Penny Dreadful Magic


Penny Dreadful. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community.

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Deck Opponent Opponent's Deck Result Competition Date MTGO Log
Sprite Angel xboltthebirdx Big Red 0–2 Gatherling Mar 2021
Sprite Angel masterofphysics Rackdos 0–2 Gatherling Mar 2021
Sprite Angel shadow438 Neohermit 1–2 Gatherling Mar 2021
Jeskai Jankrange v1 fartak Selesnya Slide 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2021
Jeskai Jankrange v1 dramajoe Simic Grow 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2021
Jeskai Midrange? razielsarafan Fires v2 2–0 League Feb 2021 237285301
Jeskai Midrange? purplesandpaper Hearltess Stormless Storm 2–0 League Feb 2021 237284938
Bant Tempo v0 walkmehome Whack Party 1–2 League Feb 2021 237283003
Bant Tempo v0 oddpac Mardu Hero 1–2 League Feb 2021 237266425
Dimir-Delver trevor3693 Wave 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2021
Dimir-Delver glendaloc Cat Oven 0–2 Gatherling Feb 2021
Dimir-Delver mdog Carnage 2: Fiery Boogaloo 2–0 Gatherling Feb 2021
Rakdos-Midrange fazill Boros Bicycle 2–1 Gatherling Jan 2021
Rakdos-Midrange zyxus Gruul Blitz v2 2–0 Gatherling Jan 2021
Rakdos-Midrange plrt Blackmoon 1–2 Gatherling Jan 2021
Rakdos-Midrange mildmanneredjanitor Heroic v18.3 2–1 Gatherling Jan 2021
Rakdos-Midrange mdog Artifacts 1–2 Gatherling Jan 2021
Rakdos-Midrange kokonade1000 Izzet 500 2–0 Gatherling Jan 2021
Rakdos-Midrange pokemonych Dimir Tendrils 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2021
Rakdos-Midrange BYE 2–0 Gatherling Jan 2021
Blood Red takeoutree Mengão 0–2 Gatherling Jan 2021
Blood Red nydethess Elves Take v1 2–0 Gatherling Jan 2021
Blood Red adryannthehero04 Goat Haters - Cycle 1–2 Gatherling Jan 2021
Blood Red depressedduck Red Deck Wins 1–2 Gatherling Jan 2021
Kefnetmas Miracle carmandor Mba 0–2 League Dec 2020
Kefnetmas Miracle earterms123 I'm Back 1–2 League Dec 2020
Kefnetmas Miracle akamatsu Conclave Curse 2–1 League Dec 2020
Blightling x2wolf Chandra Nalaar Big Red, Credit -Bobthebalde 2–1 League Dec 2020
Blightling fatherjohn Foggy 2–0 League Dec 2020
Blightling leoking Mono Green Post 0–2 League Dec 2020
Blightling fedora_the_explorer Mono Black Aggro 2–0 League Dec 2020
Full Moon v2 rfunay Izzet Affinity -PD 0–2 Gatherling Nov 2020
Full Moon v2 -icebr- Mono Green Post 1–2 Gatherling Nov 2020
Full Moon v2 whitepresenix777 Merfolk 2–1 Gatherling Nov 2020
Full Moon v2 dustyjustice Bant Prophet 0–2 Gatherling Nov 2020
Full Moon v2 torres6 Aristocats 2–1 Gatherling Nov 2020
Full Moon v2 fatherjohn Fog 1–2 League Nov 2020 235094815
Full Moon v2 nosferatu_zod Dreg 1–2 League Nov 2020 235042373
Full Moon v2 wizzardofoz Cloudpost 2–0 League Nov 2020 235042000
Full Moon v2 alphagroupie Dragon Reanimator 0–2 League Nov 2020 235041515
Full Moon v2 hammerdin Dredge 1–2 League Nov 2020 235028236
Full Moon v2 Izzet Affinity 1–2 Gatherling Nov 2020
Full Moon v2 eduardo_novais Mono Red Deck 1–2 Gatherling Nov 2020
Full Moon v2 whitepresenix777 Merfolk 2–0 Gatherling Nov 2020
Full Moon v2 murpady MBR 1–2 Gatherling Nov 2020
Full Moon v2 torres6 Aggroslide 2–1 Gatherling Nov 2020
Full Moon v2 caeonosphere Near-Win Experience 1–2 League Nov 2020 235004189
Full Moon v2 xboltthebirdx Jeskai Fires 2–0 League Nov 2020 235003262
Full Moon v2 burgerkingaka Mono Blue Balls 2–1 League Nov 2020 235001940
Full Moon v2 tommy9898 Turbo Fog 0–2 League Nov 2020 234994747
Full Moon v2 acarecan Thief of Sanity 0–2 League Nov 2020 234994316
Full Moon v2 wizzerinus Grixis Tempo 2–1 League Nov 2020 234991913
Full Moon v2 _iimthedmm_ Abberation Nic Fit 2–0 League Nov 2020 234981202
Full Moon v2 13ird Dimir Tendrils 2–1 League Nov 2020 234968497
Full Moon v2 murpady Mudpost 1–2 League Nov 2020 234967023
Full Moon v2 mrreq666 Jeskai Control 2–1 League Nov 2020 234966086
Mono Red Moon cladothehobbit Kicker Tribal 1–2 League Nov 2020 234956067
Mono Red Moon fujbubccc Prolifered 0–2 League Nov 2020 234955805
Mono Red Moon schwingzilla Zur's Weirding 0–2 League Nov 2020 234948536
Mono Red Moon dtom-lonewolf Fake Rack 2–1 League Nov 2020 234947691
Mono Red Moon hyugytidx Ooops! All Spells 2–1 League Nov 2020 234947239
No More Etb Triggers? No, More Etb Triggers! ludwigfrito Well Turns Out I Can't Play Decks That Are Not Weirding 2–1 League Nov 2020
No More Etb Triggers? No, More Etb Triggers! unigarias Storm 0–2 League Nov 2020 234664023
Poxy Cat v2 pigmax Dredge 0–2 League Oct 2020 234287944
Poxy Cat v2 burner_account52 Izzet a Delver Deck? 1–2 League Oct 2020 234287182
Poxy Cat v2 glendaloc Dimir Storm 0–2 League Oct 2020 234286690
Izzet Flicker v4 bobwill4 Rakdos-Aggro 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Izzet Flicker v4 magicalpaca11 Dimir Tendrils 2–1 Gatherling Oct 2020
Izzet Flicker v4 ludwigfrito Halloween Goblins 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Izzet Flicker v4 42crookedsporks Sligh 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Izzet Flicker v4 jaycearveduin Panglacial Ramp 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2020
Izzet Flicker v4 pigmax Kefnet Control 2–1 Gatherling Oct 2020
Izzet Flicker v4 Izzet Affinity 1–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Poxy Cat darkpaladan3 Mardu Control v1.3 0–2 League Oct 2020
Poxy Cat jmblinn13 Outbursts 2–0 League Oct 2020 234207034
Poxy Cat catmoozi Zur Helix 1–2 League Oct 2020 234204649
Poxy Cat skudaddies Orzhov Control? 1–2 League Oct 2020 234193503
Poxy Cat fratmank94 Otter Sporks 2–0 League Oct 2020 234192765
Oriss-Vat-Lue-Town honorbound84 Improbable Drakes 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Oriss-Vat-Lue-Town zedruuthegoathearted Shrines v2 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2020
Oriss-Vat-Lue-Town 42crookedsporks Worldgorger v2 2–1 Gatherling Oct 2020
Oriss-Vat-Lue-Town whitepresenix777 Izzet Wizards 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2020
Oriss-Vat-Lue-Town rydyell Mono Blue Delver 1–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Izzetflicker3.0 moldybananas Azorius Control 1–2 League Oct 2020 234080203
Oriss kristofer_ Dreadnought 2–0 League Oct 2020
Oriss mrgrimes Hulk Post 0–2 League Oct 2020
Oriss pigmax Red-Deck-Wins 1–2 League Oct 2020
Oriss revilothegathering Orzhov Eldrazi and Taxes 2–0 League Oct 2020 234004926
Oriss taylors Wizards 2–1 League Oct 2020 233993935
izzetFlicker moldybananas Whale Dec 2–0 League Oct 2020 233992683
Reanimate Control catacuio Artifacts 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Reanimate Control completo Azorius Evening 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Izzetflicker3.0 adryannthehero04 First Place 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Izzetflicker3.0 42crookedsporks Rdw2 2–1 Gatherling Oct 2020
Izzetflicker3.0 catacuio Red Deck Wins 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2020
Izzetflicker3.0 rydyell Oreo Pox 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
izzetFlicker stinkyfetepete Gerblin Combo 1–2 League Oct 2020 233721896
izzetFlicker darkkowboy Weird 2–0 League Oct 2020 233718711
izzetFlicker earterms123 Maybe Good Storm 2–1 League Oct 2020 233717923
izzetFlicker batmana Storm 1–2 League Oct 2020 233717259
Izzet Flicker2.5 duckoforegon Red Deck Wins 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Izzet Flicker2.5 jaycearveduin Wasteland Soul 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2020
Izzet Flicker2.5 Mono Red Aggro 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Izzet Flicker2.5 phil_izzet Cycling v1.2 2–1 Gatherling Oct 2020
Flicker v2.5 walkmehome Abzan Oriss Lock 2–1 League Oct 2020 233681813
Dimir Storm fratmank94 Elf Cloud v0.6 1–2 League Oct 2020 233678133
Dimir Storm hairyfroglegs Uncaged Hatebears 0–2 League Oct 2020 233677021
Dimir Storm notgood This Deck Sucks 0–2 League Oct 2020 233676472
Dimir Storm rolexrage Chancellor Combo 2–1 League Oct 2020 233675787
Flicker but Probably Just Worse whitepresenix777 Orzhov Clerics 2–0 League Oct 2020
Flicker but Probably Just Worse ozizi Izzet Control 2–0 League Oct 2020 233659351
Flicker but Probably Just Worse skewbed Affinity v3 1–2 League Oct 2020 233658991
Flicker but Probably Just Worse purplesandpaper Hearltess Storm 2–0 League Oct 2020 233658573
Flicker but Probably Just Worse billiejk Infect 1–2 League Oct 2020 233657900
izzetFlicker1.5 whitepresenix777 Dimir Artifact Payoffs 1–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
izzetFlicker1.5 n3cr0s3d Gaiola Das Popozudas Ft Mãe Do Thales 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
izzetFlicker1.5 thisguyagain365 Crank Combo 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2020
izzetFlicker1.5 swiftwarkite2 Cycling v5 1–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Flicker g3r2 Miracle Rouge 2–0 League Oct 2020 233625039
Flicker mrgrimes Dimir Storm 2–0 League Oct 2020 233624750
Grixis Delver v2 honorbound84 Wiz 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Grixis Delver v2 spitkikker Izzet Drakes 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Grixis Delver v2 xigotdeadx Weirding 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Rakdos? drinkwater Cloudplow 0–2 League Oct 2020 233586679
Rakdos? pigthatcriedrii Curses v0.2 1–2 League Oct 2020 233586259
Grixis Delver zubekanov Azorius Control 1–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Grixis Delver bananonymous Storm 2–1 Gatherling Oct 2020
Grixis Delver takeoutree A Primeira Agente Nunca Esquece 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2020
Grixis Delver catacuio White-Affinity 2–1 Gatherling Oct 2020
Grixis Delver arcoverde Red Deck Wins 1–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Izzet Delver therealkoerbstomp70 Izzet Delver 2–0 League Oct 2020
Conjuring Creatures v2 theosanto Phage 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2020
Conjuring Creatures v2 shadowater0 Bakert99 Izzet Aggro 1–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Conjuring Creatures v2 mrchocolate Afogar O Ganso (1 Bj Pra Mae Do Thales) 0–2 Gatherling Oct 2020
Conjuring Creatures v2 whitepresenix777 Orzhov Life Gain Sacrifice 2–0 Gatherling Oct 2020
Dicepost darkkowboy Twin 0–2 League Sep 2020 233506015
Dicepost ---- Get Lucky!! 1–2 League Sep 2020 233505095
Conjuring Creatures mrgrimes Sigh Tide Pepehands 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
Conjuring Creatures catacuio AggroSlide 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
Conjuring Creatures nydethess Eldrapost 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
Conjuring Creatures rremedio1 Neoform v2 2–1 Gatherling Sep 2020
Conjuring Creatures mdog Triskhidetsuphobia 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
Conjuring Creatures swiftwarkite2 Cycling v11 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
Conjuring Creatures nydethess Eldrazipost 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
Conjuring Creatures mrchocolate Dia De Afogar O Ganso 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
Conjuring Creatures honorbound84 Improbable Drakes 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
Conjuring Creatures Eureka v2 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
Conjuring Creatures goat314 Wildfire Borderpost 2–1 League Sep 2020 233339508
Conjuring Creatures jgabrielygalan Heroic 1–2 League Sep 2020 233339049
Conjuring Creatures tubarangueijo Stax 2–0 League Sep 2020 233338570
Shoal Combo mrmrfrodo Burn 0–2 League Sep 2020 233324137
Shoal Combo ludwigfrito Zur's Weirding 1–2 League Sep 2020 233323681
Shoal Combo mrgrimes Mono Black Discard 2–0 League Sep 2020 233323382
Shoal Combo abigdumbogre Mono White Heroic 1–2 League Sep 2020 233314406
Shoal Combo sandelll Colossus Fires 2–0 League Sep 2020 233314168
8post Control joeknows88 Infect 1–2 League Sep 2020 233311227
8post Control linkxness Hidetsugus Second Triskaedkaphobia 1–2 League Sep 2020 233310676
8post Control acker Temur Ponza 0–2 League Sep 2020 233310459
8post Control iwearshoes Sultai Wits 1–2 League Sep 2020 233297030
8post Control bakert99 Fling Combo 2–1 League Sep 2020 233296475
8post4.1 briar_moss High Tide 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
8post4.1 ludwigfrito Zur's Weirding 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
8post4.1 masterofphysics Jeskai Approach 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
8post4.1 peppabigt Lovecraftian-Funk 2–1 Gatherling Sep 2020
Elvish Elves starswhirl Swan Assault v1.1 1–2 League Sep 2020 233259666
Stax saffakanera Zambies 0–2 League Sep 2020 233240961
Stax bobrascle SoulFlayer 0–2 League Sep 2020 233240382
Stax tubarangueijo Orzhov Stax 0–2 League Sep 2020 233239711
Stax silver_arrow Mono Black Control 2–0 League Sep 2020 233239454
Stax ludwigfrito Zur's Weirding 2–1 League Sep 2020 233238895
8post4.1 j_meka Bringer Post 2–1 Gatherling Sep 2020
8post4.1 arcoverde 298. 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
8post4.1 murpady Dredge 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
8post4.1 takeoutree De Cair as Prega Da Calça! 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
Aggro Lands stinky0117 Double Dragon 0–2 League Sep 2020 233211341
Aggro Lands luckylouis Mardu Double Visions 1–2 League Sep 2020 233210368
Wildfire-Borderpost v5 desavlos Sylvan Ascendancy 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost v5 flac0 Lake of Zombies 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost v5 landonpeanut Azorius Approach 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost v5 BYE 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
Border Fires robian Blazing Shoal Combo 1–2 League Sep 2020 233183493
8post Control jeremy812 Rakdos Mid 0–2 League Sep 2020 233182914
8post Control bakert99 Fling Combo 1–2 League Sep 2020 233181591
8post Control fratmank94 Jurassic P2 0–2 League Sep 2020 233179811
8post Control bakert99 Fling Combo 0–2 League Sep 2020
8post-Control 3 BYE 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
8post-Control 3 -diamonddust- Knights 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
8post-Control 3 mdog Dystopia 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
8post Control propaneaddict Ominous Goods 2–1 League Sep 2020 233170372
8post Control kithkin High Tide 1–2 League Sep 2020 233167188
8post Control murpady Varolz Hermit 0–2 League Sep 2020 233166966
Eldrazi Midrange silver_arrow Mono Black Control 1–2 League Sep 2020 233152488
Eldrazi Midrange auhosj877 Collected Conjuring Ponza 1–2 League Sep 2020 233151859
Wildfire-Borderpost skagra42 Its Power Is Technically 2 or Less 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost honorbound84 Go Go Green 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost takkato Eureka v1 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost duckoforegon Ball Lightnings 1–2 League Sep 2020 233117340
Wildfire-Borderpost v2 jingxd Grixis Madness 2–0 League Sep 2020 233116918
Wildfire-Borderpost v2 swiftwarkite2 Cycling v3 0–2 League Sep 2020 233080482
Wildfire-Borderpost v2 Cycling 2–0 League Sep 2020 233077416
Wildfire-Borderpost v2 emerald000 High Tide 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost v2 honorbound84 Improbable Drakes 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost v2 jaycearveduin Dessy and the Bobs 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost v2 swiftwarkite2 Cycling v8 2–1 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost v2 coaxmetal Hopeful Teachings 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost v2 Cycling 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost v2 bobbunny Mono Black Control 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost v2 tenorsax2 Worldgorger Reanimator 2–1 League Sep 2020 233056561
Wildfire-Borderpost v2 abigdumbogre Mono White Heroic Tweaked 1–2 League Sep 2020 233056144
Wildfire-Borderpost v2 tenorsax2 Mono Blue Tempo 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost v2 piruvato HT-Twin 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost v2 yellowvanblake Rquest v2 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost v2 murpady Zombies 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost coaxmetal Teachings of Hope 2–0 League Sep 2020 233032101
Wildfire-Borderpost somefae Wildfire 2–0 League Sep 2020 233031662
Wildfire-Borderpost mrmrfrodo Burn 0–2 League Sep 2020 233031434
Wildfire-Borderpost fizzygig Green Cloudpost 2–1 League Sep 2020 233026941
Wildfire-Borderpost moldybananas Cycling 1–2 League Sep 2020 233026479
Wildfire-Borderpost starswhirl Swan Assault 0–2 League Sep 2020 233019895
Wildfire-Borderpost aschtar Presence of Untaps 2–0 League Sep 2020 233019281
Wildfire-Borderpost fadetoblack1183 Mono Black Vamps 1–2 League Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost mattjmusic Infestation 2–1 League Sep 2020 233004417
Wildfire-Borderpost sinceresnail8 Heartless v5 2–1 League Sep 2020 233004170
Wildfire-Borderpost takeoutree The Black Death 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost peppabigt All Love for Miss Adriana 2–0 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost mrgrimes High Tide Twin 1–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire-Borderpost zock3y George 0–2 Gatherling Sep 2020
Wildfire earterms123 Freeze Tide 2–1 League Sep 2020
Wildfire mexicanbadger LifeHunt 2–0 League Sep 2020 232986864
Wildfire rydyell Dragon Dragon 2–1 League Sep 2020 232986612
Wildfire vexstrictor Zombies 2–1 League Sep 2020 232980506
Wildfire sinceresnail8 Heartless v3 2–0 League Sep 2020 232979173
Golgari Threshold abigdumbogre 299 0–2 League Sep 2020 232978046