4 Wharf Infiltrator 1 Shambling Attendants 1 Necropolis Fiend 3 Divest 2 Executioner's Capsule 2 Call the Bloodline 1 Dimir Charm 1 Moment of Craving 2 Smother 2 Dissipate 4 Hedron Alignment 4 Tragic Lesson 1 Tribute to Hunger 2 Void Shatter 3 Fortune's Favor 2 Treasure Cruise 2 Clash of Wills 3 Arcane Sanctum 4 Choked Estuary 2 Encroaching Wastes 7 Island 7 Swamp 1 Sphinx of the Final Word 2 Invasive Surgery 2 Lay Bare the Heart 2 Moment of Craving 1 Murder 2 Pick the Brain 1 Tribute to Hunger 2 Summary Dismissal 1 Treasure Cruise