Penny Dreadful Magic


Penny Dreadful. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community.

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Archetype Tree

Archetype # Decks Record Win % 5–0s
Combo-Control 24 49–50 49.5 2 14
Burning Vengeance 2 4–4 50.0 0 2
Pickles 3 9–4 69.2 1 2
Hedron Alignment 1 0–3 0.0
Mass Land Destruction 17 35–36 49.3 1 10
Wildfire 17 35–36 49.3 1 10
Borderpost Wildfire 1 1–2 33.3




Archetype Record Win %
Aggro 19–24 44.2
Mono Black Aggro 1–5 16.7
Heroic 7–7 50.0
Mono White Heroic 5–6 45.5
Mono Red Blitzkrieg 2–1 66.7
Red Deck Wins 2–8 20.0
Goblins 0–1 0.0
Tokens 2–0 100.0
Selesnya Tokens 2–0 100.0
Mono Green Stompy 1–1 50.0
White Weenie 1–1 50.0
Elves 2–0 100.0
Rogues 1–0 100.0
Merfolk 0–1 0.0
Mono Blue Aggro 1–0 100.0
Illusions 1–0 100.0
Boros Aggro 1–0 100.0
Combo 7–15 31.8
Reanimator 0–2 0.0
Traditional Reanimator 0–2 0.0
Mono Black Reanimator 0–2 0.0
Necrotic Ooze Combo 1–2 33.3
Maniac Combo 1–4 20.0
New Perspectives 0–1 0.0
Jeskai Ascendancy 0–1 0.0
Four Color Jeskai Ascendancy 0–1 0.0
Fake-Twin 3–0 100.0
Naya Fake-Twin 2–0 100.0
Combo Post 0–1 0.0
Eggs 0–2 0.0
Breakfast 1–2 33.3
Hermit Gond 1–2 33.3
Control 12–2 85.7
Mono Black Control 1–0 100.0
Esper Control 1–1 50.0
Azorius Control 2–0 100.0
Mill 1–0 100.0
Cloudpost Control 1–0 100.0
Mono Blue Cloudpost Control 1–0 100.0
Jeskai Control 1–0 100.0
Galleon Control 1–0 100.0
Guildgate Control 2–0 100.0
Pox 2–1 66.7
Aggro-Control 1–0 100.0
12 Pest 1–0 100.0
Combo-Control 2–2 50.0
Burning Vengeance 1–0 100.0
Pickles 0–1 0.0
Mass Land Destruction 1–1 50.0
Wildfire 1–1 50.0
Midrange 6–6 50.0
Blink 2–1 66.7
Wave Blink 2–1 66.7
Azorius Wave 2–0 100.0
Orzhov Wave 0–1 0.0
Graveyard Value 0–1 0.0
Varolz Dreadnought 0–1 0.0
Allies 1–2 33.3
Orzhov Allies 0–1 0.0
Mono White Allies 1–0 100.0
Temur Energy 2–0 100.0
Orzhov Midrange 0–1 0.0
Ramp 2–1 66.7
Rofellos Ramp 1–0 100.0
Cloudpost Ramp 1–1 50.0
Simic Post 1–1 50.0