4 Clattering Augur 2 Elvish Visionary 4 Urborg Lhurgoyf 4 Egon, God of Death 1 Genesis 4 Writhing Necromass 4 Ghoultree 2 Old Stickfingers 4 Corpse Churn 4 Drown in Filth 4 Grapple with the Past 1 Talons of Wildwood 7 Forest 4 Hissing Quagmire 5 Swamp 2 Temple of Malady 4 Woodland Cemetery 2 Thrashing Brontodon 2 Obstinate Baloth 3 Soul-Guide Lantern 3 Sorcerous Spyglass 3 Flaying Tendrils 2 Lost Legacy