4 Birds of Paradise 4 Orcish Lumberjack 2 Heartfire Immolator 4 Ramunap Excavator 2 Pia and Kiran Nalaar 1 Glorybringer 3 Lava Dart 4 Mycosynth Wellspring 4 Talisman of Creativity 4 Furnace Celebration 4 Smokestack 2 Trading Post 6 Forest 10 Mountain 2 Rootbound Crag 4 Terramorphic Expanse 2 Heartfire Immolator 3 Flametongue Kavu 1 Pia and Kiran Nalaar 2 Mistcutter Hydra 2 Soul-Guide Lantern 1 Sylvan Library 4 Boiling Seas