Penny Dreadful Magic


Penny Dreadful. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community.

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Deck Opponent Opponent's Deck Result Competition Date MTGO Log
Traditional Reanimator krillzoo Ponza 2–1 Gatherling Jun 2020
Traditional Reanimator amathis001 Colossus 1–2 Gatherling Jun 2020
Traditional Reanimator icytaichou Traditional Reanimator 0–2 Gatherling Jun 2020
Traditional Reanimator takeoutree Rakdos-Reanimator 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2020
Mono Black Aggro dr_jimathy Flippy McFlipperson Jr 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2020
Mono Black Aggro murpady Reanimator v2 0–2 Gatherling Jun 2020
Mono Black Aggro BYE 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2020
Mono Black Aggro qualia327 Izzet Control v6 1–2 Gatherling Jun 2020
Boros Cycling nfcunha Mono Red Deck Memes 0–2 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling xqby Unicorn Aristocrats 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling cowinapie Storm 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling nfcunha Mono Red Deck Memes 1–2 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling takeoutree Homenzinhos Verdes 2–1 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling rakura Locus Approach 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling j_meka Goblins 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling honeybadger80 Dragon Nightmare 5-23-20 1–2 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling kalibak Deck 0–2 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling masterofphysics Rakdos Mid Range 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling cowinapie Storm 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling jaycearveduin Panglacial Ramp 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling catacuio Reanimate 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling andersonablon Ciclyng 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling _sunga_ AggroSlide 2–1 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling gladiusintelis Superfriends 2–1 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling amathis001 Selesnya Seance 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling newbacon-ings 8 Rack 1–2 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling _sunga_ AggroSlide 1–2 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling fartak Dragonmare v3 0–2 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling kallatrava Dragon Test 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling _sunga_ AggroSlide 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling shadowater0 Yosei Nightmare 2–1 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling insan3_ Zumba 0–2 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling trevor3693 Elf Maniac 0–2 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling acarecan Gruul Ponza 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling j_meka Dimir Storm 0–2 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling qualia327 Izzet Spells 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling catacuio Red Deck Wins 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling thyshuffler Esper Unclassified 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling adryannthehero04 AggroSlide v2 2–1 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling qualia327 Izzet Spells 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling kalko Reanimator Junk 2–0 Gatherling May 2020
Boros Cycling mdog Discard Stompy 1–2 Gatherling Apr 2020