4 Blistercoil Weird 4 General Ferrous Rokiric 4 Lilah, Undefeated Slickshot 4 Burst Lightning 2 Helping Hand 4 Lightning Helix 1 No More Lies 4 Slick Sequence 4 Electrolyze 4 Collected Conjuring 1 Ill-Timed Explosion 4 Battlefield Forge 2 Grand Coliseum 2 Irrigated Farmland 2 Island 1 Mountain 2 Mystic Gate 4 Pillar of the Paruns 1 Plains 2 Rugged Prairie 4 Shivan Reef 4 Figure of Destiny 3 Malcolm, the Eyes 2 Helping Hand 3 No More Lies 3 Ill-Timed Explosion