Penny Dreadful Magic


Penny Dreadful. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community.

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Deck Opponent Opponent's Deck Result Competition Date MTGO Log
Lotho Skywalker v3 fruitzip The Rock 0–2 League 1 day ago 270506423
Lotho Skywalker v3 mrasian (Active League Run) 0–2 League 1 day ago 270505936
Yarrr glendaloc Yorion, Control 0–2 Gatherling 2 days ago
Yarrr rakura Selesnya Modular 2–1 Gatherling 2 days ago
Yarrr coupoutous Blessed Pirates 0–2 Gatherling 2 days ago
Yarrr grte Orzhov Greasefang 0–2 Gatherling 2 days ago
Lotho Skywalker v2 _fortune Selesnya Lands 0–2 League 3 days ago 270432097
Lotho Skywalker v2 azianjeezus Glimpse 0–2 League 3 days ago 270431360
Lotho Skywalker v2 shadowquacker Golgari Wumpus v3 0–2 League 3 days ago 270430517
Lotho Skywalker shadowquacker Golgari Wumpus v3 0–2 League 3 days ago 270429957
Zoetic Anvil coupoutous Dungeon Legends 0–2 League 5 days ago 270359191
Zoetic Anvil sirbusk Boros Legends 2–1 League 5 days ago 270358443
Zup datrobino Aggro Yorzhov 0–2 League 5 days ago 270357767
Zup jonsnow214 Thunderkin Elementals 2–0 League 5 days ago 270357240
Zup sirbusk Boros Legends 2–1 League 5 days ago 270356703
Zup spanky704 Mono Green Belcher 2–1 League 6 days ago 270349152
Azban Bazvan misoji-majika Simic Upheaval 0–2 League Jun 18th 269650777
Azban Bazvan jonsnow214 Dimir Lutri Control 0–2 League Jun 17th 269622131
Yorion Birthday Stax v2 carmandor Esper Control 0–2 League Jun 3rd 269218128
Yorion Birthday Stax v1 weptlong Rak-Rifice 1–2 League Jun 3rd 269216971
Pirates 2024 elkshock Blazing Infect 2–0 League Feb 16th 266345438
Pirates 2024 chrismh77 Naya Ally 2–0 League Feb 16th 266344543
Pirates 2024 awesomedoom82 Hypergenitus 0–2 League Feb 16th 266344338
Akiras-Pride but Jank ewanmccartney Cycling 0–2 League Jan 24th 265780863
Akiras-Pride but Jank tygrak But Honest 1–2 League Jan 24th 265779891
Akiras-Pride but Jank sundu Izzet Blitz 1–2 League Jan 24th 265779565
Bluesteel tygrak Can't Run Away 0–2 Gatherling Jan 20th
Bluesteel BYE 2–0 Gatherling Jan 20th
Bluesteel penguinvenom Humans 0–2 Gatherling Jan 20th
Necro Allies roboton Rock Me Amadeus 1–2 League Dec 29th 264861581
Necro Allies tomsoniq Five Color Hypergenesis Cascade 2–1 League Dec 29th 264849017
Esper-Allies v2 walkmehome Flicker Swans 0–2 League Dec 29th 264847958
Esper-Allies v2 erikadrien No Landlords 2–1 League Dec 29th 264844949
Watchwander Necro mate_wosk Necro Is the Place 0–2 Gatherling Dec 28th
Watchwander Necro forestgump10 Clerics Are Dead 0–2 Gatherling Dec 28th
Watchwander Necro roboton Rock Me AmaDEUS 2–1 Gatherling Dec 28th
Watchwander Necro j_meka Humans 2–1 Gatherling Dec 28th
Watchwander Necro bibbsribbs Auras v2.2 2–0 Gatherling Dec 28th
Esper-Allies v2 ennis0 Dimir Control 2–1 League Dec 28th 264824772
Esper-Allies bibbsribbs Roles v3 1–2 League Dec 28th 264823325
Watchwander Necro carmandor Esper Tezzeryorion v2 0–2 League Dec 27th 264782700
Watchwander Necro packet_eater Greater Titana 2–0 League Dec 27th 264777421
Cant-Run-Away davidbrito Redrum 2–0 Gatherling Dec 24th
Tanking Yorions Winrate ebonrat Esper Control 0–2 Gatherling Dec 23rd
Tanking Yorions Winrate fran1 Boros-Legends 2–0 Gatherling Dec 23rd
Clerics TE sacritor RoaP 0–2 Gatherling Dec 23rd
Clerics TE roboton Rock Me AmaDEUS 2–0 Gatherling Dec 23rd
Clerics TE gearhulkazul Orzhov Control 2–1 Gatherling Dec 23rd
Clerics TE sacritor RoaP 0–2 Gatherling Dec 23rd
Clerics TE chandogg Mono Red Blazing Shoal Combo 2–1 Gatherling Dec 23rd
Clerics TE gavlna Cycle 2–1 Gatherling Dec 23rd
Clerics tomsoniq Food Conquest 0–2 League Dec 23rd
Clerics gavlna Cycle 1–2 League Dec 23rd
Clerics ruiheel Red Eldrazi 0–2 League Dec 23rd
Clerics swamp_thing Golgaristuff 2–1 League Dec 23rd
Midnight Mid godsanta Don't Be a SAUR Loser 0–2 League Dec 21st
Standard Enchantments v2 crexalbo Enchantress Prison v3.3 0–2 League Dec 18th 264473445
Standard Enchantments v2 dadknight Big Fliers 0–2 League Dec 18th 264473251
Grindy Deck cearbhail Curses 2–1 League Dec 17th
Grindy Deck spellcastinstew Boros Legends 1–2 League Dec 17th
Standard Enchantments chickeninthebrain Optimistic Dragons 0–2 League Dec 17th
Standard Enchantments swamp_thing Aggrocurse 2–0 League Dec 17th
Standard Enchantments chandogg Red Deck Wins 2–1 League Dec 17th
Standard Enchantments yuu200180128 Orzhov Death Cloud 2–0 League Dec 17th
Standard Enchantments rgriff Allies 1–2 League Dec 17th
Cats mimismo Faeries 2–0 Gatherling Dec 14th
Cats pirula42 Dumpster-Diving 1–2 Gatherling Dec 14th
Cats davidbrito Seeing-Red 2–0 Gatherling Dec 14th
Cats jaycearveduin Warden of the Rock 1–2 Gatherling Dec 14th
Cats sergionauta Boros Legends 0–2 League Dec 13th 264314512
Hero and the Pussycats Championship Edition thewatchwander Unbeatable Yorion Pile 0–2 Gatherling Dec 11th
Hero and the Pussycats Championship Edition thyshuffler 0-Yorion-Orzhov Deck 0–2 Gatherling Dec 11th
Hero and the Pussycats Championship Edition chandogg Redrum 2–0 Gatherling Dec 11th
Hero and the Pussycats Championship Edition jaycearveduin Color Warping 2–1 Gatherling Dec 11th
Hero and the Pussycats Championship Edition 2for1for2 Gratuitous Yorion Pile Ft Yorion 1–2 Gatherling Dec 11th
Isamaru and the Pussycats v3 roboton Azorius Aggro Control 2–1 League Dec 11th 264241921
Isamaru and the Pussycats cippdogg Doran 2–0 League Dec 11th 264240097
Mono-Goddric rickymadison Tell a Lie 1–2 Gatherling Dec 9th
Mono-Goddric BYE 2–0 Gatherling Dec 9th
Mono-Goddric stiltskin88 Selesnya Little Kid 0–2 Gatherling Dec 9th
Mono-Goddric shepherdjohn Boros Legends 1–2 Gatherling Dec 9th
Necro-Constellation-Food v2 2for1for2 Mardu Yorion 0–2 League Dec 9th
Necro-Constellation-Food v2 spanky704 Bolas's Citadel Storm 0–2 League Dec 9th 264179342
Necro-Constellation-Food v2 frygid Simic Doubling Friends 2–0 League Dec 9th 264177996
Necro-Constellation-Food _fortune Abzan Seasons Past 1–2 League Dec 9th 264175827
Necro-Enchant-Food v2 dadknight Worldslayer Time 1–2 League Dec 9th 264173153
Necro-Enchant-Food v2 sadd3x Knights 2–1 League Dec 9th 264172307
Necro-Enchant-Food v2 chandogg Gruuling 2–0 League Dec 9th 264171901
Necro-Enchant-Food ryanthephyrexian Redeldrazi 0–2 League Dec 9th 264171481
Necro-Enchant-Food sadd3x Knights 2–1 League Dec 9th 264169607
Mardu Legends v3 phyrexiann Stolen Graveyard 0–2 League Dec 9th 264162855
Mardu Legends v2 ebonrat Yep 0–2 League Dec 9th 264151883
Mardu Legends v2 bakujin Just Keep Jaming Food Till I Die 2–1 League Dec 9th 264151637
Mardu Legends v2 spanky704 Bolas's Citadel Storm 1–2 League Dec 9th 264151524
Mardu Legends v2 upheaval_psychatog Z 1–2 League Dec 9th 264151205
Mardu Legends spanky704 Bolas's Citadel Storm 1–2 League Dec 8th 264150392
Mardu Legends bakujin Extended Nightmare v3 2–0 League Dec 8th
Mardu Legends deatheater900 Mono Black Midrange 0–2 League Dec 8th 264150067
Mardu Legends pennypincher Test v1 2–1 League Dec 8th 264149551
Mardu Legends frygid Orzhov Prison 1–2 League Dec 8th
I Have No Idea What I'm Doing birdsandbees Stowaway Terror 1–2 League Dec 8th 264135871
Ooze Winter cody_h Dreadful 0–2 League Dec 6th
Mono-Goddric dadknight Cucumber Blossom v3 1–2 League Dec 6th
Mono-Goddric elliedwa Shucks 2–1 League Dec 6th
Mono-Goddric spanky704 Mono Black Humans 2–1 League Dec 6th 264063645
Coin Aggro v4 chickeninthebrain Dumpster Diving 1–2 League Dec 4th 264010235
Coin Aggro v4 iheartpuzzles Azorius Control 1–2 League Dec 4th 264008616
Coin Aggro v3 forgetti Grixis Mid 1–2 League Dec 3rd 263997848
Coin Aggro v3 carmandor Orzhov Waveless v2 1–2 League Dec 3rd 263997142
Coin Aggro v3 rayston BorosLegends 2–0 League Dec 3rd 263992251
Coin Aggro v3 2for1for2 Wow, That Actually Worked 0–2 League Dec 2nd
Coin Aggro v3 phyrexiann Stolen White 2–1 League Dec 2nd
Equip Aggro bob49 Enduring Ideal 0–2 Gatherling Dec 2nd
Coin Aggro v2 bot_chris Dimir Control 0–2 League Nov 30th 263931827
Pirata v6 _fortune Golgari Lands 0–2 League Nov 29th 263904616
Pirata v6 2for1for2 Izzet Arti 1–2 League Nov 29th 263902795
Pirata v6 smokage Aggro Anvil 2–0 League Nov 29th 263902108
Pirata v6 chandogg Hopeless 1–2 League Nov 29th 263901575
Sok v3 pak1989 Bots 1–2 League Nov 28th
Sok v3 2for1for2 Azorion 1–2 League Nov 28th
Sok v3 everyigniwantistaken Podless Pod 2–0 League Nov 28th
Sok v3 simpin4saffron Trash 1–2 League Nov 28th
Sok v2 sheavy Mono Green Stompy 1–2 League Nov 28th
Springs of Kamigawa ejohn Citadel 2–1 League Nov 28th
Reckless Red Deck Wins 2 tomsoniq Rats 2–0 League Nov 28th
Reckless Red Deck Wins 2 _fortune Spirits 2–1 League Nov 27th 263857169
Reckless Red Deck Wins wind_turbine It's Bad 1–2 League Nov 27th 263855464
Pirates- World Warrior BYE 2–0 Gatherling Nov 26th
Pirates- World Warrior trapzomba Esper Allies 0–2 Gatherling Nov 26th
Pirates- World Warrior 8bitavenger Ramp Sunday 0–2 Gatherling Nov 26th
Pirates- World Warrior southpawq Rakdos Burn 0–2 Gatherling Nov 26th
Pirata v5 chandogg Rack Sack 2–1 League Nov 25th 263799236
Pirata v5 rikmazz Orzhov Doom 2–1 League Nov 25th 263798431
Pirata v5 leyasu30 Artifacts 0–2 League Nov 25th 263797236
Pirata v5 swamp_thing Scout 2–0 League Nov 25th 263796836
Pirata v5 wizzerinus Silverquill Command Is Unplayable 🧟 2–1 League Nov 25th 263796136
Pirata v4 srettelnet Yorion Angels 1–2 League Nov 25th 263794795
Pirata v4 walkmehome Season of Necropotence 2–1 League Nov 25th 263793135
Pirata v4 4423 Necro 2–0 League Nov 25th 263792547
Coin Aggro plrt Sweet Necro 0–2 League Nov 24th
Coin Aggro forgetti Dimir Midcontrol 1–2 League Nov 24th 263771570
Pirata v3 maxu_como_e_q_pode Summer Black 0–2 League Nov 24th 263768897
Pirata v3 sacritor Orzhov Yorion 0–2 League Nov 24th 263768697
Necroburn orbee404 Abzan Midrange 1–2 League Nov 24th 263764518
Pirata v2 wigwam12 Coin Toss Necro 0–2 League Nov 24th 263763836
Pirata v2 tygrak Tintin in Tibet 0–2 League Nov 24th 263763351
Pirata v2 mga_mtg 4 2–1 League Nov 24th 263761810
Pirata v2 birdsandbees 3, 2, 1 Let's Jam 2–0 League Nov 24th 263761293
Pirata v2 thijmen Eldrazi 0–2 League Nov 24th 263760691
Pirata tuprewm Aggrotenz 2–1 League Nov 24th 263759819
Pirata thijmen Eldrazi 2–0 League Nov 24th 263759485
Pirata elliedwa Hanweir Mechs 2–1 League Nov 24th 263758724
Pirata honorbound84 Alliance of the Ring 1–2 League Nov 24th 263758481
Pirata sacritor Sky Goblins 0–2 League Nov 24th 263758121
4 Tree wizzardofoz Azorius Wave 0–2 League Sep 17th
4 Tree sadd3x Red Deck Wins 0–2 League Sep 17th
4 Tree wizzardofoz Fires of Invention 2–1 League Sep 17th 262021642
4 Tree 2for1for2 Dimir Control 1–2 League Sep 17th 262021260
4 Tree placebo Azorius CTRL 0–2 League Sep 17th 262021081
Azorius Heroic the_sable Faeries 2–0 League Sep 16th
Azorius Heroic big_floaf Snooze 0–2 League Sep 16th
Azorius Heroic c001357 Faeries 0–2 League Sep 16th
Azorius Heroic pvtprimate Forest Folk 0–2 League Sep 16th
Azorius Heroic kalibak Convoke 0–2 League Sep 16th
Flowering Weenies feartherattata It's Fine We Totally Didn't Need Ponder I Promise! 1–2 League Sep 16th 261996847
Flowering Weenies tidalslimshady Fires Turns 2–1 League Sep 16th 261996472
Flowering Weenies birdsandbees 1-Drops 2–1 League Sep 16th 261995941
Flowering Weenies ludwigfrito Goblin Makonhen 2–1 League Sep 16th 261995233
Flowering Weenies razielsarafan Mono White Post 2–0 League Sep 16th 261993901
Springs of Kamigawa ludwigfrito Goblin Maconha 0–2 League Sep 15th
Springs of Kamigawa youraverageidiot Sometimes as Fast as You Can Isnt Fast Enough 0–2 League Sep 15th 261967405
Springs of Kamigawa wizzerinus Migloz Ponza 0–2 League Sep 15th
Springs of Kamigawa honorbound84 GoGo Green 0–2 League Sep 15th 261966712
Springs of Kamigawa wizzerinus Iron Legends 0–2 League Sep 15th 261966501
Bye Nought and Virtuoso naynayb Dimir Storm 2–1 Gatherling Sep 14th
Bye Nought and Virtuoso toodlesdc Goodnight, Grace 1–2 Gatherling Sep 14th
Bye Nought and Virtuoso mystik-duck Bant Allies 2–1 Gatherling Sep 14th
Bye Nought and Virtuoso thyshuffler Charon 0–2 Gatherling Sep 14th
White Heroic Security Bypass pvtprimate Green Goblin 0–2 League Sep 10th 261846434
White Heroic Security Bypass cantos SKD M T Mk My DCK NMS SHRTR S RMVD Ll Th VWLS FRM Th Nm F THS DCK 0–2 League Sep 10th 261845834
White Heroic Security Bypass kalibak Red Deck Wins 0–2 League Sep 10th 261845358
White Heroic Security Bypass coupoutous Lurrus Machines 0–2 League Sep 10th 261844873
White Heroic Security Bypass mate_wosk Spy Belcher 2–1 League Sep 10th 261844350
Oops, All Basics pirula42 Izzet-Naught 0–2 Gatherling Sep 7th
Oops, All Basics BYE 2–0 Gatherling Sep 7th
Oops, All Basics rakura Burn3 0–2 Gatherling Sep 7th
Oops, All Basics toodlesdc Grace-Bad 0–2 Gatherling Sep 7th
Existential Crisis ryanthephyrexian Boss Sligh 0–2 League Sep 4th 261673246
Existential Crisis feartherattata Life Total Control 2–1 League Sep 4th 261672889
Existential Crisis mikmega Oops All Lands! Wait, No 2–0 League Sep 4th 261672600
Existential Crisis swamp_thing Bgrock 2–0 League Sep 4th 261671220
Existential Crisis anzo Midrange 0–2 League Sep 4th 261671114
Azusa vs Explore nitebane21 Feather 0–2 League Aug 15th
Azusa vs Explore simpin4saffron Mono Red Storm 0–2 League Aug 15th 261076332
Azusa vs Explore jayfeather Hyper Cascade v3 0–2 League Aug 15th 261076043
Azusa vs Explore srettelnet Eiganjo Drift 1–2 League Aug 15th 261075449
Azusa vs Explore datrobino Ad Noughtseam 1–2 League Aug 15th 261075167
Azo Heroic v11 mtgfan1996 I Just Need the Eggs 0–2 League Aug 15th 261073274
Azo Heroic v11 alpaca21 Jeskai Ascendancy 2–1 League Aug 15th 261071988
Azo Heroic v11 iwearshoes Sultai Wits 0–2 League Aug 15th 261063805
Azo Heroic v11 trantigone Caw Blade 1–2 League Aug 15th 261063783
Azo Heroic v11 yuu200180128 MGS 0–2 League Aug 14th 261063452
Azo Heroic v10 techyfiend178 Mono White Heroic 1–2 League Aug 11th 260986753
Azo Heroic v10 datrobino Capenna 0–2 League Aug 11th 260986638
Azo Heroic v10 herbstavore Sliddeee 0–2 League Aug 11th 260986429
Azo Heroic v10 kidthor Grixis Jokullahops 2–1 League Aug 11th 260985741
Azo Heroic v10 dave weiss It Ain't Anakin 0–2 League Aug 11th
Azo Heroic v9 feartherattata It Does, in Fact, Win 2–1 League Aug 10th 260947608
Azo Heroic v9 swamp_thing Enchantress 0–2 League Aug 10th 260947493
Azo Heroic v9 nitebane21 Curses 2–1 League Aug 9th 260940109
Azo Heroic v9 judgeginger22 Azorius Contruw 0–2 League Aug 9th 260939097
Azo Heroic v9 glendaloc Land Storm 1–2 League Aug 9th 260938607
Azo Heroic v7 glendaloc Land Storm 0–2 League Aug 7th 260890293
Azo Heroic v8 toodlesdc JoJo 2–1 Gatherling Aug 7th
Azo Heroic v8 ludwigfrito Infect Maconha 0–2 Gatherling Aug 7th
Azo Heroic v8 j_meka Ninjas 0–2 Gatherling Aug 7th
Azo Heroic v8 davidbrito Rakdos-Artifact-Midrange 2–0 Gatherling Aug 7th
Azo Heroic v7 penrose43 Temur Midrange 2–0 League Aug 7th 260885242
Azo Heroic v7 2for1for2 Azirdius 1–2 League Aug 7th 260884245
Azo Heroic v7 yay784 Izzet Dreadnought 2–1 League Aug 7th 260883731
Azo Heroic v7 lil_fry_mtg Ponza 2–0 League Aug 7th 260883374
Dirty Netdecker dennyo Lifegain 0–2 League Aug 6th
Dirty Netdecker aidask Poxie v2 2–0 League Aug 6th 260856382
Dirty Netdecker fagner666 ConfusionInTheRanks 0–2 League Aug 6th 260856023
Dirty Netdecker dragaotuga Boros Cycling 0–2 League Aug 6th 260854611
Dirty Netdecker lil_fry_mtg Zoo 1–2 League Aug 6th 260853989
Azo Heroic v6 erikadrien Tooth Post 2–1 League Aug 5th 260833532
Azo Heroic v6 aidask Stormy Days 2–0 League Aug 5th 260833215
Azo Heroic v6 dennyo Allies 0–2 League Aug 5th 260832954
Azo Heroic v6 dennyo Red Deck Wins 0–2 League Aug 5th 260832471
Azo Heroic v6 feartherattata Azorius Control 0–2 League Aug 5th 260832069
Azo Heroic v5 entrpy2352 Esper Yorion Remix v1.5 1–2 League Aug 5th 260831400
Azo Heroic v5 tesseract112 General Ferrous v1.1 0–2 League Aug 5th 260829564
Azo Heroic v5 toomsday Yorion Slide 1–2 League Aug 5th 260828941
Azo Heroic v5 tesseract112 Oops All Tribes v2 2–1 League Aug 5th 260828397
Azo Heroic v5 quiritim Aii Ze Da Manga 1–2 League Aug 5th 260827744
Azo Heroic v4 tarmogal Orzhov Hushnought 1–2 League Aug 5th 260826836
Azo Heroic v4 marenzio Temur Haups 1–2 League Aug 5th 260826229
Azo Heroic v4 downtovaluetown Raven Noodles 0–2 League Aug 4th 260815961
Azo Heroic v4 pentagonalhd Black Desire 1–2 League Aug 4th 260815143
Azo Heroic v4 _counterspell BIRD Tribal 1–2 League Aug 4th 260814700
Azo Heroic v3 alpaca21 Domain 2–0 League Aug 4th 260812898
Azo Heroic v3 _fortune This Meta Sucks 2–0 League Aug 4th 260812761
Azo Heroic v3 wildhero Red Deck Wins 1–2 League Aug 4th 260812324
Azo Heroic v3 daggtex Yawg Ritual 2–1 League Aug 4th 260811975
Azo Heroic v3 carmandor Temur Haups 2–1 League Aug 4th 260811531
Canadian Healthcare v2 c001357 Greenpost 0–2 League Aug 4th
Canadian Healthcare v2 tesseract112 Oops All Tribes 1–2 League Aug 4th 260808699
Canadian Healthcare v2 swamp_thing Enchantress 1–2 League Aug 4th 260808138
Canadian Healthcare v2 runngun Red Deck Wins 1–2 League Aug 4th 260807747
Canadian Healthcare v2 alpaca21 Jeskai Ascendancy 1–2 League Aug 4th 260807369
Canadian Healthcare v2 vagstor Azorius Control 1–2 League Aug 4th 260801985
Canadian Healthcare v2 archnoes Azorius Control 1–2 League Aug 4th 260801687
Canadian Healthcare v2 carmandor Red Deck Wins 2–0 League Aug 4th 260801183
Canadian Healthcare v2 lemonlad Dimir Flash 1–2 League Aug 3rd
Canadian Healthcare v2 runngun Red Deck Wins 1–2 League Aug 3rd
Canadian Healthcare v2 willowisp11 Dimir Tendrils 2–1 League Aug 3rd
Canadian Healthcare v2 tesseract112 Oops All Tribes 1–2 League Aug 3rd
Canadian Healthcare v2 thewatchwander Ponder Bad 1–2 League Aug 3rd
Canadian Healthcare v2 feartherattata Dimir Storm 1–2 League Aug 3rd 260787379
Canadian Healthcare v2 coaxmetal Fox Good Deck Bad 1–2 League Aug 3rd 260787187
Forcing Azo Heroic v2 lordzzx Orzhov Midrange 0–2 League Aug 2nd 260767169
Forcing Azo Heroic v2 wildhero Red Deck Wins 0–2 League Aug 2nd 260766851
Forcing Azo Heroic v2 entrpy2352 Actually Insanne Yorion Pile 0–2 League Aug 2nd 260766615
Forcing Azo Heroic v2 j_meka Slivers 0–2 League Aug 2nd 260766300
Forcing Azo Heroic v2 swamp_thing Radsack 0–2 League Aug 2nd 260766047
Forcing Azo Heroic wildhero Red Deck Wins 0–2 League Aug 2nd 260765599
Forcing Azo Heroic dolphin99it Izzetnought 1–2 League Aug 2nd 260764649
Forcing Azo Heroic lordzzx Orzhov Midrange 1–2 League Aug 2nd
Forcing Azo Heroic syndelius_indaren Enchantress Prison 0–2 League Aug 2nd
Forcing Azo Heroic feartherattata Azorius Control 1–2 League Aug 2nd
Fish Constable alternatwrecker Phylactery Factory 0–2 League Jul 2023
Fish Constable lukead97 Izzet "Delver" 0–2 League Jul 2023 259990083
Fish Constable evopride DragonStorm 0–2 League Jul 2023 259989845
Fish Constable yay784 Creat7re 0–2 League Jul 2023
Fish Constable daggtex Creatures Only 1–2 League Jul 2023
Fish Constable pentagonalhd Magic & Izzet 1–2 League Jul 2023 259957305
Fish Constable bnoru Gruul Landfall 2–1 League Jul 2023 259956683
Fish Constable tesseract112 General Ferrous v1 0–2 League Jul 2023 259956097
Fish Constable neur0nz Heroic 0–2 League Jul 2023 259955744
Fish Constable ilikedmyname Still Proud 0–2 League Jul 2023 259954533
Poi-Rats wizzardofoz Izzet Storm 0–2 League Jun 2023 259795402
Poi-Rats kwww Oops, Battle of Wits 2–1 League Jun 2023 259794211
Poi-Rats paul666 Mono Blue Control Combo 1–2 League Jun 2023 259794020
Poi-Rats optionaltypo_ Burn 0–2 League Jun 2023 259793618
Poi-Rats fadoodle Tendrils 0–2 League Jun 2023 259793155
Oops All Spells j_meka Colossus 0–2 League May 2023 258372347
Oops All Spells birdsandbees 33% Copium Increase From Last Quarter 0–2 League May 2023 258372180
8th Edition tivini Lurrus-Red-Deck-Wins 0–2 Gatherling Apr 2023
8th Edition forgetti Bring Protection 0–2 Gatherling Apr 2023
8th Edition swiftwarkite2 Cycling 0–2 Gatherling Apr 2023
8th Edition spice_weasel Spice Weasel 0–2 Gatherling Apr 2023
8th Edition chyto Blinkerton City History Class 0–2 League Apr 2023 258272850
8th Edition cryael Robots 0–2 League Apr 2023 258272712
8th Edition niqzu Toxic (Violin Riff) 0–2 League Apr 2023 258272588
8th Edition bakert99 Displacer Nightmare 0–2 League Apr 2023 258272302
8th Edition agentchris007 Song of Storms 0–2 League Apr 2023 258271922
Smauggler simpin4saffron Owl 2–1 League Apr 2023 258269619
Smauggler honorbound84 Orzhov Martyr 0–2 League Apr 2023 258269438
Smauggler marenzio Azorius Control 2–0 League Apr 2023 258269192
Smauggler datrobino Ajgleasng;sgqw 1–2 League Apr 2023 258269072
Smauggler esqpoe Life Is EZ 159 0–2 League Apr 2023 258268847
Weenie Hut Jr thijmen Oops 2–0 League Apr 2023 258263550
Weenie Hut Jr almighty_brushwagg Ponza 2–1 League Apr 2023 258263271
Weenie Hut Jr tidalslimshady Mardu Meow 1–2 League Apr 2023 258263011
Weenie Hut Jr _tom Azorius Control 1–2 League Apr 2023 258262722
Weenie Hut Jr carmandor Abzan rEANIMATOR 0–2 League Apr 2023 258262583
Skeleton spanky704 Death and Taxes 0–2 Gatherling Apr 2023
Skeleton thijmen Mono Blue Unclassified 1–2 Gatherling Apr 2023
Skeleton nguyen_01 Last Chance to Orzhov 0–2 Gatherling Apr 2023
GiantsBoros roostercocoa Mono Black Midrange 1–2 League Apr 2023 257991343
GiantsBoros dadknight Rack 1–2 League Apr 2023 257990855
GiantsBoros soldiermage World Boom 2–0 League Apr 2023 257990108
GiantsBoros sadd3x Red Deck Wins 2–0 League Apr 2023 257989732
GiantsBoros andrezaum Orzhov Martyr 2–1 League Apr 2023
Skeleton Tribal but Worse bakert99 Counterfactual 2–0 League Apr 2023 257942413
Skeleton Tribal but Worse spice_weasel Unga 2–0 League Apr 2023 257942256
Skeleton Tribal but Worse somniclipse Narset Attacks a Lot 2–0 League Apr 2023 257941233
Skeleton Tribal but Worse carmandor Abzan Reanimator 0–2 League Apr 2023 257941063
Skeleton Tribal but Worse 2for1for2 Goodbye Riddleform 0–2 League Apr 2023 257940814
Canadian Healthcare gavlna Cascade 0–2 League Apr 2023 257715270
Canadian Healthcare boxoflove Mid White 0–2 League Apr 2023 257715166
Canadian Healthcare bobwill4 Red Deck Wins 0–2 League Apr 2023 257715031
Canadian Healthcare transgirlmagic Tin Man All Star Band 1–2 League Apr 2023 257712660
Canadian Healthcare sadd3x Red Deck Wins 2–0 League Apr 2023 257712034
Boros Boardwipes ciathos Do the Wave 0–2 League Sep 2022 252819861
Boros Boardwipes keitarozz Grull Frens 1–2 League Sep 2022 252819178
Boros Boardwipes kernelpopcorn Recurring 0–2 League Sep 2022 252818895
Boros Boardwipes hatguysupreme Green Cloudpost 0–2 League Sep 2022 252818672
Boros Boardwipes jaycearveduin Obscura Dragons 0–2 League Sep 2022 252818426
Springs of Kamigawa dwsackir Dreamnought 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
Springs of Kamigawa arslanrahmano Depravity 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
Springs of Kamigawa birdsandbees Bring on the Flood 0–2 League Sep 2022
Springs of Kamigawa kwww Down With the Illness 2–1 League Sep 2022
Springs of Kamigawa sirhhaos Izzet-Storm 1–2 League Sep 2022 252286140
Springs of Kamigawa strategia Random Red Deck Wins 2–0 League Sep 2022 252284835
Springs of Kamigawa copied Mono Black Burn 2–1 League Sep 2022 252283784
Springs of Kamigawa ninstitute Jeskai Jokulhaups Control 1–2 League Sep 2022
Springs of Kamigawa rishiban Red Deck Wins 2–1 League Sep 2022
Springs of Kamigawa keldoraen Soldier Allies 1–2 League Sep 2022
Springs of Kamigawa iwearshoes Wake 2–0 League Sep 2022
Springs of Kamigawa roostercocoa Rakdos Oops 0–2 League Sep 2022
Springs of Kamigawa thewatchwander Nought 1–2 League Sep 2022 252225801
Springs of Kamigawa royandroz Burn 2–0 League Sep 2022 252222106
Springs of Kamigawa wa19 Dimir Mill 2–1 League Sep 2022 252219151
Springs of Kamigawa ninstitute Jeskai Jokulhaups Control 1–2 League Sep 2022 252219007
Springs of Kamigawa earterms123 Dek 0–2 League Sep 2022 252218643
Springs of Kamigawa shiftchangeling Sidisi Midrange 2–0 League Sep 2022 252214187
Springs of Kamigawa transgirlmagic Yes It Is in Fact Storm 0–2 League Sep 2022 252214026
Springs of Kamigawa frostyk Storm 0–2 League Sep 2022 252213839
Springs of Kamigawa hetfield881 HtH 2–0 League Sep 2022 252213108
Springs of Kamigawa joeyzero Izzet Tempo 1–2 League Sep 2022 252212544
Springs of Kamigawa sami8s Sleeping In 0–2 League Aug 2022 251949095
Springs of Kamigawa kalibak Mono Red Burn 2–0 League Aug 2022 251948628
Springs of Kamigawa benchtaztic Zombies on the Lawn 2–1 League Aug 2022 251947884
Springs of Kamigawa wolverine789 Trickbd 0–2 League Aug 2022 251947568
Springs of Kamigawa hluca Quest 1–2 League Aug 2022 251947107
Springs of Kamigawa upgrayedd420 Rack 2–0 League Aug 2022 251945657
Springs of Kamigawa barcos Deixa O Gordo Por 1–2 League Aug 2022 251945319
Springs of Kamigawa kreelix Prison 2–1 League Aug 2022 251944078
Springs of Kamigawa kalibak Mono Red Burn 0–2 League Aug 2022 251943394
Springs of Kamigawa haliquinn Rakdos Madness 1–2 League Aug 2022 251942843