4 Basking Rootwalla 4 Putrid Imp 2 Diamond Lion 3 Voldaren Bloodcaster 2 Stromkirk Occultist 3 Hell Mongrel 2 Restless Dreams 2 Avacyn's Judgment 2 Call the Bloodline 1 Murderous Compulsion 2 Thrill of Possibility 4 Alms of the Vein 1 Dying to Serve 4 Fiery Temper 1 From Under the Floorboards 4 Dragonskull Summit 1 Graven Cairns 1 Lake of the Dead 3 Llanowar Wastes 5 Mountain 9 Swamp 2 Grave Scrabbler 1 Voldaren Pariah 1 Sire of Insanity 1 Bereavement 3 Murderous Compulsion 2 Elspeth's Nightmare 2 Necropotence 2 Carnival/Carnage 1 Gibbering Descent