4 Aftermath Analyst 4 Vessel of Nascency 4 Drown in Filth 2 Malicious Eclipse 4 Wasteful Harvest 2 Hostile Negotiations 4 Splendid Reclamation 3 Terror Tide 4 Flotsam/Jetsam 2 Alchemist's Refuge 1 Arch of Orazca 1 Brokers Hideout 1 Cabaretti Courtyard 4 Field of the Dead 5 Forest 1 Island 1 Maestros Theater 1 Mountain 1 Obscura Storefront 1 Plains 4 Riveteers Overlook 5 Swamp 1 Volatile Fault 1 Silent Gravestone 3 Wilt 4 Lost Legacy 1 Malicious Eclipse 3 Pharika's Libation 3 Erebos's Intervention