2 Dragonlord Ojutai 2 Condemn 4 Opt 1 Oust 1 Cyclonic Rift 4 Mana Leak 2 Search for Azcanta 1 Council's Judgment 3 Gideon of the Trials 1 Jace, Mirror Mage 3 Render Silent 1 Ojutai's Command 2 Settle the Wreckage 2 Doomskar 1 Gideon Jura 1 Jace, Unraveler of Secrets 1 Austere Command 2 Logic Knot 1 Sphinx's Revelation 3 Brokers Hideout 4 Celestial Colonnade 8 Island 3 Obscura Storefront 5 Plains 2 Prairie Stream 1 Nezahal, Primal Tide 1 Pithing Needle 3 Spell Pierce 1 Disdainful Stroke 1 Nevermore 1 Paraselene 2 Rule of Law 2 Vedalken Shackles 1 Doomskar 2 Fracturing Gust