4 Condemn 1 Dawn of Hope 4 Deduce 1 Disdainful Stroke 2 Mana Leak 1 Search for Azcanta 2 Council's Judgment 1 Crucible of Worlds 3 Dissolve 2 Forbid 2 Gideon of the Trials 2 Jace, Wielder of Mysteries 1 Rewind 3 Wrath of God 2 Gideon Jura 2 Dig Through Time 2 Sphinx's Revelation 4 Celestial Colonnade 4 Glacial Fortress 4 Irrigated Farmland 4 Island 2 Plains 4 Prairie Stream 3 Volatile Fault 3 Meddling Mage 2 Pithing Needle 1 Silent Gravestone 2 Disdainful Stroke 3 Disenchant 1 Gainsay 2 Settle the Wreckage 1 Volatile Fault