4 Krosan Wayfarer 3 Budoka Gardener 3 Path to Exile 3 Spell Pierce 4 Deduce 4 Make Disappear 3 Spelunking 4 Map the Frontier 4 Hour of Promise 1 Canopy Vista 1 Castle Vantress 2 Creosote Heath 1 Eroded Canyon 1 Festering Gulch 4 Field of the Dead 1 Flood Plain 2 Flooded Grove 2 Forest 1 Forlorn Flats 1 Grasslands 2 Island 2 Lush Oasis 2 Mirage Mesa 1 Plains 1 Prairie Stream 1 Temple of Mystery 1 Temple of Plenty 1 Wooded Bastion 2 Cerulean Drake 4 An Offer You Can't Refuse 3 Silent Gravestone 4 Wrath of God 2 Pest Infestation