2 Greedy Freebooter 4 Insolent Neonate 3 Enterprising Scallywag 1 Expedition Skulker 2 Marauding Raptor 3 Sygg, River Cutthroat 2 Dire Fleet Warmonger 1 Scytheclaw Raptor 1 Dinotomaton 2 Merrow Grimeblotter 1 Dire Fleet Ravager 1 Etali, Primal Storm 1 Zagras, Thief of Heartbeats 4 Mizzium Mortars 1 Saheeli's Lattice 4 Throne of the Grim Captain 3 Tithing Blade 1 Visage of Dread 4 Dragonskull Summit 9 Mountain 10 Swamp 3 Tergrid, God of Fright 4 Soul-Guide Lantern 4 Sorcerous Spyglass 3 Thorn of Amethyst 1 Nevinyrral's Disk