4 Aven Heartstabber 3 Lazav, Wearer of Faces 2 Ludevic, Necrogenius 2 Dimir Cutpurse 2 Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths 3 Fallen Shinobi 4 Nemesis of Reason 1 The Scarab God 1 Dragonlord Silumgar 4 Dark Ritual 2 Spell Pierce 3 Mana Leak 1 King Narfi's Betrayal 3 Sauron's Ransom 2 Soul Manipulation 3 Choked Estuary 3 Drowned Catacomb 3 Fetid Pools 6 Island 2 Sunken Hollow 1 Sunken Ruins 5 Swamp 1 Hostage Taker 3 Duress 1 Long Goodbye 2 Unmoored Ego 3 Ravenous Trap 1 Yahenni's Expertise 1 Ob Nixilis Reignited 1 Repeal 2 Slice from the Shadows