Penny Dreadful Magic


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Deck Opponent Opponent's Deck Result Competition Date MTGO Log
Mono White Humans rakura Red Deck Wins 1–2 Gatherling May 17th
Izzet Storm vitorgs48 Artf 0–2 Gatherling Jul 2022
Izzet Storm cliolio Red-Deck-Wins 2–0 Gatherling Jul 2022
Izzet Storm ludwigfrito Nightboat to Cairo 2–1 Gatherling Jul 2022
Izzet Storm tommycakes Chant 1–2 Gatherling Jul 2022
Izzet Storm vitorgs48 Artf 0–2 Gatherling Jul 2022
Mono Black Aggro garcia_edu Mono Black Midrange v4 0–2 Gatherling Jun 2022
Mono Black Aggro thyshuffler Swift's Cycling 0–2 Gatherling Jun 2022
Mono Black Aggro murpady Necrotic Ooze 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2022
Mono Black Aggro BYE 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2022
Mono Blue Tempo pirula42 Izzet-Blitz 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2022
Mono Blue Tempo blue_man7 Feel the Pulse v2 1–2 Gatherling Jan 2022
Mono Blue Tempo kokonade1000 Wombo Combo 2–1 Gatherling Jan 2022
Mono Blue Tempo tenorsax2 Mono White Heroic 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2022
Mono Blue Tempo slouchingtoelysium Man and Horseman 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2022
Mono Blue Tempo swiftwarkite2 The Common Denominator Is You 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2022
Mono Blue Tempo guimol11 Dimir Rogues 2–0 Gatherling Jan 2022
Mono Blue Tempo birdsandbees Some Islands 2–1 Gatherling Jan 2022
Simic Snow thewatchwander Mono Blue Control 1–2 Gatherling Dec 2021
Simic Snow blackhorrorghost Mono Blue Tempo 0–2 Gatherling Dec 2021
Simic Snow rakura Red Deck Wins 2–0 Gatherling Dec 2021
Simic Snow stefangoerke Jokulhaups 2–1 Gatherling Dec 2021
Mono Blue Tempo glocknmyrari Channel 0–2 Gatherling Dec 2021
Mono Blue Tempo reactxevil23 Elf Dudes 1–2 Gatherling Dec 2021
Mono Blue Tempo swiftwarkite2 Some-Elves 2–1 Gatherling Dec 2021
Mono Blue Tempo apa19 Channel 2–0 Gatherling Dec 2021
Mono Blue Tempo shadowater0 Simic Snow 0–2 Gatherling Dec 2021
Mono Blue Tempo steven cackler Zirda Esper v2 0–2 Gatherling Dec 2021
Mono Blue Tempo crazybaloth Tide Bog 0–2 Gatherling Dec 2021
Mono Blue Tempo swiftwarkite2 Some-Elves 0–2 Gatherling Dec 2021
Mono Blue Tempo slouchingtoelysium Cryael Style Pile 2–1 Gatherling Dec 2021
Mono Blue Tempo crazybaloth Tide Bog 2–0 Gatherling Dec 2021
Mono Blue Tempo triunfo Nightmare Hulk 2–1 Gatherling Dec 2021
Simic Snow gleiciano Postos 1–2 Gatherling Dec 2021
Simic Snow glocknmyrari Counterspell 1–2 Gatherling Dec 2021
Simic Snow tenorsax2 Simic Snow 1–2 Gatherling Dec 2021
Simic Snow ludwigfrito Mindbender <3 1–2 Gatherling Dec 2021
Simic Snow odourless Burn 1–2 Gatherling Dec 2021
Simic Snow j_meka Humans 0–2 Gatherling Dec 2021
Simic Snow jerrybeansman Subdual Tribal 2–1 Gatherling Dec 2021
Simic Snow jaycearveduin Aliniad Gwrychoedd 2–0 Gatherling Dec 2021
Simic Snow BYE 2–0 Gatherling Dec 2021
Simic Snow youraverageidiot Unplayable Garbage 1–2 Gatherling Dec 2021
Simic Snow memnite_shyamalan Whitetokens 2–1 Gatherling Dec 2021
Simic Snow mdog Elves 0–2 Gatherling Dec 2021
Heroic torres6 Affinity 0–2 Gatherling Jul 2021
Heroic mdog Affinity 0–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic eternalparadox38 First Day Goblins 2–1 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic swiftwarkite2 2 of Mana Tithe 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic teylows Boros Allies 2–1 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic eternalparadox38 First Day Goblins 1–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic res-42 Mono Black Post 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic tommycakes Mono White Life 2–1 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic garcia_edu Izzet Tempo 1–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic piruvato Master Transmuter 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic takeoutree Red Burn v3 1–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic datrobino Shrek 2 Aggro 1–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic takeoutree Red Burn v3 2–1 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic willisberto Heroic 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic garcia_edu New Deck2 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic stefangoerke Glint Hawk 1–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic quiritim Artifacts 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2021
Izzet Blitz cody_ I Need a Hero 0–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Izzet Blitz BYE 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2021
Izzet Blitz cadente Red Burn 1–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Izzet Blitz illuminatiswag Godo Tooth 0–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic piruvato Between the Clouds 1–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic datrobino Heroic v6 0–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic quake004 Fox-Cloud-Lightning 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic jaycearveduin Heart of Fire 2–1 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic bobofraggles Heroic 1–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Izzet Blitz BYE 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2021
Izzet Blitz honorbound84 CawBlade 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2021
Izzet Blitz res-42 Mono-Red-Aggro v1 0–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Izzet Blitz piruvato Omelette Du Fromage 0–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic quiritim Teiiiii 0–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic cadente Red Burn 1–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic riomare85 Dimir Combo 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic blue_man7 Technically Optimal 1–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic murpady Necrotic Ooze Combo 0–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic duckoforegon Tooth and Nail 0–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic mdog Artifacts 2–1 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic res-42 Izzet Tempo 2–1 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic firespitinkitten A-Poor-Attempt-at-Mantis-Rider 1–1 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic trapzomba Esper Allies 1–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic halftruth Artifact Wildfire War 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic kalibak Izzet Delver 0–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic mdog Artifacts 1–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic 7seas1998 Elves v7 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic halftruth Jund Goblins Combo 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic mdog Artifacts 2–1 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic willisberto Mono Red Burn 2–0 Gatherling Jun 2021
Heroic datrobino Heroic Aggro 1–2 Gatherling Jun 2021
Mono Blue Tempo ludwigfrito Senai Goblin 0–2 Gatherling May 2021
Mono Blue Tempo honorbound84 Curious Alliance 1–2 Gatherling May 2021
Mono Blue Tempo riomare85 Boros Cycle 0–2 Gatherling May 2021
Heroic ludwigfrito Borderpost 2–0 Gatherling May 2021
Heroic pigmax Orzonought 0–2 Gatherling May 2021
Heroic quiritim Hurum 2–0 Gatherling May 2021
Heroic blue_man7 I Only Know How to Play Linear Decks 0–2 Gatherling May 2021