3 Arboreal Grazer 4 Coiling Oracle 4 Elvish Rejuvenator 4 Archway Angel 2 Gate Colossus 2 Ephemerate 3 Mana Leak 1 Recoup 4 Gates Ablaze 4 Guild Summit 2 Oblivion Ring 1 Rakdos's Return 1 Villainous Wealth 2 Azorius Guildgate 1 Boros Guildgate 2 Dimir Guildgate 2 Forest 3 Golgari Guildgate 3 Gruul Guildgate 2 Island 3 Izzet Guildgate 3 Selesnya Guildgate 4 Simic Guildgate 1 Sphinx of the Final Word 1 Burst Lightning 4 Duress 4 Negate 2 Pyroclasm 3 Return to Nature