuki Dimir Heartless 2–0 League May 2020 229726014
Suicide Aristocrats siamylphe Dimir Control 2–0 League May 2020 229725787
Suicide Aristocrats gladiusintelis Rakdos Midrange 2–0 League May 2020 229723986
Suicide Aristocrats aqua601 Control Dreadful 2–0 League May 2020 229713394
Suicide Aristocrats majordan Izzet Spells 2–1 League May 2020 229703785
Suicide Aristocrats tommycakes Azorius Spiritgeddon 2–0 League May 2020 229696408
Suicide Aristocrats christd Irencrag Feat Wildfire 2–0 League May 2020 229696108
Suicide Aristocrats mudkipsocks Toot 2–0 League May 2020 229679410
Nevermakerless Wave v4 _iimthedmm_ Abzan GY 1–2 League May 2020 229677921
Nevermakerless Wave v4 hamie96 Reading-Rainbow 1–2 League May 2020 229677107
Nevermakerless Wave v4 lorcec Dark Side 2–0 League May 2020 229675763
Mono White Heroic thisguyagain365 Mono Red v2 1–2 League May 2020 229675151
Mono White Heroic majordan Reanimate 0–2 League May 2020 229674728
Mono White Heroic lorcec Dark Side 2–0 League May 2020 229674196
Mono White Control gladiusintelis Antique Metal Salvage Anvil 0–2 League May 2020 229665151
Suicide Aristocrats gladiusintelis One Antique Salvaged Metal Anvil 2–0 League May 2020 229664419
Suicide Aristocrats balduvianbears Aristocrats Black v00 2–0 League May 2020 229663925
Suicide Aristocrats jane30 Red Deck Wins 1–2 League May 2020 229661528
Suicide Aristocrats jenkin5630 Siege Cloud 2–0 League May 2020 229661141
Suicide Aristocrats lorcec Mono Black Devotion 2–1 League May 2020 229660260
Selesnya Gavony Tokens somedudemarc Wild Pair 1–2 League May 2020 229659813
Suicide Aristocrats toadstl Gobs 2–1 League May 2020 229643004
Suicide Aristocrats luizpaulo_19 Abzan Dragon 2–1 League May 2020 229642003
Suicide Aristocrats fadetoblack1183 Naya Aggro 2–0 League May 2020 229641363
Suicide Aristocrats truehero17 Zur's Siege 2–0 League May 2020 229640834
Suicide Aristocrats thyshuffler Reanimator 2–0 League May 2020 229630710
Bant Tokens kalibak Red Deck Wins 0–2 League May 2020 229630318
Briar Moss 3 Color Is Too Hard to Make Work fox-zillion Armor Skin 0–2 League May 2020 229629673
Briar Moss 3 Color Is Too Hard to Make Work jenkin5630 Orzhov Leave//Chance v4 2–0 League May 2020 229629006
Suicide Aristocrats pilgrim Zur Pile v2 1–2 League May 2020 229628242
Suicide Aristocrats tommycakes Mono Blacat Devotion 2–0 League May 2020 229627620
Suicide Aristocrats jenkin5630 Orzhov Leave//Chance v3 2–0 League May 2020 229626864
Suicide Aristocrats xqby Enigmatic Zur 2–1 League May 2020 229625633
Suicide Aristocrats zachf Rakdos Turbr0 2–0 League May 2020 229625453
Suicide Aristocrats xqby Enigmatic Zur 2–0 League May 2020 229623708
Suicide Aristocrats adammac Burner 2–0 League May 2020 229613375
Suicide Aristocrats mildmanneredjanitor Orzhov Ghostbusters 2–0 League May 2020 229612460
Suicide Aristocrats vinland_ Orzhov Demonic Rising v2 1–2 League May 2020 229611455
Suicide Aristocrats byvci Red Deck Wins 2–0 League May 2020 229610813
Suicide Aristocrats waltzmark Mono Green Bramblecrush 2–0 League May 2020 229601512
Placebo Rakdos Like insan3_ Orzhov Parallax 0–2 League May 2020 229601063
Placebo Rakdos Like shredmorten Mermaids v2 0–2 League May 2020 229600821
Placebo Rakdos Like lorcec Mono Black Devotion 2–1 League May 2020 229600257
Placebo Rakdos Like dr_jimathy Scrap Steel 2–0 League May 2020 229600009
Placebo Rakdos Like truehero17 Esper Control v2 2–0 League May 2020 229596935
Placebo Rakdos Like placebo Mono Blue Turbo Folk Brain Damaged 1–2 League May 2020 229596221
Placebo Rakdos Like thyshuffler Esper Ribbons v2.1 0–2 League May 2020 229595745
Placebo Rakdos Like vainfire Bruh You Just Got Seance'd 2–0 League May 2020 229593884
Placebo Rakdos Like adammac Burner 2–0 League May 2020 229593753
Placebo Rakdos Like cca Tempered Steel 2–0 League May 2020 229581907
Suicide Aristocrats lorcec Red Titan 2–0 League May 2020 229581424
Suicide Aristocrats cca Tempered Steel 2–1 League May 2020 229580705
Suicide Aristocrats raithreyray Panoptic v3 2–0 League May 2020 229580067
Suicide Aristocrats chinerrato Gw+1/+1 2–0 League May 2020 229579117
Suicide Aristocrats acarecan Zombies 2–0 League May 2020 229578724
Suicide Aristocrats gladiusintelis Reanimator 2–1 League May 2020 229571510
Suicide Aristocrats acarecan Zombies 2–1 League May 2020 229570782
Suicide Aristocrats jenkin5630 Good Luck 2–0 League May 2020 229568543
Suicide Aristocrats murpady Fair Magic 1–2 League May 2020 229568111
Suicide Aristocrats bomomba Copying Better Players 102 2–0 League May 2020 229564416
sUICIDE ARISTOCRATS jenkin5630 Kuso 2–0 League May 2020 229552926
sUICIDE ARISTOCRATS everyigniwantistaken I'm Bad at Brewing So I Netdecked 2–1 League May 2020 229551558
sUICIDE ARISTOCRATS system33 Sultai Tendrils 2–0 League May 2020 229550954
sUICIDE ARISTOCRATS lorcec Mill5 2–0 League May 2020 229549141
sUICIDE ARISTOCRATS acarecan Zombies 2–1 League May 2020 229541102
Nevermakerless Wave v4 berikande Simic Flash 0–2 League May 2020 229540532
tWIN Selesnya zaprofessor Red Deck Wins 1–2 League May 2020 229539835
tWIN Selesnya fox-zillion Armor Skin 2–0 League May 2020 229539403
tWIN Selesnya azaghal1 Mirrodin Besieged 2–0 League May 2020 229539015
tWIN Selesnya _mathieu_ Turbo Fog 0–2 League May 2020 229538698
Nevermakerless Wave v4 jaredf Hexproof Auras 2–0 League May 2020 229537099
Nevermakerless Wave v4 waltzmark Anax Red 2–0 League May 2020 229536755
Nevermakerless Wave v4 zachf Faeri3 2–0 League May 2020 229535985
Nevermakerless Wave v4 waltzmark Mono Black Zombies 2–1 League May 2020 229535587
Nevermakerless Wave v4 azaghal1 Arcum's Not Astrolabe 2–1 League May 2020 229534789
Discard Stompy mtgxman Dorks and Muteys 1–2 League May 2020 229523861
Discard Stompy _sunga_ Aggroslide 0–2 League May 2020 229523473
Discard Stompy montyb Brains v2 2–1 League May 2020 229522439
Discard Stompy servantofcygnus Teenage Mutant Hero Cats 2–1 League May 2020
Dimir Vat sushiske Affinity Hardened Scales 0–2 League May 2020 229521219
Nevermakerless Wave v4 eshakez Dragon Nightmare 2–1 League May 2020 229519714
Nevermakerless Wave v4 k3pper Mono Red Burn 2–1 League May 2020 229517761
Nevermakerless Wave v4 kyosukenoir Stuffy Stuffs 2–0 League May 2020 229512029
Nevermakerless Wave v4 spr1ngles Green Post 2–1 League May 2020 229493776
Nevermakerless Wave v4 trevor3693 Fast March 2–0 League May 2020 229493121
Zumba nfcunha Mono Black Devotion 1–2 League May 2020 229492666
Zumba _sunga_ AggroSlide 1–2 League May 2020 229491808
Zumba eshakez Abzan Nightmare 2–0 League May 2020 229491216
Zumba everyigniwantistaken I'm Bad at Brewing So I Netdecked 2–1 League May 2020 229488606
Zumba r1ncewind Value-Ooze 2–1 League May 2020 229486476
Zumba wizzerinus Fair Junk 2–1 League May 2020 229485773
Zumba -capivara- Wildfire 2–1 League May 2020 229481361
Zumba akarian Simic Ascendancy 2–1 League May 2020 229481057
Zumba spottedcheetah Eggs 2–0 League May 2020 229480509
Zumba baraldsbr Madman Quail's Sinful Desire 0–2 League May 2020 229480143
Zumba gladiusintelis Izzet a Draw? 2–0 League May 2020 229479783
Zumba hboc22 Arcums-Not-Astrolabe 2–0 League May 2020 229479213
Zumba balduvianbears Nightmare Junk v05 2–0 League May 2020 229478523
Zumba gladiusintelis Izzet a Draw? 2–0 League May 2020 229478085
Zumba lorell_w Grixis Control 1–2 League May 2020 229477449
Zumba lorcec Dimir Mill 2–0 League May 2020 229477089
Zumba luizpaulo_19 Aggroslide 2–0 League May 2020 229476734
Thryx Wildfire v3 tommycakes Grixis Badcards 0–2 League May 2020
Thryx Wildfire v3 azaghal1 Arcum's Not Astrolabe 0–2 League May 2020 229475781
Greed Pile 9000 algama Lowbies 1–2 League May 2020 229475246
Greed Pile 9000 azaghal1 Arcum's Not Astrolabe 2–0 League May 2020 229475168
Greed Pile 9000 jane30 Tempered Steel 0–2 League May 2020 229474818
Azorius Control v2 _sunga_ Aggroslide 0–2 League May 2020 229462113
Ritual Davriel Braids v4 _sunga_ Aggroslide 0–2 League May 2020 229461628
Ritual Davriel Braids v4 that_2d Cheap Zombies v3 0–2 League May 2020 229461180
Ritual Davriel Braids v4 fadetoblack1183 E&b 2–0 League May 2020 229460348
Ritual Davriel Braids v4 _sunga_ Aggroslide 2–1 League May 2020 229459051
Arcums Not Astrolable _sunga_ Aggroslide 0–2 League May 2020 229458778
Ritual Davriel Braids v4 mptn Selesnya Wake Up Manifest Creatures v3 0–2 League May 2020 229448699
Ritual Davriel Braids v4 adammac Burner 2–1 League May 2020 229448392
Ritual Davriel Braids v4 spottedcheetah Eggs 2–0 League May 2020 229447774
Ritual Davriel Braids v4 azaghal1 Arcum's Not Astrolabe 0–2 League May 2020 229446977
Ritual Davriel Braids v4 gladiusintelis Reanimator 1–2 League May 2020 229446692
Ritual Davriel Braids v4 fox-zillion Armor Skin 2–1 League May 2020 229444353
Selesnya Vatluetown mptn Selesnya Wake Up Manifest Creatures v3 0–2 League May 2020 229443355
Selesnya Vatluetown rv_belial Mono Blue Tempo 2–1 League May 2020 229441215
Selesnya Vatluetown 4423 K 1–2 League May 2020 229440884
Selesnya Vatluetown kwww Hellbent 2–0 League May 2020 229440630
Ritual Davriel Braids v3 xqby Upheaval Ponza 2–0 League May 2020 229436280
Ritual Davriel Braids v3 somedudemarc Orzho Deemo's 2–0 League May 2020 229418519
Ritual Davriel Braids v3 zuukrifkodaav Heartless Mutate 2–0 League May 2020 229417909
Ritual Davriel Braids v3 necropotence1361 I Am Free Now PNG 2–0 League May 2020
Ritual Davriel Braids v3 jenkin5630 Davriel Cloud 2–1 League May 2020 229407938
Orzhov Cats berikande Bant Reclamation v2 1–2 League May 2020 229405696
Orzhov Cats murpady All-in Reanimator 1–2 League May 2020 229405415
Orzhov Cats jane30 Orzhov Astralslide 2–0 League May 2020 229405408
Orzhov Cats shredmorten Abzan Nightmare 0–2 League May 2020 229403384
Orzhov Cats calculatorofjustice Abzan Toughness Matters 2–0 League May 2020 229390325
Worship v2 j_meka Wild Pair 1–2 League May 2020 229389522
Worship v2 nicolis Reanimator 1–2 League May 2020 229389130
Worship v2 aethergames Cycle Dek 2–0 League May 2020 229388352
Ritual Davriel Braids v2 algama Mono-Blue-Merfolk 2–1 League May 2020 229385697
Ritual Davriel Braids v2 trestles Phyrexian Dreadnought 2–0 League May 2020 229385279
Ritual Davriel Braids v2 wizzerinus Dimir Mid v4 2–0 League May 2020 229384432
Ritual Davriel Braids v2 rv_belial Azorius Control 2–0 League May 2020 229383654
Ritual Davriel Braids v2 acarecan Braids 2–0 League May 2020 229383545
Yosei Vat spottedcheetah Big Azorius 1–2 League May 2020 229382272
Ritual Davriel Braids v2 fox-zillion Armor Skin 0–2 League May 2020 229377706
Ritual Davriel Braids v2 yuu200180128 Treefolk 2–0 League May 2020 229376929
Ritual Davriel Braids v2 lvg87 Greater Nightmare 0–2 League May 2020 229376464
Ritual Davriel Braids v2 lordzzx Increasing Trauma 2–0 League May 2020 229375719
Ritual Davriel Braids v2 jane30 Jokulhaups 2–0 League May 2020 229375105
Ritual Davriel Braids v2 ninstitute Goblin 2–1 League May 2020 229374227
Ritual Davriel Braids happybirthdayralph Elf Druids 1–2 League May 2020 229360836
Ritual Davriel Braids jh6301 Cloud of the Stax 2–0 League May 2020 229360465
Ritual Davriel Braids onehighwayzerocity Esper Ribbons 2–0 League May 2020 229359327
Ritual Davriel Braids duckoforegon Boros Cycling 2–0 League May 2020 229358842
Ritual Davriel Braids acarecan Psychatog 2–0 League May 2020 229358536
Davriel Braids crazytales Dimir Storm 2–1 League May 2020 229357262
Davriel Braids acarecan Psychatog 2–0 League May 2020 229356184
Davriel Braids zachf I Just Copy Littlefield Decks 1–2 League May 2020
Davriel Braids luizpaulo_19 Esper Ribbons 2–1 League May 2020 229349586
Davriel Braids murpady Starrix Mutate 2–0 League May 2020 229349173
Davriel Braids kmtmkg Gruul Post 2–0 League May 2020 229344665
Davriel Braids christd Ultimatum Combo 2–0 League May 2020 229344474
Davriel Braids murpady Standard Deck? 1–2 League May 2020 229344219
Davriel Braids jenkin5630 Heartless 2–1 League May 2020 229341888
Davriel Braids spanky704 Black Heartless 2–1 League May 2020 229329012
Nevermakerless Wave v2 madman_quail Sinful Desire Storm v5 0–2 League May 2020 229328143
Nevermakerless Wave v2 xqby Cruel Control 1–2 League May 2020 229326563
Nevermakerless Wave v2 necropotence1361 Sultai Storm 2–1 League May 2020 229325338
Nevermakerless Wave v2 bmestevess Goblins 2–0 League May 2020 229318601
Nevermakerless Wave v2 jenkin5630 Quest for Renewal 2–0 League May 2020 229318362
Thryx Wildfire v2 takeonman J 1–2 League May 2020 229317621
Thryx Wildfire v2 sir_garde Mono Black Aggro 2–0 League May 2020 229317295
Thryx Wildfire v2 bmestevess Goblins 1–2 League May 2020 229316706
Mono Black Devotion judgeginger22 Dimir Midrange 0–2 League May 2020 229316294
Simic Merfolk jenkin5630 Quest for Renewal 1–2 League May 2020 229315846
Simic Merfolk spottedcheetah BIg Azorius 0–2 League May 2020 229315244
Mono Green Dreadnought v2 shredmorten Abzan Nightmare 1–2 League May 2020 229314809
Mono Green Dreadnought v2 magma728 Minds Desire 2–1 League May 2020 229299161
Mono Green Dreadnought v2 jenkin5630 A Set Menu 0–2 League May 2020 229298751
Wizzerinus Dimir Mid acarecan Esper Ribbons 1–2 League May 2020 229296974
Thryx Wildfire v2 dr_jimathy Another Quest 2–0 League May 2020 229295617
Thryx Wildfire v2 ozizi Jund 2–0 League May 2020 229294698
Thryx Wildfire v2 crazytales Dimir Storm 1–2 League May 2020 229293349
Thryx Wildfire v2 amgb2 Dragon Nightmare 2–0 League May 2020 229292196
Thryx Wildfire v2 fadetoblack1183 Mono Red Land Destruction 2–0 League May 2020 229291433
Thryx Wildfire v2 bmestevess Goblins 1–2 League May 2020 229285586
Thryx Wildfire v2 ninstitute Goblin 2–1 League May 2020 229284937
Thryx Wildfire v2 jenkin5630 Sylvan Path - Braids 2–1 League May 2020 229283484
Thryx Wildfire v2 spottedcheetah Druids 2–1 League May 2020 229282801
Thryx Wildfire v2 wizzerinus Dimir Mid v4 1–2 League May 2020 229281591
Thryx Wildfire v2 wizzerinus Good Lands, Bad Cards 2–0 League May 2020 229280803
Aristocrats Suicide _sunga_ Aggroslide 0–2 League May 2020 229266771
Davriel Braids crazytales Goblins 1–2 League May 2020 229265737
Davriel Braids lordzzx Gruul Ponza 2–0 League May 2020 229265183
Thryx Wildfire v2 madman_quail Cycling Control 2–0 League May 2020 229264326
Thryx Wildfire v2 akirachisaka Esper Ribbons 2–1 League May 2020 229262624
Thryx Wildfire v2 lordzzx Golgari Rampost Nightmare 2–0 League May 2020 229261559
Thryx Wildfire v2 murpady Reanimator 2–1 League May 2020 229261085
Thryx Wildfire v2 wizzerinus Dimir Mid v3 1–2 League May 2020 229253693
Aristocrats crazytales Goblins 1–2 League May 2020 229251883
Aristocrats ophidian969 Nightmare 2–1 League May 2020
Aristocrats mptn Wake Up Manifest Creatures With Post 1–2 League May 2020
Greater Nightmare dorini Goblin v2 1–2 League May 2020
Greater Nightmare crazytales Dimir Storm 2–1 League May 2020
Greater Nightmare spottedcheetah Stompy 2–1 League May 2020
Greater Nightmare jenkin5630 Beast! 2–0 League May 2020
Greater Nightmare berikande Upheaval Colossus v2 2–0 League May 2020
Red Deck Wins 2 jenkin5630 Golgari Changeling 1–2 League May 2020
Red Deck Wins 2 jmanjohan Ominous Good 2–1 League May 2020
Greater Nightmare jawziemotto FoodGak 2–0 League May 2020
Greater Nightmare hamie96 Reading Rainbow 1–2 League May 2020
Greater Nightmare zachf Boros Cycling 2–0 League May 2020
Greater Nightmare lorcec Mono White Knights 2–0 League May 2020
Greater Nightmare bomomba Copying Better Players 101 2–0 League May 2020
Greater Nightmare onehighwayzerocity Dimir Ninjas 2–1 League May 2020
Greater Nightmare ophidian969 Dimir Copy 2–0 League May 2020
Greater Nightmare neelfelpsreborn Ponza 2–1 League May 2020
Greater Nightmare judgeginger22 Soulflayer 2–0 League May 2020
Greater Nightmare archangal No Magic for Opponent 2–0 League May 2020
Nevermakerless Wave christd Izzet Storm 0–2 League May 2020
Nevermakerless Wave takeonman Abzan Dragon Nightmare 1–2 League May 2020
Nevermakerless Wave crazytales Esper Ribbons 2–0 League May 2020
Thryx Wildfire v2 minor Azorius Wave 2–0 League May 2020
Thryx Wildfire v2 domustrauma Orzhov Control 2–0 League May 2020
Thryx Wildfire v2 lorcec Mono Black One Immortal 2–0 League May 2020
Thryx Wildfire v2 _sunga_ AggroSlide 0–2 League May 2020
Thryx Wildfire v2 duckoforegon Simic Mutate 2–0 League May 2020
Mono White cONTROL schwift_justice Gruul Ponza 0–2 League May 2020
Mono White cONTROL xqby Lab Angel 2–0 League May 2020
Mono White cONTROL rydyell One Win-Control 0–2 League May 2020
Mono White cONTROL xinlisupreme Simic Panoptic Post 2–1 League May 2020
Nevermakerless Wave acarecan Dimir Reanimator 2–1 League Apr 2020
Nevermakerless Wave ssmg Good Mourning 2–1 League Apr 2020
Nevermakerless Wave hboc22 Prison 2–0 League Apr 2020
Nevermakerless Wave jolraels_centaur Filthy Hobbitses 2–0 League Apr 2020
Nevermakerless Wave maagsauce56 Eldrazipost 2–0 League Apr 2020
Nevermakerless Wave khazadhum Mono White Tokens 2–0 League Apr 2020
Nevermakerless Wave crazytales Myr Incubator 2–0 League Apr 2020
Nevermakerless Wave tommycakes Jeskai Control 2–0 League Apr 2020
Nevermakerless Wave tracker007 Izzet Tempo 2–1 League Apr 2020
Nevermakerless Wave berikande Aggressive Cycling v4 2–0 League Apr 2020
Mono Green Dreadnought v2 jenkin5630 Golgari Pay8 Loxodon Warhammer 2–0 League Apr 2020 229137332
Mono Green Dreadnought v2 kronosoma87 Tempered Steel 1–2 League Apr 2020 229134291
Mono Green Dreadnought v2 embrychi Still Playing Storm: Reloaded 2–0 League Apr 2020 229121841
Mono Green Dreadnought v2 explodingpinecone Dimir Control 2–1 League Apr 2020 229120684
Mono Green Dreadnought v2 great_god_santa Gumbo v1.5 2–1 League Apr 2020 229119810
Mono Green Dreadnought v2 madman_quail Esper Tap-Out Control 1–2 League Apr 2020 229118729
Mono Green Dreadnought v2 wizzerinus Never Play Channel 2–1 League Apr 2020 229117971
Thryx Wildfire v2 shredmorten Azorius Control 2–1 League Apr 2020 229114481
Thryx Wildfire v2 dfm Varistocrats 2–0 League Apr 2020 229113045
Thryx Wildfire v2 kwww Manaless Aggro 2–0 League Apr 2020 229110711
Thryx Wildfire v2 hairyfroglegs Boiler Post v2 2–0 League Apr 2020 229110009
Thryx Wildfire v2 derkus Ambush Elves 2–0 League Apr 2020 229109145
Discard Stompy ozizi Devo Red 0–2 League Apr 2020 229108518
Discard Stompy hairyfroglegs Boiler Post v2 1–2 League Apr 2020 229107979
Discard Stompy vitusbymyside Boros Knight 2–0 League Apr 2020 229107403
Discard Stompy shredmorten Hypergenesis 1–2 League Apr 2020 229103438
Thryx Wildfire v2 wizzerinus Hand Size Is the Greatest Rule 0–2 League Apr 2020 229103020
Selesnya gAVONY tOKENS mongoboingo Locus 1–2 League Apr 2020 229083310
Thryx Wildfire v2 memyselfi1231 Storm 2–1 League Apr 2020 229081311
Thryx Wildfire v2 tommycakes Bant Approach 0–2 League Apr 2020 229080210
Thryx Wildfire v2 shredmorten Reanimator 2–1 League Apr 2020 229079284
Thryx Wildfire v2 m1tch Mono Red Copy 2–0 League Apr 2020 229078313
Thryx Wildfire v2 lorcec Mono White Equip 2–0 League Apr 2020 229077966
Thryx Wildfire v2 akarian Ghost-Dad's Castigation 2–0 League Apr 2020 229077541
Thryx Wildfire v2 masterkulon Aggroslide 2–0 League Apr 2020 229077095
Thryx Wildfire v2 gringop Sultai Spawn 2–0 League Apr 2020 229070860
Thryx Wildfire v2 r1ncewind Azorius Control 2–1 League Apr 2020 229069002
Thryx Wildfire v2 epice87 Selesnya Cloudpost v1.5 2–1 League Apr 2020 229068260
Ribbonsofnight Esper Tap Out archangal Yosei Lock 0–2 League Apr 2020 229067332
Ribbonsofnight Esper Tap Out pablovilela Mono Green Treefolk 2–1 League Apr 2020 229066484
Ribbonsofnight Esper Tap Out mptn Wake Up Manifest Creatures With Post 1–2 League Apr 2020 229062111
Ribbonsofnight Esper Tap Out jane30 Elves 2–0 League Apr 2020
Rakdos gOBLINS onefatcow Elves v1.1 0–2 League Apr 2020
Thryx Wildfire v2 blankslate Treasure Hunt Combo 2–1 League Apr 2020
Thryx Wildfire v2 vinland_ Soulflayer 2–1 League Apr 2020
Thryx Wildfire v2 luizpaulo_19 MDT Storm v4 2–0 League Apr 2020 229040365
Thryx Wildfire v2 crazytales Dimir Tendrils 2–0 League Apr 2020 229039474
Thryx Wildfire v2 lordzzx Bant Rec 2–0 League Apr 2020 229038675
Thryx Wildfire v2 akamatsu Ponza 2–1 League Apr 2020 229037516
Thryx Wildfire v2 wizzerinus Dimir Talrand 2–1 League Apr 2020 229029923
Thryx Wildfire v2 hairyfroglegs Mono Green Midrange 2–0 League Apr 2020 229029235
Thryx Wildfire v2 cca Red Deck Wins 1–2 League Apr 2020 229028563
Thryx Wildfire v2 sum1unopk Ascension 2–0 League Apr 2020 229027717
Thryx Wildfire jane30 Simick Flash 2–0 League Apr 2020 229022149
Thryx Wildfire r1ncewind Ascension 2–0 League Apr 2020 229022012
Thryx Wildfire archangal Ascention 2–0 League Apr 2020
Thryx Wildfire eshakez Mardu Midrange 2–1 League Apr 2020 229004342
Thryx Wildfire neelfelpsreborn Ponza 2–1 League Apr 2020 229002563
Thryx Wildfire jenkin5630 Bad Elf v2 2–0 League Apr 2020 229001466
Thryx Wildfire hamie96 Bad Mill 2–0 League Apr 2020 229000781
Thryx Wildfire ophidian969 Mono Black Control 2–0 League Apr 2020 228999871
Thryx Wildfire raithreyray Ascend 2–0 League Apr 2020 228998996
Thryx Wildfire r1ncewind Ascension 1–2 League Apr 2020
tHRYX WILDFIRE lorell_w Izzet Land Destroy 2–0 League Apr 2020
tHRYX WILDFIRE wizzerinus Shadows of Red 2–0 League Apr 2020
tHRYX WILDFIRE deadly_spider Izzet Tempo v1 2–0 League Apr 2020
tHRYX WILDFIRE stevengrey ElfSmash 2–0 League Apr 2020
tHRYX WILDFIRE kwww Manaless Dredgeless Affinity Dredge 0–2 League Apr 2020
Golgari Elf stevengrey ElfSmash 1–2 League Apr 2020
Golgari Elf takeonman Greenpost 2–0 League Apr 2020
Golgari Elf amgb2 Another Netdeck 0–2 League Apr 2020
Golgari Elf icanstillwindr Goods Trader 2–0 League Apr 2020
Golgari Elf kronosoma87 Quest for the Holy Relic 2–0 League Apr 2020
Worship esandrad Afinidade 2–0 League Apr 2020
Worship ssmg Flock of Seasgulls 2–1 League Apr 2020
Worship isvan Morph 2–1 League Apr 2020
Worship sushiske Frantic Tendrils 1–2 League Apr 2020
Worship crazytales Dimir Reanimator 2–1 League Apr 2020
Red Deck Wins enilson Motor-Cycle 2–1 League Apr 2020
Red Deck Wins fadetoblack1183 Burning Xinye 2–1 League Apr 2020
Red Deck Wins deadly_spider Izzet Tempo v1 2–1 League Apr 2020
Red Deck Wins hairyfroglegs Mardu Midrange 2–1 League Apr 2020
Red Deck Wins akarian Shamble of Shame 2–0 League Apr 2020
aGGROSLIDE spottedcheetah Sligh 0–2 League Apr 2020
aGGROSLIDE duckoforegon Rofellos Ramp 2–1 League Apr 2020
aGGROSLIDE deadly_spider Izzet Tempo v1 2–1 League Apr 2020
aGGROSLIDE siamylphe Izzet Ascension 0–2 League Apr 2020
Goblins murpady Elves 2–0 League Apr 2020
aGGROSLIDE godisnowonline Izzet Storm 2–0 League Apr 2020
Dimir Something sami8s I'm the Bad Guy 0–2 League Apr 2020 228931757
Goblins r1ncewind Ascension 1–2 League Apr 2020
Goblins crazytales Dimir Reanimator 2–1 League Apr 2020
Goblins masunob Ominous Good 1–2 League Apr 2020 228909715
Goblins sushiske I Promise My Storm Deck Works This Time 2–1 League Apr 2020 228908723
Mono Green Dreadnaught sushiske I Promise My Storm Deck Works This Time 0–2 League Apr 2020 228907973
Mono Green Dreadnaught mc-hambone Fears for Myrs 2–0 League Apr 2020 228906982
Mono Green Dreadnaught stevengrey Azorius Control 2–0 League Apr 2020 228906268
Mono Green Dreadnaught trevor3693 AggroSlide v2 2–1 League Apr 2020 228905357
Mono Green Dreadnaught bushka115 Zombies 2–0 League Apr 2020 228904481
Azorius Control vinland_ Tempered Steel 1–2 League Apr 2020
Azorius Control zuukrifkodaav Green Post 1–2 League Apr 2020 228902136
Azorius Control luizpaulo_19 Red Deck Wins 2–1 League Apr 2020 228894178
Azorius Control 4423 Azorius Post 2–1 League Apr 2020 228891689
Azorius Control mptn Izzet Spells 2–1 League Apr 2020 228890429
Orzhov Demonic Rising vinland_ Tempered Steel 0–2 League Apr 2020 228890277
Orzhov Demonic Rising haveagreatday Combo Post 0–2 League Apr 2020 228889942
Orzhov Demonic Rising jaapjrc Storm 2–0 League Apr 2020
Tempered Steel judgeginger22 Merfolk 1–2 League Apr 2020 228886921
Tempered Steel vitusbymyside Boros Knight 0–2 League Apr 2020 228886525
Dimir Mid yatoyatoya WUfacts 1–2 League Apr 2020 228885454
Azorius Control waltzmark Mono White Tokens 2–1 League Apr 2020 228883839
Azorius Control nerdyjoe Storm 2–1 League Apr 2020 228883559
Azorius Control molotovthedead Burn 2–0 League Apr 2020
Azorius Control suituptheboots BigBlueBanter 2–1 League Apr 2020 228881206
Azorius Control minyiky Druid Elf Ball 2–1 League Apr 2020 228880778