4 Bloodbraid Marauder 4 Shardless Agent 4 Bloodbraid Elf 2 Twinshot Sniper 1 Inevitable Betrayal 4 Gleeful Demolition 4 Cleansing Wildfire 4 Founding the Third Path 1 Izzet Charm 2 Rise and Shine 2 Electrolyze 1 Gilt-Leaf Ambush 1 Garruk Wildspeaker 2 Treasure Cruise 2 Forest 4 Ghost Quarter 2 Island 4 Mountain 4 Silverbluff Bridge 4 Slagwoods Bridge 4 Tanglepool Bridge 3 Cerulean Drake 1 Inevitable Betrayal 1 Scrabbling Claws 2 Arc Trail 4 Curse of Shaken Faith 1 Quiet Disrepair 3 Tear Asunder