4 Aftermath Analyst 4 Deeproot Wayfinder 4 Courser of Kruphix 3 Tireless Tracker 3 Izoni, Center of the Web 4 Path to Exile 4 Abrupt Decay 4 Damn 2 Maelstrom Pulse 4 Spelunking 2 Vraska, Golgari Queen 4 Hour of Promise 3 Brokers Hideout 2 Brushland 1 Canopy Vista 1 Cave of the Frost Dragon 1 Caves of Koilos 2 Escape Tunnel 4 Field of the Dead 3 Forest 1 Hissing Quagmire 1 Isolated Chapel 2 Llanowar Wastes 1 Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers 2 Plains 3 Riveteers Overlook 1 Scattered Groves 1 Shizo, Death's Storehouse 1 Stirring Wildwood 1 Sunpetal Grove 2 Swamp 1 Temple of Malady 1 Temple of Plenty 1 Temple of Silence 1 Wooded Bastion 1 Woodland Cemetery 2 Scavenging Ooze 1 Yorion, Sky Nomad 4 Disfigure 2 Requisition Raid 3 Sorcerous Spyglass 3 Cease/Desist