2 Blistercoil Weird 2 Electrostatic Infantry 1 Eruth, Tormented Prophet 2 Wee Dragonauts 3 Tolarian Terror 1 Bedlam Reveler 2 Infernal Plunge 4 Mizzium Skin 4 Quicken 4 Spell Pierce 4 See the Truth 2 Collective Defiance 2 Frantic Search 2 Kari Zev's Expertise 1 Stitch in Time 4 Collected Conjuring 1 Epic Experiment 2 Logic Knot 7 Island 1 Izzet Boilerworks 5 Mountain 4 Sulfur Falls 2 Artifact Blast 2 Kiora's Dismissal 2 Combust 2 Swerve 2 Thunderbolt 2 Anger of the Gods 1 Kari Zev's Expertise 2 Role Reversal