Penny Dreadful Magic


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Deck Opponent Opponent's Deck Result Competition Date MTGO Log
Grenzo Aristocrats hairyfroglegs Jori en Burn 2–0 League Jan 2019 214396924
Grenzo Aristocrats crazybaloth Chromatic Ultimatum 2–1 League Jan 2019 214396793
Grenzo Aristocrats hairyfroglegs Discard Beatdown v3 2–0 League Jan 2019 214395584
Grenzo Aristocrats jackhu_22 Mardu Allies 2–0 League Jan 2019 214394765
Rakdos Aggro kaitoukid111 UwU Is Ally 1–2 Gatherling Jan 2019
Rakdos Aggro nydethess Mono Red Vampires 2–0 Gatherling Jan 2019
Rakdos Aggro kaitoukid111 UwU Is Ally 2–1 Gatherling Jan 2019
Rakdos Aggro yellowvanblake Lordy Lordy 2–1 Gatherling Jan 2019
Rakdos Aggro matiberto Crazy Deck 1–2 Gatherling Jan 2019
Grenzo Aristocrats jackhu_22 Mardu Allies 2–1 League Jan 2019 214326751
Grenzo Aristocrats cathoderaytub Goblin Pyro 2–0 League Jan 2019
Grenzo Aristocrats leoking Mardu Allies 1–2 League Jan 2019
Grenzo Aristocrats emobrian Minotaurs 0–2 League Jan 2019
Grenzo Aristocrats yellowvanblake Enchantress 2–0 League Jan 2019
Grenzo Aristocrats hairyfroglegs Burn 0–2 League Jan 2019
The Rakdos Answer hairyfroglegs Dark Dweller Jund 2–0 League Jan 2019
The Rakdos Answer figglophobia Crazy Bazaar 2–0 League Jan 2019
The Rakdos Answer saber2731 Demonic Rising 0–2 League Jan 2019
The Rakdos Answer klyser Cats 2–0 League Jan 2019
The Rakdos Answer carmandor Izzet Aggro v3 0–2 League Jan 2019 214190340
The Rakdos Answer hnakai Lifegain Stompy 1–2 League Jan 2019 214168096
The Rakdos Answer sirsolomongrundy Odric Keywords 1–2 League Jan 2019 214166704
The Rakdos Answer shog456 Mono Blue Aura Mill 2–1 League Jan 2019
The Rakdos Answer jgabrielygalan Goblins 0–2 League Jan 2019 214165075
The Rakdos Answer saber2731 Abzan Good Stuff 1–2 League Jan 2019 214164772
The Rakdos Answer miliardo Tempered Steel 1–2 League Jan 2019 214163295
The Rakdos Answer emobrian BattleStax 2–0 League Jan 2019 214162433
The Rakdos Answer chumpblocckami Il Ritorno Del Colossus 0–2 League Jan 2019 214161899
The Rakdos Answer hnakai Lifegain Stompy 2–1 League Jan 2019 214160844
The Rakdos Answer sami8s The Gate Keeper 2–0 League Jan 2019 214156893
The Rakdos Answer trevor3693 Cursed Demons 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2019
The Rakdos Answer kaitoukid111 UwU Is Ally 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2019
The Rakdos Answer brian1234 Tempered-Steel 2–0 Gatherling Jan 2019
The Rakdos Answer rakura Red Deck Wins 2–0 Gatherling Jan 2019
The Rakdos Answer gleiciano Tempered S 2–0 Gatherling Jan 2019
Card Advantage White sirjay24 Tempered Steel 0–2 League Nov 2018
Card Advantage White crusaders_of_memes Tempered-Steel 1–2 League Nov 2018 212111669
Card Advantage White keitarozz Cloudgoat Your Heart 1–2 League Nov 2018 212108329
Card Advantage White gibble Red Deck Wins 1–2 League Nov 2018 212105498
Card Advantage White greenty Orzhov Legendaries 0–2 League Nov 2018 212102487
Card Advantage White jitterbeans Jund Stax 2–0 League Nov 2018 212101137
Card Advantage White gibble Azorius Control 2–0 League Nov 2018 212025689
Card Advantage White trevor3693 Unannealed 1–2 League Nov 2018 212024401
Card Advantage White hewigebo Life Is Gain 2–1 League Nov 2018
Card Advantage White hairyfroglegs Aggressive Jund 2–0 League Nov 2018 212021829
Card Advantage White trevor3693 UnAnnealed 0–2 League Nov 2018
Card Advantage White justapauperplayer Mono Black Curses 2–0 League Nov 2018
Card Advantage White step7hen 4C Breakfast 2–1 League Nov 2018
Card Advantage White karakusk Cephalid-Breakfast 2–0 League Nov 2018
Card Advantage White nanaiper Curse v5 2–1 League Nov 2018
Card Advantage White madman_quail Demonic Rising v10.12 2–1 League Nov 2018
Card Advantage White trevor3693 UnAnnealed 2–1 League Nov 2018
Card Advantage White osubuckscolts Demonic Rising 1–2 League Nov 2018 211901510
Card Advantage White hewigebo Orzhov Tokens 2–0 League Nov 2018 211894315
Card Advantage White enderwiggin77 Abzan v4 2–1 League Nov 2018 211854633
Breakfast keitarozz Its Time to Jund 1–2 League Nov 2018 211366252
Breakfast captaintoad Tempered Steel 2–1 League Nov 2018 211365180
Breakfast nanaiper Sultai Control v3 2–0 League Nov 2018 211364741
Breakfast mochet Turbo Oona 2–0 League Nov 2018 211364076
Breakfast grenjabob Tempered Steel 0–2 League Nov 2018 211359829
Grixis Control nanaiper Curse v4 0–2 League Oct 2018
Grixis Control esqpoe Wildfire v2 2–1 League Oct 2018 211000362
Dimir Aggro-Control hord0r Snigglewiggle 0–2 League Oct 2018 210994962
Dimir Aggro-Control rareproducts Lotleth Giant 2–0 League Oct 2018 210994906
Artisac 1_hp_ftw Azorius Heroic 0–2 League Oct 2018 210944205
Artisac magicplayer1656594162 Graveyard Combo 0–2 League Oct 2018 210943256
Artisac -diamonddust- Cephalid Breakfast 2–0 League Oct 2018 210921088
Artisac mptn Rakdos Hellbent 0–2 League Oct 2018 210920877
Artisac emerald000 Acid Wave 2–0 League Oct 2018 210920408
The Rakdos Answer -diamonddust- Cephalid Breakfast 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2018
The Rakdos Answer pixywing 5C Oct 27 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2018
The Rakdos Answer thundershot899 Ooze 2–1 Gatherling Oct 2018
The Rakdos Answer pocketyuf Temur Aggro 2–1 Gatherling Oct 2018
Gruul Lands pixywing Lantern Soup 1–2 League Oct 2018 210865467
Gruul Lands regmonger Tempered Steel 1–2 League Oct 2018 210864200
Gruul Lands ironhidedraco Zombie Junk v2 1–2 League Oct 2018 210862577
Gruul Lands dosukoi-7 Suicide Black 0–2 League Oct 2018 210862037
Card Advantage White enderwiggin77 Rosheen RedGreen v3 1–2 League Oct 2018 210859177
Card Advantage White blackshade1 Mono White Strike 1–2 League Oct 2018
Card Advantage White saber2731 Mizzet Void 2–0 League Oct 2018 210853348
Card Advantage White mygazz Necrotic Ooze 2–1 Gatherling Oct 2018
Card Advantage White smithjc52 Kor Dos 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2018
Card Advantage White jenkin5630 Turtle 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2018
Card Advantage White sirjay24 Tempered Steel 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2018
Card Advantage White erburk Aristocrats 1–2 League Oct 2018 210810094
Card Advantage White apaz Rakdos Midrange 2–0 League Oct 2018 210809212
Selesnya Hawk smithjc52 Kor Dos 2–1 League Oct 2018 210772673
Selesnya Hawk soldiermage Looping Wave 0–2 League Oct 2018 210771409
Selesnya Hawk ekans812 Sultai Control 1–2 League Oct 2018
Selesnya Hawk carmandor Aristocrats 2–0 League Oct 2018
Selesnya Hawk lvg87 Pickles 1–2 League Oct 2018
Card Advantage White calculatorofjustice Mono Blue Tempo 2–0 League Oct 2018
Card Advantage White tarret Izzet Tempo 2–0 League Oct 2018 210737491
Card Advantage White ironhidedraco Gruul Beats 2–1 League Oct 2018 210736241
Card Advantage White lasersdufutur Junk 2–0 League Oct 2018 210733327
Card Advantage White jenkin5630 Curse 2–0 League Oct 2018 210732436
Card Advantage White greenty Esper Legendaries 1–2 League Oct 2018 210685202
Card Advantage White ribbonsofnight 2cmc Aristocrats 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2018
Card Advantage White jackslagel Tempered Steel 2–1 Gatherling Oct 2018
Card Advantage White masunob Ooze Tog v2 2–1 Gatherling Oct 2018
Card Advantage White dimarx Sultai Control 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2018
Card Advantage White emerald000 Mono Black Aristocrats 1–2 Gatherling Oct 2018
Card Advantage White jarjarthinks Selesnya Bygone Stax 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2018
Card Advantage White masunob Ooze Tog v2 1–2 Gatherling Oct 2018
Card Advantage White hkthor Mesmeric Shadow 2–0 League Oct 2018 210683953
Card Advantage White boston131 Demonic Rising Black 2–0 League Oct 2018 210682833
Card Advantage White soldiermage Earth Surge 2–0 League Oct 2018 210680672
Card Advantage White jaycearveduin DinoThunder 2–1 League Oct 2018 210647995
Card Advantage White shin_ra_ban_sho Tempered Steel 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2018
Card Advantage White pocketyuf Temur Aggro 1–2 Gatherling Oct 2018
Card Advantage White cody_ Facts 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2018
Card Advantage White blind_nabler2 Storm 2–1 Gatherling Oct 2018
Card Advantage White merawder Birthday Stax 2–0 League Oct 2018 210595812
Card Advantage White soldiermage Lay Waste 1–2 League Oct 2018 210594945
Card Advantage White sum1unopk Storm 2–0 League Oct 2018 210594383
Card Advantage White thejacob Sultai Control 2–1 League Oct 2018 210591628
Card Advantage White zelytic Jund Midrange 2–1 League Oct 2018 210585199
Card Advantage White greenty Orzhov Legendaries 0–2 League Oct 2018 210579840
Card Advantage White jitterbeans Golgari Fresh Meat 1–2 League Oct 2018 210578423
Card Advantage White solamillbro Vampires 2–0 League Oct 2018 210577084
Card Advantage White wgrbu Izzet Chimera 2–0 League Oct 2018 210576032
Card Advantage White kph1904 Mardu Midrange 2–0 League Oct 2018 210573602
Lake of the Dead nanaiper Curse 0–2 League Oct 2018 210408131
Lake of the Dead edmo Hermit's Breakfast 1–2 League Oct 2018
Lake of the Dead sirjay24 Red Deck Wins 0–2 League Oct 2018 210405419
Lake of the Dead lasersdufutur Forest 2–0 League Oct 2018 210404428
Lake of the Dead sum1unopk New Perspectives 2–0 League Oct 2018 210403015
Tempered Steel j000111 Hermit Druid Seems Fair v4 2–1 League Oct 2018 210383473
Tempered Steel 4423 Azorius 鳥 2–0 League Oct 2018 210382953
Tempered Steel taylors Mono Red Elementals 2–0 League Oct 2018 210333169
Tempered Steel uhen Reanimator (Net Decked) 2–1 League Oct 2018 210123994
Tempered Steel seany5hero Return of the Black 2–0 League Oct 2018 210103322
Lake of the Dead brian1234 Affinity 2–1 League Oct 2018 210101794
Lake of the Dead lukesvianna13 Mono Black Aggressive 0–2 League Oct 2018
Lake of the Dead carmandor Tempered Steel 2–0 League Oct 2018
Lake of the Dead mewr_11 Mono Green Stompy 1–2 League Oct 2018
Lake of the Dead -diamonddust- Rakdos Midrange 0–2 League Oct 2018
Lake of the Dead schwingzilla Selesnya Clue Stax 0–2 League Oct 2018 210040726
Lake of the Dead -diamonddust- Rakdos Midrange 0–2 League Oct 2018 210036410
Lake of the Dead brian1234 Affinity 2–0 League Oct 2018 210035923
Lake of the Dead apaz New Perspectives 1–2 League Oct 2018 210034653
Lake of the Dead jackslagel Artifact Anthem 1–2 League Oct 2018 210033281
White Control crusaders_of_memes Semblance-Storm 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2018
White Control briar_moss Legendary Blast 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2018
White Control BYE 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2018
White Control honorbound84 Naya Burning (Post Rotation) 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2018
Grenzo Aristocrats briar_moss Legendary Blast 1–2 Gatherling Oct 2018
Grenzo Aristocrats serazahr Wokens v2 1–2 Gatherling Oct 2018
Grenzo Aristocrats petros_mtg I Stole the Best Deck 2–1 Gatherling Oct 2018
Grenzo Aristocrats elrath00 Equipment Aggro 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2018
Grenzo Aristocrats jaycearveduin Copper Dragonfire 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2018
Dimir Aggro-Control guse_84 Artefattame 2–1 League Oct 2018 209809997
Dimir Aggro-Control nightarya Yeet Equipment Yeet 0–2 League Oct 2018 209808422
Dimir Aggro-Control regmonger Demonic Rising 1–2 League Oct 2018 209806592
Dimir Aggro-Control mamp Thistledown Liege 2–1 League Oct 2018 209805212
Dimir Aggro-Control martyvburen 1/-1 Torture 0–2 League Oct 2018 209804197