4 Basking Rootwalla 1 Gutterbones 4 Putrid Imp 4 Lotleth Troll 2 Scrapheap Scrounger 4 Wild Mongrel 4 Flamewake Phoenix 4 Squee, Goblin Nabob 1 Genesis 3 Ghoulsteed 4 Hollow One 2 Bitter Triumph 1 Rites of Spring 1 Leave/Chance 1 Canyon Slough 1 Cinder Glade 2 Forest 3 Llanowar Wastes 1 Mountain 2 Rootbound Crag 3 Sheltered Thicket 2 Smoldering Marsh 2 Swamp 4 Woodland Cemetery 2 Razorlash Transmogrant 4 Duress 2 Wheel of Sun and Moon 3 Lost Legacy 2 Maelstrom Pulse 2 Pick Your Poison