2 Beloved Princess 2 Healer's Hawk 2 Segovian Angel 2 Vernadi Shieldmate 2 Arlinn's Wolf 2 Ferocious Pup 1 Linden, the Steadfast Queen 2 Lone Wolf 2 Deafening Silence 2 Nissa's Triumph 2 Giant Opportunity 2 Howlpack Resurgence 2 Prison Realm 1 Teyo, the Shieldmage 2 Circuitous Route 2 Parallel Lives 1 The Wanderer 2 Wolfrider's Saddle 2 Raised by Wolves 2 Wolfkin Bond 2 Arlinn, Voice of the Pack 1 Howl of the Night Pack 10 Forest 10 Plains 2 Beloved Princess 2 Healer's Hawk 2 Vernadi Shieldmate 2 Arlinn's Wolf 2 Return to Nature 2 Natural End 1 Teyo, the Shieldmage 2 Wolfkin Bond