4 Halimar Excavator 4 Harabaz Druid 4 Jwari Shapeshifter 4 Metallic Mimic 4 Ondu Cleric 4 Sleight of Hand 1 Captain's Claws 3 Jace's Erasure 1 Eerie Interlude 2 Mind Funeral 1 Shamanic Revelation 2 Repeal 1 Genesis Wave 2 Immortal Servitude 2 Ally Encampment 1 Choked Estuary 2 Drowned Catacomb 3 Glacial Fortress 4 Hinterland Harbor 7 Island 1 Nephalia Drownyard 2 Seaside Citadel 1 Swamp 4 Silent Gravestone 1 Eerie Interlude 2 Memoricide 4 Settle the Wreckage 3 Fracturing Gust