4 Bloodthrone Vampire 3 Hanweir Militia Captain 4 Vizier of Remedies 4 Zulaport Cutthroat 2 Grim Haruspex 4 Butcher of the Horde 1 Falkenrath Noble 3 Murderous Redcap 2 Shock 4 Dragon Fodder 2 Ultimate Price 2 Utter End 2 Start/Finish 1 Immortal Servitude 2 Boros Guildgate 3 Grand Coliseum 3 Mountain 4 Nomad Outpost 2 Orzhov Guildgate 3 Plains 2 Rakdos Guildgate 3 Swamp 2 Sin Collector 2 Voldaren Pariah 2 Scarab Feast 2 Sylvok Lifestaff 2 Seal of Cleansing 1 Refraction Trap 2 Slaughter Games