3 Beastcaller Savant 4 Halimar Excavator 4 Harabaz Druid 4 Jwari Shapeshifter 2 Ondu Cleric 4 Oran-Rief Survivalist 3 Akoum Flameseeker 4 Adventurous Impulse 2 Captain's Claws 1 The Restoration of Eiganjo 1 Garruk, Primal Hunter 1 Shamanic Revelation 2 Rally the Ancestors 3 Genesis Wave 3 Ally Encampment 1 Celestial Colonnade 3 Escape Tunnel 4 Forest 1 Island 1 Mountain 1 Mystic Gate 2 Plains 2 Sunpetal Grove 2 Temple of Plenty 2 Yavimaya Coast 2 Ondu Cleric 2 Purify the Grave 2 Disenchant 2 Day of Judgment 2 Fracturing Gust 1 Rally the Ancestors