1 Halo Scarab 4 Narcomoeba 4 Blackbloom Rogue 3 Laboratory Maniac 3 Simian Spirit Guide 4 Undercity Informer 4 Balustrade Spy 1 Azami, Lady of Scrolls 2 Umara Wizard 1 Angel of Glory's Rise 1 Phantasmagorian 4 Dark Ritual 4 Malakir Rebirth 4 Ponder 4 Cabal Ritual 4 Jwari Disruption 1 Memory's Journey 4 Silundi Vision 2 Dread Return 2 Goblin Charbelcher 3 Repeal 4 Duress 3 Spell Pierce 2 Snapback 2 Goblin Charbelcher 1 Repeal 3 Disrupting Shoal