Penny Dreadful Magic


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Deck Opponent Opponent's Deck Result Competition Date MTGO Log
Rakdos Madness by Phoenix kalibak Azorius Soldiers (Season Kickoff) 0–2 Gatherling May 4th
Rakdos Madness by Phoenix bakert99 Azorius Field Control 1–2 Gatherling May 4th
Rakdos Madness by Phoenix cheiffireball Emeria-Control 0–2 Gatherling May 4th
Rakdos Madness by Phoenix mdog Soldiers 0–2 Gatherling May 4th
Red Deck Wins rickymadison Let You Down 1–2 Gatherling Jan 6th
Red Deck Wins penguinvenom Humans 0–2 Gatherling Jan 6th
Red Deck Wins violetteavi BelcherSifter 0–2 Gatherling Jan 6th
Red Deck Wins stiltskin88 Selesnya Little Kid 2–0 Gatherling Jan 6th
Storm Alarm jaycearveduin Avacyn's Bouncy Cathedral 2–0 Gatherling Dec 2nd
Storm Alarm elliedwa Tempted-by-the-Ring-20231202-175217 2–1 Gatherling Dec 2nd
Storm Alarm BYE 2–0 Gatherling Dec 2nd
Storm Alarm akamatsu Elemental Breach 0–2 Gatherling Dec 2nd
Storm Alarm blankslate Legendary Bingus 0–2 Gatherling Dec 2nd
Storm Alarm chandogg Hopeless 0–2 Gatherling Dec 2nd
Ponza toodlesdc Human Hands 0–2 Gatherling Apr 2023
Ponza jaycearveduin Do Not Go Back to Nature 2–0 Gatherling Apr 2023
Ponza sped_13 Izzet Tempo 2–0 Gatherling Apr 2023
Ponza idius High Tide 0–2 Gatherling Apr 2023
Ponza iwearshoes Sultai Wits 2–1 League Apr 2023 257889420
Ponza spice_weasel Blitzerino 2–0 League Apr 2023 257889274
Ponza ancestral_diesel Orzhov Midrange 2–1 League Apr 2023 257888817
Ponza coveryourbutts Ramp 2–1 League Apr 2023 257888294
Ponza iwearshoes Sultai Wits 1–2 League Apr 2023 257887415
Cloudpost forestgump10 Clerics 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2023
Cloudpost kittysneezes Azorius-Control 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2023
Cloudpost thewatchwander Orzhov Midrange 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2023
Cloudpost rakura Slow Clap 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2023
Azorius Artifacts BYE 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2022
Azorius Artifacts capitaorapadura Stream-Deck-Wins 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2022
Azorius Artifacts ribbonsofnight Azorius Wave 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2022
Azorius Artifacts garcia_edu Orzhov Watchwander 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2022
Mono Red Dragons Combo! fastbreak78 Monoblack-Smallpox-3 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2022
Mono Red Dragons Combo! reactxevil23 Black Cards 2–1 Gatherling Oct 2022
Mono Red Dragons Combo! capitaorapadura 1 Tix PLS 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2022
Mono Red Dragons Combo! madorjan Dimir Control 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2022
Mono Red Deck W- Dragons!? gabmorato Slipnought Dreadout 1–2 Gatherling Oct 2022
Mono Red Deck W- Dragons!? ng4 Haups 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2022
Mono Red Deck W- Dragons!? thewatchwander Idk Founding Probably Bad 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2022
Mono Red Deck W- Dragons!? mtglew Mono Blue Stuff 1–2 Gatherling Oct 2022
Sea and Sky (10-22) theosanto Rakdos Midrange 1–2 Gatherling Oct 2022
Sea and Sky (10-22) garcia_edu Orzhov Midrange 1–2 Gatherling Oct 2022
Sea and Sky (10-22) birdsandbees Librarians 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2022
Sea and Sky (10-22) maxu_como_e_q_pode Mono-Red-Frenzy 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2022
Goblins Combo briar_moss Jeskai Ascendancy 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
Goblins Combo birdsandbees Birds 2–1 Gatherling Sep 2022
Goblins Combo zeenowblack Golgari Pox 2–1 Gatherling Sep 2022
Goblins Combo briar_moss Jeskai Ascendancy 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
Goblins Combo nguyen_01 Orzhov Midwavy 2–1 Gatherling Sep 2022
Goblins Combo kittysneezes Is This a Land 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2022
Rakdos Infect kalibak Red Deck Wins 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
Rakdos Infect BYE 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2022
Rakdos Infect ludwigfrito Luis XIV's Court 2–1 Gatherling Sep 2022
Rakdos Infect litkakashi Red Deck Wins 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
Rakdos Infect xigotdeadx 500 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
Rakdos Infect downtovaluetown Jeskai ThoughtHaups 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
No ETB thewatchwander Human Knights 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
No ETB upgrayedd420 Slipnought 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2022
No ETB zeenowblack TXT 2–1 Gatherling Sep 2022
No ETB thewatchwander Human Knights 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2022
No ETB duocat Bant Control 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2022
No ETBs jdfamnlj Jund Umori Goblins 0–2 League Aug 2022 252110843
No ETBs cdnewlon Unplayable Garbage Featuring Waterfalls 2–1 League Aug 2022 252110554
No ETBs copied Oops All Spells 2–1 League Aug 2022 252109973
No ETBs agentcarr22 Zombies v2 0–2 League Aug 2022 252109460
No ETBs herr_braun Tempered Steel 0–2 League Aug 2022 252109145
No ETBs benchtaztic Zombies on the Lawn 1–2 League Aug 2022 251957110
No ETBs uvilate Warp World 2–0 League Aug 2022 251956561
No ETBs revy04 Azorius Control 0–2 League Aug 2022 251953777
No ETBs cruetusnex 8 Post 2–1 League Aug 2022 251953047
No ETBs xofo Heartless Summoning Combo 2–1 League Aug 2022 251952181
Frenzy rakura Jund 0–2 Gatherling Aug 2022
Frenzy oddpac Tempered Steel 0–2 Gatherling Aug 2022
Frenzy BYE 2–0 Gatherling Aug 2022
Frenzy j_meka Modular 0–2 Gatherling Aug 2022
It's Rampylike? :P garcia_edu The Rock v2 0–2 Gatherling Aug 2022
It's Rampylike? :P arslanrahmano Izzet-Storm v1 0–2 Gatherling Aug 2022
It's Rampylike? :P vole Treefolk 0–2 Gatherling Aug 2022
It's Rampylike? :P boso Mono Blue Tempo 2–0 Gatherling Aug 2022
It's Rampylike? :P BYE 2–0 Gatherling Aug 2022
Colossus BYE 2–0 Gatherling Aug 2022
Colossus cladothehobbit Im-a-Cat-Person-and-So-Are-You-Now-Ok 0–2 Gatherling Aug 2022
Colossus upgrayedd420 OrzNought 1–2 Gatherling Aug 2022
Colossus rainbow637 Michikos-Modular-Steel 0–2 Gatherling Aug 2022
Kamikaze Red memyselfi1231 Jund 2–1 League Aug 2022 251392279
Kamikaze Red erikadrien Tempered Steel 0–2 League Aug 2022 251392034
Kamikaze Red odourless Jund Haups 2–0 League Aug 2022 251391829
Kamikaze Red poperp98 Burn Baby Burn 0–2 League Aug 2022 251391526
Kamikaze Red rishiban Dreadnought 0–2 League Aug 2022 251391284
Kamikaze Red rainbow637 Cats 1–2 Gatherling Aug 2022
Kamikaze Red iymax Embrace The 2–0 Gatherling Aug 2022
Kamikaze Red kalibak Mono Red Burn 0–2 Gatherling Aug 2022
Kamikaze Red triunfo Counter and Draw 0–2 Gatherling Aug 2022
Mono Red Prowess Storm jenkin5630 Ripple v4 2–1 League Aug 2022 251339549
Mono Red Prowess Storm upgrayedd420 Burning Orrery 1–2 League Aug 2022 251338994
Mono Red Prowess Storm odourless Naya Hero 1–2 League Aug 2022 251338295
Mono Red Prowess Storm alternatwrecker Bloodscade 1–2 League Aug 2022 251337809
Mono Red Prowess Storm triunfo I'm a Cat Person and So Are YOU Now OK? 0–2 League Aug 2022 251337592
Rise and Shine (Artifact Animation) kirazo Izzet Storm 1–2 Gatherling Aug 2022
Rise and Shine (Artifact Animation) upgrayedd420 Fairies 1–2 Gatherling Aug 2022
Rise and Shine (Artifact Animation) BYE 2–0 Gatherling Aug 2022
Rise and Shine (Artifact Animation) spencer0120 Izzet Storm 0–2 Gatherling Aug 2022
Rise and Shine battlechrist Trickbind Dreadnought 0–2 League Jul 2022 251282463
Rise and Shine jmblinn13 Gruul Ponza 1–2 League Jul 2022 251282119
Rise and Shine memyselfi1231 Jund 1–2 League Jul 2022 251281274
Rise and Shine everyigniwantistaken Pawx 1–2 League Jul 2022 251280774
Rise and Shine aguafria Humans v2 0–2 League Jul 2022 251280471
Rakdos Infect upgrayedd420 Ninja Faeries 2–1 League Jul 2022 251200802
Rakdos Infect pridestalker Dragon Control 1–2 League Jul 2022 251200310
Rakdos Infect sadd3x Red Deck Wins 1–2 League Jul 2022 251199901
Rakdos Infect triunfo Villanous 2–0 League Jul 2022 251199729
Rakdos Infect upgrayedd420 Ninja 2–0 League Jul 2022 251199220
Infect v2 md_bowhunter Azorius Control 2–1 Gatherling Jul 2022
Infect v2 BYE 2–0 Gatherling Jul 2022
Infect v2 pleasantvegetable Revenge of the Seafood 1–2 Gatherling Jul 2022
Infect v2 cryael Mono Blue Vandalnought 1–2 Gatherling Jul 2022
Rakdos Infect roostercocoa Oops All Spells 1–2 Gatherling Jul 2022
Rakdos Infect mtglew Oops All Spells 2–1 Gatherling Jul 2022
Rakdos Infect trapzomba Esper Bomba Patch 2–0 Gatherling Jul 2022
Rakdos Infect arslanrahmano Izzet-Storm 2–0 Gatherling Jul 2022
Rakdos Infect triunfo Chant Chant 0–2 Gatherling Jul 2022
Rakdos Infect upgrayedd420 Elves 2–0 Gatherling Jul 2022
Mono Black Infect flexterror Greenpost 2–1 League Jul 2022 250816248
Mono Black Infect arshhajimi AggroSlide2 1–2 League Jul 2022 250815764
Mono Black Infect datrobino The Clown Fiesta 2–0 League Jul 2022 250807689
Mono Black Infect triunfo Chant Chant 1–2 League Jul 2022 250807190
Mono Black Infect upgrayedd420 Heartless 2–0 League Jul 2022 250806929
Cascade v22 dawosn Trickbind Dreadnought 1–2 Gatherling Jul 2022
Cascade v22 kelds1 Storm New 0–2 Gatherling Jul 2022
Cascade v22 swiftwarkite2 Options Will Cost You 1–2 Gatherling Jul 2022
Cascade v22 spencer0120 Izzet Storm 1–2 Gatherling Jul 2022