4 Ichorclaw Myr 4 Plague Myr 4 Plague Stinger 2 Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive 1 Harsh Scrutiny 2 Addle 2 Agony Warp 2 Bile Blight 3 Corrupted Resolve 2 Dimir Charm 1 Distress 3 Go for the Throat 2 Think Twice 2 Consult the Necrosages 4 Supreme Will 3 Aether Hub 3 Bad River 3 Dismal Backwater 6 Island 7 Swamp 2 Deathmark 1 Divest 1 Sentinel Totem 3 Flashfreeze 3 Moment of Craving 2 Flaying Tendrils 1 Perish 2 Summary Dismissal