2 Fblthp, the Lost 2 Angel of Condemnation 3 Brago, King Eternal 3 Elite Guardmage 2 Pondering Mage 3 Dovin's Veto 2 Guild Globe 1 Horribly Awry 3 Mastery of the Unseen 3 See Beyond 1 Dovin's Acuity 2 Ghostway 3 Neutralize 3 Oblivion Ring 2 Ixalan's Binding 1 Skybind 4 Azorius Guildgate 4 Coastal Tower 3 Flood Plain 8 Island 1 Mystic Sanctuary 4 Plains 4 Soul-Guide Lantern 1 Dovin's Veto 2 Hindering Light 1 Horribly Awry 2 Keep Safe 1 Quash 1 Summary Dismissal 3 Trigon of Thought