3 Fae of Wishes 4 Shigeki, Jukai Visionary 1 Argentum Masticore 1 Thragtusk 2 All-Seeing Arbiter 3 Colossal Skyturtle 2 Mirrorshell Crab 3 Explore 1 Search for Azcanta 2 Confounding Riddle 1 Sweltering Suns 3 Fires of Invention 1 Gifts Ungiven 3 Ill-Timed Explosion 1 Plow Under 1 Primal Command 1 River's Rebuke 1 Walk the Aeons 1 Star of Extinction 3 Escape Tunnel 2 Forest 2 Hinterland Harbor 2 Island 2 Mountain 4 Rootbound Crag 2 Sheltered Thicket 2 Shivan Reef 2 Sulfur Falls 4 Yavimaya Coast 4 Pithing Needle 1 Naturalize 1 Fires of Invention 1 Ill-Timed Explosion 1 Slaughter Games 1 Invoke the Ancients 1 Thought Distortion 1 Walk the Aeons 1 Cruel Ultimatum 1 Ruinous Ultimatum 1 Sandwurm Convergence 1 Scavenger Grounds