4 Hermit Druid 1 Mogis's Marauder 3 Psychatog 2 Spiritmonger 2 Abhorrent Overlord 1 Sutured Ghoul 1 Krosan Cloudscraper 3 Sinister Concoction 3 Animate Dead 2 Anticipate 2 Lat-Nam's Legacy 1 Memory's Journey 2 Trial of Ambition 3 Circular Logic 3 Life/Death 1 Sultai Charm 3 Dread Return 1 Blighted Fen 1 Dreadship Reef 2 Golgari Guildgate 1 Grim Backwoods 4 Opulent Palace 2 Simic Guildgate 4 Temple of Mystery 4 Vivid Marsh 4 Waterveil Cavern 1 Trygon Predator 1 Conclave Naturalists 2 Compost 2 Lay Bare the Heart 2 Memory's Journey 1 Naturalize 3 Flaying Tendrils 1 Sultai Ascendancy 2 Lobotomy