1 Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel 3 Chrome Host Seedshark 2 Horned Loch-Whale 2 Burst Lightning 4 Galvanic Discharge 4 Tune the Narrative 4 Aether Spike 1 Search for Azcanta 1 Electrolyze 1 Forbid 4 Invert Polarity 1 Sweltering Suns 2 Fact or Fiction 2 Ill-Timed Explosion 1 Roaring Furnace/Steaming Sauna 2 Dig Through Time 2 Repeal 9 Island 4 Mountain 3 Shivan Reef 4 Sulfur Falls 2 Temple of Epiphany 1 Wandering Fumarole 2 Niv-Mizzet, Parun 3 Pithing Needle 3 Abrade 1 Cyclonic Rift 1 Forbid 2 Sweltering Suns 1 Desynchronization 2 Ill-Timed Explosion