Penny Dreadful Magic


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Archetype Tree

Archetype # Decks Record Win % 5–0s
Control 5980 11005–12113–43 47.6 278 2568
Guildgate Control 265 564–520 52.0 12 109



Meta Share By Season


Archetype Record Win %
Aggro 142–124 53.4
Mono Black Aggro 4–2 66.7
Heroic 2–1 66.7
Mono White Heroic 0–1 0.0
Azorius Heroic 1–0 100.0
Red Deck Wins 51–40 56.0
Goblins 2–5 28.6
Tokens 11–9 55.0
Selesnya Tokens 1–0 100.0
Mono White Tokens 8–9 47.1
Mono Green Stompy 13–11 54.2
White Weenie 9–8 52.9
Odric Keywords 0–1 0.0
Quest for the Holy Relic 1–0 100.0
Soldiers 3–3 50.0
Elves 1–1 50.0
Selesnya Little Kid 5–0 100.0
Zombies 7–6 53.8
Gruul Aggro 2–2 50.0
Merfolk 0–2 0.0
Mono Red Swarm 18–18 50.0
Artifact Aggro 2–0 100.0
Tempered Steel 2–0 100.0
Devoid Aggro 1–0 100.0
Mono Blue Aggro 0–1 0.0
Illusions 0–1 0.0
Madness 1–0 100.0
Rakdos Madness 1–0 100.0
Voltron 4–8 33.3
Hexproof 1–4 20.0
Boros Auras 0–2 0.0
Hateful Auras 0–2 0.0
Knights 4–3 57.1
AggroSlide 2–5 28.6
Cats 3–2 60.0
Mono White Cats 3–2 60.0
Combo 23–37 38.3
Storm 1–6 14.3
Dimir Tendrils 1–1 50.0
Simic Storm 0–4 0.0
Reclamation Storm 0–4 0.0
Channel Storm 0–1 0.0
Reanimator 7–18 28.0
Recurring Nightmare 1–2 33.3
Dragon Nightmare 1–2 33.3
Traditional Reanimator 6–16 27.3
Mono Black Reanimator 5–14 26.3
Grixis Reanimator 1–0 100.0
Dubious Challenge 1–0 100.0
Maniac Combo 0–1 0.0
Hypergenesis 0–1 0.0
Jeskai Ascendancy 0–1 0.0
Jeskai Jeskai Ascendancy 0–1 0.0
Fake-Twin 1–3 25.0
Jeskai Fake-Twin 1–2 33.3
Naya Fake-Twin 0–1 0.0
Eggs 1–0 100.0
Lookout-Buccaneer Combo 4–1 80.0
Retraction Helix Combo 1–0 100.0
Izzet Ascension 1–0 100.0
Ominous Good 0–1 0.0
Soulflayer 2–0 100.0
Breakfast 3–3 50.0
Cephalid Breakfast 2–1 66.7
Druid Cephalid Breakfast 1–1 50.0
Oops All Spells 1–2 33.3
Gyruda 0–1 0.0
Belcher 0–1 0.0
Control 179–159 53.0
Esper Control 1–2 33.3
Demonic Rising 1–0 100.0
Dimir Control 19–22 46.3
Azorius Control 2–3 40.0
Izzet Control 6–3 66.7
Mardu Control 0–1 0.0
Mill 1–1 50.0
Cloudpost Control 2–3 40.0
Azorius Cloudpost Control 1–1 50.0
Blackpost 1–0 100.0
Mono Blue Cloudpost Control 0–2 0.0
Grixis Control 6–7 46.2
Jeskai Control 1–2 33.3
Ponza 3–2 60.0
Mono White Control 0–1 0.0
Cycling Control 19–7 73.1
Astral Slide 19–7 73.1
Sultai Control 2–4 33.3
Guildgate Control 92–92 50.0
Bant Control 1–2 33.3
Temur Reclamation 20–6 76.9
Pox 0–1 0.0
Orzhov Control 3–0 100.0
Aggro-Combo 33–20 62.3
Aristocrats 28–16 63.6
Mono Black Aristocrats 1–1 50.0
Golgari Aristocrats 2–1 66.7
Food 25–14 64.1
Burn 4–2 66.7
Infect 1–0 100.0
Blazing Shoal Infect 1–0 100.0
Trickbind Dreadnought 0–2 0.0
Mono Blue Dreadnought 0–2 0.0
Aggro-Control 66–61 52.0
Izzet Tempo 29–22 56.9
Azorius Skies 3–6 33.3
Blue Madness 2–2 50.0
Simic Madness 1–2 33.3
Temur Madness 1–0 100.0
Mono Blue Tempo 12–17 41.4
Izzet Spells 16–10 61.5
Dimir Tempo 1–1 50.0
Combo-Control 9–6 60.0
Burning Vengeance 2–0 100.0
Cruel Combo-Control 1–1 50.0
Battle of Wits 1–1 50.0
Mindcrank 1–0 100.0
Displace Loop 1–0 100.0
Yosei Vat 1–0 100.0
Mass Land Destruction 0–4 0.0
Wildfire 0–4 0.0
Thryx-Wildfire 0–1 0.0
Borderpost Wildfire 0–1 0.0
Midrange 104–102 50.5
The Rock 3–3 50.0
Abzan Midrange 2–0 100.0
Selesnya Midrange 1–0 100.0
Selesnya Value Town 1–0 100.0
Jund 1–0 100.0
Blink 5–3 62.5
Wave Blink 1–3 25.0
Esper Wave 1–2 33.3
Azorius Wave 0–1 0.0
Graveyard Value 5–1 83.3
Allies 1–0 100.0
Mardu Allies 1–0 100.0
Fake-Rack 2–0 100.0
Vampires 1–0 100.0
Mono Black Vampires 1–0 100.0
Rakdos Midrange 4–2 66.7
Big Red 0–2 0.0
Mono Black Midrange 50–68 42.4
Mono Black Devotion 46–67 40.7
Davriel Braids 1–0 100.0
Dimir Midrange 11–15 42.3
Toughness Matters 5–3 62.5
Lifegain Midrange 2–0 100.0
Adventures 4–0 100.0
Sultai Midrange 1–1 50.0
Orzhov Midrange 2–2 50.0
Mythic Colossification 0–1 0.0
Neoform 1–0 100.0
UBRG Neoform 1–0 100.0
Ramp 8–11 42.1
Cloudpost Ramp 1–5 16.7
Arcum's Not Astrolabe 1–0 100.0
Greenpost 0–5 0.0
Domain 1–0 100.0
Sarkhan's Unsealing Ramp 1–1 50.0
Applejacks 2–1 66.7