4 Gatebreaker Ram 2 Saruli Gatekeepers 4 Gate Colossus 4 Anticipate 4 Growth Spiral 3 Teferi's Time Twist 2 Cry of the Carnarium 2 Forbid 4 Guild Summit 4 Sultai Charm 2 Circuitous Route 3 Azorius Guildgate 4 Dimir Guildgate 2 Forest 4 Golgari Guildgate 3 Island 1 Orzhov Guildgate 2 Selesnya Guildgate 4 Simic Guildgate 2 Swamp 1 Saruli Gatekeepers 3 Epic Downfall 3 Gainsay 2 Negate 2 Return to Nature 3 Banishing Light 1 Cry of the Carnarium