2 Eternal Scourge 4 Matter Reshaper 2 Lodestone Golem 4 Reality Smasher 4 Endbringer 2 Oblivion Sower 2 Triskelion 2 Ulamog's Crusher 2 Artisan of Kozilek 2 Pathrazer of Ulamog 2 It That Betrays 4 Monument to Perfection 4 Spatial Contortion 1 Staff of Nin 1 Arch of Orazca 4 Cloudpost 1 Crawling Barrens 4 Glimmerpost 2 Mystifying Maze 2 Sanctum of Ugin 4 Sea Gate Wreckage 1 Springjack Pasture 2 Throne of the High City 2 Urza's Factory 3 Phyrexian Revoker 2 Lodestone Golem 4 Soul-Guide Lantern 4 Thorn of Amethyst 2 Crucible of Worlds