4 Devouring Sugarmaw 2 Flame-Kin Zealot 4 Geological Appraiser 2 Twinshot Sniper 3 Goblin Dark-Dwellers 1 Siege-Gang Commander 4 Oliphaunt 4 Boonweaver Giant 4 Chancellor of the Forge 4 Glimpse of Tomorrow 4 Etali's Favor 2 Big Score 4 Battlefield Forge 3 Clifftop Retreat 1 Ghitu Encampment 2 Kher Keep 8 Mountain 2 Plains 2 Rugged Prairie 2 Twinshot Sniper 1 Cavalier of Dawn 3 Timeless Dragon 4 Spitebellows 4 Wrath of God 1 Cleansing Nova